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Everything posted by BlueLancer

  1. I hate the BBC, they're always on when I want to listen to NPR. Burn CD's/buy a FM transmitter & plug it in your mp3 player 8-) (Especially useful when driving a car) I haven't listened to music from commercial radio channels for ages, too much talking crap and ads. It's much easier to download the songs and play them in any order you want. Really, commercial radio blows in every country. If it's Radio Jazz or Rock or whatever it claims to be, I'd expect almost constant music with the occassional short ad-spot, not some lame unknown commentators laughing at each other's old jokes for 10 minutes then cycling the same 5 songs all day long.
  2. Those are usually some japan-freak otakus (no offense). I studied japanese, mostly speech (but also a significant amount of written kanji+ hiragana & katakana) for some 4 years out of sheer interest, and I don't even mention it in my 'language roster' anywhere I go. It's too difficult especially when native japanese young people often speak in slang which further complicates things. Unless you can hold a solid conversation with a native speaker of the language you claim to know, you are not fluent in that language nor do you 'know' it. Sorry. There are tons of other languages I know the basics of languages like spanish, french, etc... But I would never go around claiming I know the language just based on knowing some words and the general structure of the language. You "know" a language and can put it on your CV if you can help out a customer, take down their addresses/phone numbers, present products to them, etc... Not if you just know a few words and no native could possibly have a normal convo with you.
  3. Are you serious? This isn't even going to be the tiniest step for the end. Yep, I am serious. This is the main reason I would like to see everyone forced to prove and validate their real life ID before doing anything on the internet. Obviously there could be some problems in censorship countries; this would have to be thought out. But stuff like this, or youtube videos of people going 130 in a 60 zone? Nowdays it is simply too easy to hide behind a curtain of anonymity. Absolute anonymity isn't entirely a good thing (especially sites providing medical or military advice should, and already do, require it's members to verify they are actually licensed in that particular profession), but you have to consider it realistically: The financial burden of identifying 1.5 billion[1] internet users is massive. Who exactly, or what country's government will pay for developing the infrastructure, hiring employees, setting up the technology that prohibits direct internet access without identification? Completely removing anonymity is also technologically very hard, if not impossible to implement. Take tip.it for example; We barely have resources to monitor tens of thousands of users let alone check a fax machine every day for personal verification/ID cards to match the names put in user's profiles. Verification is only a viable option for big organisations that have the money & manpower to verify their own users that submit content. Dozens of them already exist, though currently only in the USA like you mentioned. These are guys who get paid to pretty much do nothing except find bad or illegal websites & provide their technical information to bust them or track the vast proxy networks they operate through to send illegal data, and find the real operator. I'd definitely see it as a positive advance if more of them were hired from federal funds.
  4. One of my life goals will probably be developing extensive, subtle and scientifically accurate psychological tests for employers that can pick sadistic/power-abusing/possibly pedophilic traits from the subconscious of the employee being interviewed. .. And weed out these people from society so that they'll never decide anything more important than whether a burger should be flipped yet or not.
  5. search.php?search_id=active_topics Just click that to view all recent & most active discussions on tip.it, some people already know that function & it can be accessed from the upper left corner of the screen. It may annoyingly remind some users of the '4chan style' boards but it's a quick way to instantly see what's popular/new and discussed.
  6. None of those, except arguably Sonic, are known by a significant part of the general population. Back when I was a kid, adults who didn't even play video games were drinking coffee from Mario/Luigi mugs and buying their kids Nintendo-themed school bags and pencils. Characters like Snake from MGS or any FF character have no appeal outside the target audience of a few million hardcore gamers and enthusiasts. Nintendo characters like Mario are known in islamic markets, hindu markets, christian markets, know no land boundaries or language boundaries. Don't get me wrong; Every console has it's golden games. In reality though, Nintendo has always been the flagship of gaming that has always had recognised characters. Not sure if you're old enough to remember, but back in the early-mid 90's Super Mario even had a pretty popular TV-show/sitcom, plus a very long running cartoon series and movies.
  7. A quick google search on RS gold with select keywords will show you there are more RWT businesses now than 1 year ago. The methods of wealth transfer have simply become more sophisticated and not dependent on direct trading, such as Jagex's own pvp schemes (wont go into details) Jagex really hasn't done anything to solve the problem other than just drive the traders further 'low profile', it's still a significant issue that degrades the economy for honest players who like to earn money like it's supposed to be; By playing the game. As spambot trends on tip.it also show, an increasing amount of those businesses are also offering powerleveling services and the sale of high level accounts.
