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Everything posted by magzar

  1. I'd love to see a quest for both Dagannoths and Kalphites that allowed you to upgrade your keris and Balmung to make them better than a whip for their respective tasks.
  2. I seriously doubt that players who have most likely magnified their bank worth considerably will not spend their newly found wealth. Assuming that they won't is silly. well some of the merch clan leaders who got tipped off by jmods to this update probably have no need of it... but for the average pker, yes that money will be gone in seconds. I agree that the average PKer would turn around and spend that money quickly. However the average PKer is not going to have a big enough stack for it to really matter. The people I was meaning were thouse who already have huge cash piles sitting in their banks. These are the people who were most likely to have hoarded the boots. They already have more money than they can use. So they'll just have more coins gathering dust in their banks. Concerning the percentage of PKers to other players. If we assume the population of the PKing community is around 4.2% of the total community as stated, that means the 4.2% of the community has potential to have stocks of climbing boots. However not ever PKer uses climbing boots. Richer PKers are likely not to. Also, there are a lot of players who, if they lost their boots would just run to the sherpa to get another pair rather than amass them in their banks, or just have a few pairs rather than a stack. So let's say that maybe a third of those players have more than 50 pairs. (please keep in mind I am speculating and not stating this as fact.) So a third of 64,000 is about 21,300, which is about 1.5% of the population. So let's remover the radical factors which are the players whose cash piles are already so huge as to never possibly be used, and whittle it down to about 1%. That leaves roughly 13,000. Now let's estimate that the average number of boots per player among those 13,000, is oh i dunno, maybe 350. That comes out to a cash influx of about 204.75B. That's an average of about 15.75M per person. If you split that pot between the entirety of the 1.5M players, each person would get a whopping 136.5K. I don't know about you, but I don't get out of bed for 136K. Catastrophic? Get real.
  3. Perhaps, you should join a runescape fansite that uses your native language because I couldn't make out what you were saying. That being said, Runescape is an MMORPG, and the defining qualities of an RPG are quests and character development. Personally quests are why I play. I tend to let my membership lapse between new quests because I've gotten pretty bored with Runescape and if it weren't for the quests I would probably have quit. If you don't like quests, you probably shouldn't be playing an RPG. You're probably better suited to a FPS, or something of that nature. By the way Runescape's Questhelp, is to give hints. It is not meant to tell you how to do the quest. Using a guide or asking for help is not cheating. It can spoil the fun of the quests at times, but It's a multiplayer game, we're expected to use each other as resources. I admit that with quiet before the storm I had to find help for the bridge puzzle, and I used a guide for the slider puzzle in EW3. I'm not proud of it and I tried both on my own first, but in no way was I cheating by doing so. And liking one part of a game over another doesn't make you a geek, but asking for rewards without earning them does make you a lazy loser. So enjoy =D
  4. you can sell them to the shop 100 at a time. Ahh true, that I didn't take into account, but still the sheer fact that the number of players who will be doing this is so tiny will prevent it from having much impact. A few players will make buttloads that they'll never use, but that's it. I think maybe the biggest thing people are missing is that these boots are not and item that everyone had thousands of. Now if they suddenly made the various elemental runes worth 30k each we'd see incomprehensibly enormous inflation, because i think everony probably has a stack of those about a mile high. For there to be inflation from an item it really needs to be a widely massed item and climbing boots just weren't. Edit: @xpx - I by no means justify the update. I find it stupid and utterly pointless, but all in all it's not a big deal. There was no good reason to do it and I'd love if It was admitted that it wasn't a good update, however Jagex staff is totally justified by telling the players that they're overreacting, because they are. People are reacting like everyone was hoarding boots, and it's simply not the case. among the pking, and especially claning community they were, being a 12 gp easy to get item with very good stats. Like I said, that's a tiny fraction of the playerbase. The average player has never put on a pair of climbing boots outside of the quest they were required for. The fact remains that their only plausible use was in PKing, and considering the majority of players don't PK, or do so so infrequently as to not much care about what the most cost efficient footwear for PKing is, If renders the argument null and void.
