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Everything posted by Levon_

  1. 1. Get a real browser. 2. U fail. 3. Me and pere will beat you. <3 1. No 2. Yes 3. Probably <3 No you fail, you couldn't even come up with this |\/\/\/| |_{_}_| \/
  2. They haven't made the playoffs since 04, and haven't won a conference final in the playoffs in a long time. Liar
  3. 1: u fail 2: u fail 3: crop your pictures they crash my iPod 4: ur gonna lose 5: game 6: why am I last on your list :'( 7: u fail more 8: I need 30m/60m for 99 crafting depending on if I use sc needles or not 9: game 10: I'm out of comments 11: u fail even more 12: ur gonna beat me 13: peres gonna beat me too 14: I fail 15: I fail 16: I fail more 17: crop your pics 18: more game 19: crop your pics <3
  4. Ecstasy + hand of god + friend wearing a skeleton mask with the blood pump = me literally curled in a ball crying and thinking I was going to die
  5. Leafs have been terrible for the last like 5+ years, unfortunately. LIAR
  6. <<<<<< win cup. Also pheonix needs to get their [wagon] over to hamleton. NHL should just give up
  7. -Zarfot -Pur3lized -Enrix E B -Peregrine 95 (hes so good i had to make perenoob 95) -Supernova 190
  8. Favourite item... Well, mines probably my fury, its the only one i've ever had and i've almost lost it 4 times in GWD :o, i woulda killed myself irl if i lost it [/sarcasm]
  9. This, me thinks he has 99 fletching too (I've read it somewhere, but I don't remember where >_>) Well he'd have to have some fletching exp if he has 99 wcing, unless he burned past 99 fm. Cause at 45 fming you need to burn aprox. 96k maples (its like 96085 or somethin didnt calc exactly). And 96k maples only takes you to 9,663,000 wcing exp from level 45.
  10. 2^31-1 = 2,147,483,647 The highest possible integer in Java am i right? Or what about 2,147,483,648 , the combat level would calculate above the max integer causing THE GAME to crash if you ever encounter a god. Or we can stick with: -Attack Guthix (Level OVER 9000!!!)
  11. This is a stupid update and a waste of jagex's time. I can guarantee you there will be bugs. No one needs a new screen name. First it will cause confusion all around. Second people already have nicknames for example no one ever calls me by "rustoid523". It always rust or rusty or rustoid. I almost never call anyone by there true screen name, unless it is something incredibly short. Like 4 letters. I'd rather see a terrible PVP update that crashes the market then this.
  12. have you all forgotten how long farming would take?
  13. Levon_


    Oh yeah, just got the same person twice in a row. I was just going through spamming hyt then leaving, i decided i was gonna teach people what it REALLY means ;) Hot Young Teachers... And so i try it on 1 person... then i get a new partner and when i said HYT the said hot young teachers, so i thought it was a tifer. Then we figured out we just we're paired up. [hide=Infinte Win]2853 users online Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: HYT? Stranger: Hot Young Teacher. You: lmfao You: who is this Stranger: Have i been put back in the same room with the recent guy ? You: i guess Stranger: Or is it a task you have to do off /b/ ? You: damn it You: but wait Stranger: Lol Stranger: Hahaha Stranger: u ask if gay You: hyt is like my forums greeting Stranger: i say yes Stranger: Is that what you got before ? You: yes You: lmfao!!! Stranger: LOL Stranger: OMG Stranger: [bleep] Omegle haha You: omfg Stranger: You ditched me :/ You: lmfao You: ima talk to someone now xd Stranger: I'm a pretty girl, you're [bleep] lol Stranger: Noooooo Stranger: I'll get you again You: someone as in u lol Stranger: :) Stranger: what ? You: anyways, im not from /b/ lol Stranger: Where are you from ? and why are you asking people that ? Stranger: Lol were you just like "wtf" when i got it right :) You: trying to find people from the forums that i use, hyt is our greeting You: and if people dont know what it is im just telling them hot young teachers Stranger: Oohhhh i see Stranger: Lol Stranger: What has 'Hot Young Teachers' got to do with it ? Stranger: And what is your forum ? was everyone told to go on Omegle ? You: well hyt = hey you tifer but when non-tifers ask