  8. 100% positive that you need 20/20 for air force pilot duty and if you have to use glasses, not eligible. If correcting lenses also apply to contact lenses though that's a different matter
  9. Wow, Finnish, Swedish, English, and Russian are just the languages I would want to speak. And maybe Latvian. I should probably mention that I've wasted 7 1/2 years on Finnish, hard as crap and I don't feel like I've gotten anywhere. I only know it because my mother spoke it to me since birth & I lived there. It would be a lie to recommend it to any foreigners, because it's an extremely isolated language just like hungarian. It has quite a few loanwords from germanic languages and russian, but the language structure is, as you said "hard as crap". It's admirable you're trying to learn such a language, but really nobody will blame you if you don't. I never have any use for it except if I chat with finnish people online or visit my relatives. Haven't used it in even a single business or official occassion. What's extremely fascinating though, is how similar finnish and swedish cultures are (almost identical, actually), how similar they are also physically, yet they have so different languages. Swedish is an easy language to pick up in comparison
  10. It was never "eliminated" or erased from the game, and it still isn't. I don't play the game anymore but I observe a few of those 'underground' sites to pick up clues on how they manage to still transfer wealth from one character to another. It's become more complicated and sophisticated, and I obviously wont write any strategies here, but it's still very possible to "buy gold" and items. If anything, there are more gold sellers and power-levelers now than a year ago, mostly operating out of chinese sweatshops. The methods of transfer have just become different after the trade system updates.
  11. Switzerland issues single-action carbine rifles to home militias, because they have no organised army at all. That's not something you can just hide in your pocket or tuck in your pants & whip out in a bank or convenience store to rob it. Also the following conditions must be met to obtain other weapons than the government-issued rifle Every 20-year old male is given annual training with their personal weapon up until age 30 (for ranks above sergeant, 34 years), and it's locked away in their home the rest of the time. Homes are subject to frequent inspections and you can recieve severe fines if the ammunition packs have been opened for an invalid reason. As far as I know USA has no such requirements, as a result the US has 90 firearms per 100 people & the highest murder rate in the western world [1]
  12. Native fluent in Serbian/Croatian and Finnish, 95% fluent in swedish Fluent spoken/written in English and Russian Knowledge and spoken ability in Italian, studied Japanese earlier. Objectives: Still trying to learn mandarin chinese and arabic. It will take a (long) while but definitely worth the time investment.
  13. And in the context of self-defense for the innocent, how is that a worse reason than hunting animals? Buy pepper spray. Get an alarm system. A portable hand cannon that kills instantly is not a self-defense tool. People in every single other western country (Switzerland as an exception) can survive without widespread use of handguns. USA has more murders than every other industrialized nation & China combined together. Only India and South Africa are as barbaric in terms of reported murders per year, in both countries handgun laws practically don't exist and civilians can obtain them even from official stores or import them in suitcases through border customs by bribery without any kind of license [1] USA shouldn't be even remotely comparable to those - no offense - hellholes as a country priding itself on freedom. It's absolutely ridiculous and only a result of improper legislation. Problems arise in every part of the world where portable guns are abudant
  14. You missed the deeper point behind talking to the children. Instead of just shoving them a microwave meal and sitting quiet in front of the TV, you can boost their brain activity by asking them about abstract things like "how was your day" or "what do you want to do tomorrow" & make them use their brain capacity. The article suggests keeping your children active at all times. Don't put stress on them, there are millions of ways to be creative & have fun such as encouraging them to draw pictures & show them to you, play board games, etc... Poverty unfortunately links with low intelligence in many societies, and some parents may not know what's best for their kids. Children from poor families are often deprived of brain stimulating activity and their brain can become "crippled" even at a very young age which is sad and will limit their future possibilities in life.
