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Everything posted by Lowgravity

  1. I have bunny ears and a sycthe :thumbsup:
  2. It does, however, have a 50% protection against players does it not? That still is technicly cutting the opponents attack/strength skill in HALF from a level 43 [that you can get in a day] skill. And does it matter if you see a lot of people using it or not? It's still there and it still is an overpowered skill. Perhaps if they lowered it down to 15% (within line of all of the +str/+def/+attack prayers) it would be *much* more ballanced. mabe not 15% ud be better just using a def prayer bbut i do agree its silightly to much mabe 30% That prayer gives 15% deffense not 15% absorption, two different things my friend, two very different things. 30% is still much too much. I don't understand why they even changed it from RS1 melee protect pray (immune against melee attack from monsters, and no effect against other players). In fairness to Jagex I think they are looking at is wrong with the wilderness and fixing it, or atleast trying. There was a big teleporting issue, they adding teleblock, it's not ideal but they DID do something to counteract it, there's protection prays, they added smite, still not great but still trying to counteract the bad things in the wilderness, 1 iteming people get smited. Things are slowly getting fixed, it's just not quite there yet.
  3. Oh and another memory just came to me, the release of Underground Pass. This quest was VERY hard when it was just released, took lots of brain power and you had to have a good memory and good puzzle solving skills, this was at a skill level the previous quests have never even come close to! I got confused so much doing this, and meeting people along the way and helping eachother out with hints to what we have to do, eventually I completed it and apparently I was 8th to complete it!? (2 people said it to me randomly, but I doubt it's true) but I did finish it very quickly and played practically non stop till I finished it , that quest was legendary in RS1 but I did it on RS2 on another account and barely enjoyed it . And i'd like to thank whichever really high level it was who told me to go buy a arrow from the lil' shop on the way when before I had started the quest (before I even got into the tunnel place)
  4. 14734 So this is where everyone gets their postcount up :-k
  5. The wild used to be ruined, but now recently mature people are having civilized fights without name calling and lame tactics of course RS2 wild will never amount to what RS1 wild was but with what swampjedi said about more rules it could become more fun and interesting. F2P pking is better than P2P pking, it's more simple, there are no stupidly unbalanced things, the PVP triangle works correctly and in deep wild it's alot more fun, and instead of the person with the best stats winnings there are actual skills and strategys involved. In summary the wilderness used to be ruined, but slowly it is rebuilding and in the future may become great.
  6. Question for everyone debating, whos name would you remember more, a non-skiller with alot of 99 stats, or a level 3-10 with alot of 99 stats? I would personally remember the level 3's because high levels with alot of high stats that you see in game you generally just forget about them, but the level 3's seem to stick in your mind. But I still personally think if you have no interest in combat and just like skilling then make a level 3 skiller, for the shock value, but if your a level 3 skiller always thinking of how cool combat would be, just skill on your main. I would personally never make a level 3 skiller, I wouldn't want to waste XP on another character other than my main, especially if it wasn't going to amount to anything. And I like to try out new stuff, new mini games and new items etc, but if you are a level 3 skiller most likely you cannot test out this new skill or whatnot.
  7. Avp2 isnt out yet :lol: . Have to wait till late 2007 >_> Ima add some new refferences soon. HMM what movie series am I thinking of then... :-k
  8. Very interesting theory, are these compared to AVP 1 or AVP 2 (btw AVP = alien VS predator)
  9. Wow spectacular pictures, you got photography SKILLZ. What is #8? looks like theres a stick floating, did you put it up there to make it look like a cross or was it naturally there? spooky. #4 is my fav :D
  10. Haha wow I can remember doing that as well #-o , I thought he was a player and told him to stop attacking me.
  11. There was no tutorial island in rs1 beta... :shame: It was introduced like.. ages into it.
  12. Just play casual, just because you have an active account and you are playing doesn't mean you have to go on whenever you have spare time or whenever you want to, and if you don't have enough will power to not get addicted just go back.
  13. Texturing and colouring is really good but the dragon linework is off. It's body is way to thin, looks like a lizard instead of a mighty dragon! needs bigger horns and bigger wings, longer body, bigger front legs. It's like the head and neck are really good then it merges into a really small dragon that doesnt fit, but it is your first attempt at a dragon so naturally there will be some anatomy issues, but good luck on your next one and great colouring just BEEF IT OUT \
  14. Of course I lost I was halfway through when I read the forums saying I had like 1 hour left =D>
  15. "Noob" and "Pure" no longer have any meaning in RS2.
  16. Get rid of the lense flare and blend the render and then I will rate it :
  17. Great, just a tip though (if possible) to make the black outlines of the speech bubble and the text slightly larger so it's even more cartoony? Anyway hope to see more from you soon =D>
  18. I like it, it's more comic strip-ey with the way you made the text in speech bubbles and the sub titles in top left. I like the *Stupid innuendo bit, pretty original edits here too bad you didn't make it longer. :thumbsup:
  19. Did you even play rs1? :-$ OT: All the REAL Big B0y's
  20. DAMN lucky Alex wasn't in this comp or he would have taken this [cabbage] hands down!
  21. Song sucks, sig is GREAT though! Nice render and good job blending & making the colours in the sig similair colour, looks kinda weird without a name on it though :boohoo:
  22. The dragon wearing guy on sig #5 looks suspiciously like one of MXM's sigs :-k anyway you're not getting worse, I thought I was when I attempted a pixel recently and it was disasterous but sometimes they just don't work out and im doing another one and it feels like i've improved alot :thumbsup: so just keep going and eventually you will come out of the dip.
  23. Well since you want some C/C here you go; Naruto's hair is slightly floppier on the [bleep]es, make it like 1px more droopy. His neck is atleast 1px each side too thin. The cloth on his headband is more navy blue than that. Make his brow go further to his nose so his eyes don't look like they're so far apart. His collar goes too far out, make it closer to the neck, this might not be necessary if you beef out the neck though. Make his nose 1px lower and more rounded. AND THEN YOU HAVE ACHIEVED PERFECTION! Really though it's very very good, great use of colours and the MSN one is the best, looks great, and is very obviously Naruto. GOOD [cabbage] :thumbsup:
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