as a joke lots of people say its hot young teacher or some other dumb acronymn like hot yak tacos Stranger: Lolwut You: yeah haha Stranger: What's your forum ? You: viewforum.php?f=10 Stranger: Cool thanks Stranger: So what else are you upto ? You: well, the forum is a runescape based forum, but that is the off topic part... the community is accutally intelligent so yeah... and im playing runescape :x Stranger: Lol Runescape, i use to play that when i was younger. Stranger: But cool You: haha, lots of people really only experience the begining stuff and put it off, but it can get quite intricate Stranger: Why in one forum there are random pictures of people ? Stranger: Yeah haha You: what do you mean? you talking about the real-life pictures thread? Stranger: Yes lol You: oh, idk lol people post so other people know what they look like Stranger: Oh lol Stranger: Are you on there ? You: naw You: people can imagine me as whatever they want haha Stranger: Lol cool You: well anyways i g2g lol its late Stranger: Bai :) Your conversational partner has disconnected. or save this log or send us feedback.[/hide]
  14. Manage to find the same person twice in a row on omegle.
  15. Well, as we often have no awareness of time or time passing as we sleep, if you feel asleep and were asleep for 3 hours before you went into REM sleep, then it would feel instantaneous. I could feel myself passing into the dream and the dream faded into view.
  16. Yes I'm sure, my eyes closed and bam I was dreaming.. Well the dream faded into aight right after my eyes closed.
  17. If you don't know REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the of your sleep that you dream in. A while back I was laying in bed staring at the wall and then my eyes closed and I was all of a sudden driving on a highway. We crossed a huge bridge and then arived at a huge building. We came up to the counter inside this building and then I woke up. After about 5 seconds I realized I was dreaming and that I had fallen DIRECTLY into REM sleep. I was amazed and I tried to remember the feeling. After about 5 minutes it happened yet AGAIN but I woke up extremely quickly as I knew what was going on and I got extremely excited. Usualy you don't go into REM sleep untill after 2-3 hours. The feeling of falling directly into it is sureal and impossible to explain. Now has anyone else ever experienced this? Or did I just have a very rare occurence?
  18. Ok time foe tipits longest iPod touch post. I'll just start at the begining. 3 years ago at the start of grade 6 I was put into a 6/7 split. There were 11 people in my grade And the friend groups turned out with 3 girls, 3 guys, 1 guy who everyone liked and 4 other people, 2 guys and 2 girls, who became friends. I was one of the 4. This was easily my favourite school year so far. Anyways we all became good friends and everything and I started to like one of the girls but I didn't realize this till after the year had ended. She was going to a private girls school. So at the year end dance one of the grade 7s came up to me and said that she wanted to dance with me, and I really had no idea what was going on. Later she comes up to me and says something like "hey... Can I ask you something?" "sure" then she says "oh nevermind!" and runs off. Well I didn't think much of this at the time. Then grade 7 starts and early in the year she calls me. She was just talking and I was busy playing runescape so I wasn't really listening (FML I was trying to sell 1k minds at w1). I think she thought I didn't want to talk or something and we just siad bye eventually. Then grade 8 this year. I ran into her on the skiing trip. I was with her and her friend for a while and it was pretty fun, I also got to showoff my amazing skiing skills :D. But anyways I didn't have a phone at the time and she asked if I have myspace. No. So more fml. Now she also mentioned she had a boyfriend. But that was back in march... Anyways right now I really like her, or at least think I do, she's smart pretty funny etc etc, but I have no idea what to do... Sorry for horrible weighting it's 340 am and I'm on an iPod touch. So really if u can cause my thumbs went through alot of work
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