  5. you can sell them to the shop 100 at a time. Ahh true, that I didn't take into account, but still the sheer fact that the number of players who will be doing this is so tiny will prevent it from having much impact. A few players will make buttloads that they'll never use, but that's it. I think maybe the biggest thing people are missing is that these boots are not and item that everyone had thousands of. Now if they suddenly made the various elemental runes worth 30k each we'd see incomprehensibly enormous inflation, because i think everony probably has a stack of those about a mile high. For there to be inflation from an item it really needs to be a widely massed item and climbing boots just weren't. Edit: @xpx - I by no means justify the update. I find it stupid and utterly pointless, but all in all it's not a big deal. There was no good reason to do it and I'd love if It was admitted that it wasn't a good update, however Jagex staff is totally justified by telling the players that they're overreacting, because they are. People are reacting like everyone was hoarding boots, and it's simply not the case.
  6. Ok, so not reading 14 pages, but honestly could everyone stop [bleep]ing for I dunno 10 seconds and think rationally. The percentage of people who had large amounts of climbing boots was minuscule. A few players might see an enormous wealth gain. That is if they can resolve themselves to alching thousands of boots. However if You really think about it, the majority of those people already have enough money that they can't be bothered to wast their time alching. Assuming I'm wrong, you can also subtract the cost of the hundreds of thousands of nature runes being used from the total price, which will lower the effect. All in all, between the relatively small number of players hoarding, their price at 30k above alch value making selling them impossible as buying them at above market price will result in a loss of money, players being to lazy to alch the vast quantities they have if they did hoard, and the cost of all the natures which are almost guaranteed to see a price spike if mass alching of boots starts, the effect of this update will be like a grain of sand in the desert. If this causes any large scale inflation, I'll eat my hat. The biggest causes of inflation are in fact PvP, and merch clans. So if you want to [bleep], [bleep] about them, and stop whining about something that doesn't bloody matter. Sidenote: IF you think the person who has 404,000 boots is really going to alch them all you're an idiot, flat out. I did a little quick math on the subject. I'm not sure the rate an efficient alcher can alch at so I took a guess of about 3 seconds per alch. So assuming that's correct, which it probably isn't, then to alch 404,000 boots would tak 14 DAYS of solid alching. That means never stopping for even a moment. So Those with vast amounts, may alch a little at a time, and prices may GRADUALLY inflate a little, but a spike isn't coming friends. Now please for the love of whoever the hell you worship, stop complaining about the damn game for 10 seconds and either play it or [bleep]ing quit. Honestly the player base has gone straight to hell. I guess that's what happens when the happy young players that started playing this game years ago become depressive disillusioned adults. I'd also like to say that I'm sorry to the filter for making it work to the degree that I did in this post. Edit: @returnofmic - They don't have to ask players how many boots they have, it's their game. They just check the data files on the players and see how many they have. Remember there are millions of active players. Personally I had one pair of boots, and I'd never even heard of people hoarding them. I never even knew people used them, and to be honest the only players who massed them were PKers and Merchers, which as we all know is a tiny tiny fraction of the population. And of that tiny fraction, there's another tiny fraction who ever saw the need to have huge numbers of them.
  7. As someone who started playing in early 01 when pking was everywhere, I can tell you that getting killed 3 times while attempting Cook's Assistant was really not fun at all.
  8. maybe there's also hope of the old wildy coming back. /sarcasm
  9. So the first time you came out of a dungeon you knew how to make Prestige work? Right.... Although levels do kinda go up, as a 119 on F2P, the highest I fight solo is in the 70s. Anything lower and really its just a 1-2 punch Actually, yes. The directions on how to use it made perfect sense to me. the number of consecutive floors you've done without repeating = prestige level. It seemed pretty much common sense.