  15. Hunting rifles provide a real function in society; Reducing wild game population that upon overpopulating can cause damage to other wildlife, traffic zones and other humans. A 9mm handgun has absolutely no other purpose than to kill another human being. It can be also concealed in pants, a jacket's inside pocket, hidden ankle holster.. It has no useful function in a society besides "target shooting" which has zero productive value considering the risks of misuse happening outside of the range once the person is still in control of the weapon/it gets stolen It's not even a necessary 'finishing' weapon for hunting trips if encountering trapped animals, I've hunted in forests with my grandfather since childhood, nobody in the group even brought handguns when long barreled rifles were available. I'm not "anti-guns". I'm not 'scared' of any weapons. I fired, disassembled and cleaned handguns in the military countless times. They are very effective weapons. What's disturbing is civilians in some countries, namely the US, can obtain one way too easily. Unlike other 'potential' killing tools such as kitchen knives, woodcutting axes, scissors, screwdrivers, cables... A concealable handgun is solely designed to take the life from another human. A civilian should have a very good reason for owning such a tool, possibly in the duty of a security guard or the transfer of valuable goods. An unemployed drunk from Louisiana shouldn't be able to even have *remote* access to handguns. I'm using that state as a "redneck" example because southern states, where gun proliferation has the widest support, have a grossly overproportinonate amount of murders by handgun compared to their population [1] Can you honestly argue it's just semantics or a coincidence that the states with the most relaxed gun laws also have the highest murder rates? How come a state such as California (with 34 million inhabitants) with much stricter gun laws, has half the amount of murders compared to southern states such as Louisiana (with 4 million inhabitants) where practically anyone is eligible for multiple guns?
  16. Becoming a CEO or becoming rich has absolutely nothing to do with not being able to afford college earlier; There are countless top executives in Fortune 500 companies who have barely any formal education beyond the required minimum or became drop-outs in their youth. It takes a very specific person type to head a company from scratch to greatness, not even a small percentage of the average work force is up to the stress, dedication and non-book smart intelligence it demands of a person. It makes no sense for the mind behind the operation to be paid similar wages compared to the manual labourer who only assembles parts and does what he's told. All the responsibility and expectations, even legal consequences of the operations, fall on the CEO, not the common factory worker working under orders. He's the one having to explain problems to capital investors. He's the one going to jail if tax fraud or large scale embezzlement goes undetected for years. He is the one whose family will be in potential danger if the company goes unexpectedly under and unlawful elements of the financial society decide to extract revenge or extort returns. No serious skilled person is going to take the job without a proper financial encouragement significantly higher than that gained of physical, ordinary labour.
  17. Those are just three CEO's of major american corporations. If it wasn't for the entepreneurship of most original american companies' CEO's, your parents wouldn't even have a job in any industry to begin with. There would be no viable public jobs either due to a lack of tax income. I just find it funny how today's young people are so against corporations and hold them as the origin of all evil. You (not just you, everybody) would have nothing in your current life if it wasn't for corporations providing you services & providing the government with tax revenue. Before corporations started providing jobs to the population, your relatives were farming, gathering diary products from livestock and hunting wild game less than a hundred years ago. Even under communism in DDR/Soviet Union, private property was scarce; Long shifts in smoggy factories for nominal food pay. Unless they were noblemen, merchants or royalty; your ancestors had likely next to no viable property and spent their entire lives in hard physical labour. Sure, it may be questionable some of them make up to 500 times more money just by salaries (not even counting bonuses or stock options) than their workers. Some companies are already putting salary caps on the top executives. That still doesn't mean they shouldn't be rewarded. Top jobs are regulated by demand and supply just like everything else. If company X wont pay a skilled CEO $5 million a year, another ambitious company will pay him $6M a year to secure him.
  18. Agreed... Even 'dumb' people have a right to have a child, and IQ is significantly influenced by pure education. Instead you could have a practical test with reasonable questions to answer: 1. Can you leave your baby home alone for hours while you go in the bar for drinks? 2. Can you feed solid foods to a baby? 3. Can you slap, hit, yell at your baby if it's misbehaving? (Many more such questions, instant disqualification if they answer 'yes' or 'no' incorrectly more than one time) It's entirely plausible, the chinese government may have trouble controlling the 1-child policy but even they're doing a pretty good job, limiting the amount/type of people having children is a realistic idea. People who will be potentially dangerous to the well-being of a child don't have the right to become a parent.
  19. I don't know why more people don't just simply agree with the above. The current situation is exactly what capitalism is supposed to do; Weed out the incompetent companies. Those 3 car companies are obviously creating a huge inventory of low-selling and some of them massively petrol-consuming cars, if there is no buyer market for them, why should they be bailed out? Try this way... A company hired 5,000 people to create tourist souvenirs for the Beijing 2008 olympics. The products range from handmade mugs to flags, t-shirts and fan products. The pricing has been solely designed for the wealthy tourists visiting the olympics. The entire business depends on them. Once the olympics are over and the buyer market disappears, why would those 5,000 people keep making mugs and t-shirts when there is no longer anybody to buy them? Why on earth would the government sponsor those people to keep making objects that no longer have a viable market?