  10. HYPE ENGINES ENERGIZED! PREPARING FOR HYPE JUMP IN 10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1 HYPE JUMP SUCCESSFUL NOW ENTERING HYPE SPACE OT: Just zoomed in, looks like dungeoneering in the background. I see a damage splat so I doubt it's a funorb game.
  11. how was prestige ever confusing? I understood it right off the bat.
  12. I'm gonna go out on a big gnarly limb here and say what about Port Phasmatys? Perhaps the altar is beneath the Ectofunctus. After all ectoplasm is basically the liquefied by product of a soul, and a ghost is basically a soul sans body. This probably isn't right, but I could definitely see a possibility for it there. The chances are somewhat slim considering the proximity to the blood altar, but I wouldn't rule it out offhand.
  13. i went nuts on them going for my cape, i'm only missing nomad and the blood pact right now, i need to get that back.
  14. Ya... they are lazy because they gave next weeks update early... keep being smart kiddo Next week's update was CW improvements? Nice to see them working hard. Ungrateful kids ftw. Hopefully you grow up soon but......but.....i hate castle wars =(
  15. since when did EW ever have a story? And there's a blocked tunnel down there that could mean more doors beyond that.
  16. Where did you read this? I don't see it. I call bs. Jagex always caters to low end high mobility games that suite the largest variety of people. I would look for them to make runescape work on those internet capable mobile phone/computer things. But, thats as exotic as it will get. I don't think you'll ever see RS come in dvds you buy at the store and need nvidia 1gb+ graphic gards. They changed it ever since WoL, since it's not java Unless I'm mistaken, WoL wasn't made by Jagex, they just sponsored it. Also I can't imagine Runescape going of of browsers. They have a near monopoly as far as "browser-based+ MMO's go. In fact the fact that it's browser based and so easily accessible is one point that they make sure to keep at the forefront. That's not to say I wouldn't love to see runescape get a missive update into c++ as it would surely open up countless new avenues. However I think it's fine as is. It's carved out its own niche in the gaming world that absolutely no one can compete with. Runescape's accessibility thanks to java is also a huge boon. You can literally walk into a public library and play, no muss no fuss. If it were played through a downloaded client you couldn't do that. I can't imagine the people in the library would be ok with you walking in and downloading things onto public computers.
  17. Back when everyone was calling for item lending I posted a suggestion that actually turned out to be exactly what we ended up with. I was the first(that I saw) to suggest timers. I've also suggested a belt slot over and over and over.
  18. It was purposefully spelled that way because of some roleplay. The guy I was roleplaying as just so happened to have a similar name...And the same face. Anywho. Indeed. Whew that's a relief. Not that 90% of the population even has a clue who Winston Churchill is mind you, but still. OT: I'm definitely sick of no update weeks. It's getting to the point where updates have become predominantly bi-weekly rather than weekly as they're supposed to be. I can sort of understand that as the game grows it becomes harder to integrate new updates in the game and work out bugs, but still Jagex is rich enough to hire the necessary staff to crank out at least 3 updates a month. That's actual content updates, not the little extras like graphics and whatnot.
  19. Wyverns ;) most people use dfs though Are you implying that most people who have 70 slayer or higher have dfs? That's a lot of DFS in game.. I want a DFS =( off topic: Sepherus please tell me your sig is some kind of joke and you didn't get Winston Churchill's name wrong......
  20. 1621 hours for just a shade under 30m xp translates to 18330.9 xp per hour. I am rather inefficient aren't I lulz. Although I'm only level 111 so I guess I'm still not into the really fast XP gains. I might need to boost that average a bit sometime soon.
  21. it might help if you input any info for the broad bolt option
  22. I started playing less than a month after Runescape began. I've been playing off and on(mostly off) since then. Still I pick up all coin drops until my inventory is full. I'll sometimes drop my coins if the pile is worth less than the least valuable drop in my inventory and there's something more valuable on the ground.
  23. i ate mine. it was delicious.
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