  20. By default something can only be discontinued or available. Discontinued items can only be obtained from people who own them & recieved them on a special occassion (or if tradeable, bought from another private individual). Available items can be obtained by playing the game, killing monsters, finishing quests, buying from shops, etc. Anything that's base value can't be increased is discontinued. The availability of party hats is determined by the total amount of christmas crackers and hats in the game. Since it's no longer possible to gain new party hats or crackers, the item is discontinued regardless of a cracker being able to create them. If you could suddenly trade in a partyhat for the best weapon/armor in the game, the market would probably see a small influx of party hats due to people pulling crackers (if the weapon/armor was more valuable than a cracker), that still doesn't make them 'not discontinued'. The base maximum value of partyhats is always the combined amount of crackers & hats, even if those crackers haven't been pulled. No new pieces can ever enter the market unlike in the case of weapons and armors. The amount can only go down due to people accidently alchemizing them, dropping them, dying in remote locations & unable to recover, etc.
  21. Total spam/flame, to be honest (and I have nothing against KnightLite) I don't even see why this was left open, seeing as every other topic with random, even funny, images are locked or redirected to the sticky if they're videos.
  22. I'd also concur with that, CNN is generally seen as slightly right-wing and conservative in Europe & the north, but it's still a reliable source for news. The most reliable news agency in Europe (and possibly in the world) is probably BBC. Hysterical anti-liberals and anti-conservatives say what you will - people from every country with TV access watch either BBC, DW or al-Jazeera to get international news. Middle-easterns, asians, europeans, south americans, africans.. Fox is available in countries outside the US via satellite usually, but it's not even nearly as known or trusted as any of the above mentioned. DW, al-Jazeera and BBC dub or subtitle news into dozens of languages frequently. Heck, BBC even has real-time visual & audio news in the somali language. To be blunt - you aren't watching real, truly objective news by watching Fox or CNN. A news agency that broadcasts into hundreds of countries instead of mostly 1 single one (USA) is bound to be of higher quality. People from all ethnicities and religions follow up on DW/BBC news. Next to nobody in the world follows up on Fox news besides americans. CNN is a bit more popular but only in Europe.
  23. The majority of folk songs have very prominent beats... Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, all music has rhythm. I can only speak for balkan and russian folk music from direct life & childhood experience, some (a lot) of the songs just have an accordion and singing. Also from the brief encounters I've had with tibetan and chinese folk music, some of them don't have an intrinsic "beat" at all. I made the same observation when it comes to western classical music (an entirely different genre); The 'beat' formula is absent from many classical music pieces (which also lack the entire voice element).
  24. Warren Buffett is giving the major portion of his wealth to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which researches AIDS, cancers, etc... Once he dies.[1] Bill Gates is likewise going to put forward the mass of his wealth in the foundation, and will only leave a few million dollars to his immediate offspring. It's funny how the same people, teens that tell beggars asking for some coins in a java game to go .... themselves, are the same people who claim if they made 40 million -real- dollars, would be the first in line to donate it all into charity. I can't say it's impossible, but at least when I came across an inheritance 8 years ago, my life changed entirely. It wasn't in the millions like figures mentioned here, but a significant sum with a house property that I split 50% with my brother. I started investing the money, and so should everyone who comes across any significant money. You will help many more people during the course of your life, if you just put aside the money you have & donate the annual interest to charity (if you like donating). Take a realistic sum for example that some people here on tip.it will likely inherit once older.. About 100-200k dollars. Even in a 9% annual fund, you'll be giving up to $18,000 dollars a year into charity for the rest of your life (up to about 70-100 years from now depending on your health). Ignoring inflation that's over $1.2 million during your lifespan. It would make no logical or mathematical sense to just throw it all away at once if you truly want to help people.
  25. Seeing as a major portion of the world population listens to folk songs and classic music without a "beat", it really can't be the deciding factor... That being said I'd think a lot of people just appreciate the artistic value of any given song. Others just see it as a way to pass time.. For others it provides a living & salary in their bars, nightclubs, etc... There isn't just a single reason why people listen to music. If you wanted an all-elusive answer, it's safe to say almost every person who chooses to listen to music wants to relax and have fun.
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