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Everything posted by Balazeal

  1. You forgot something. If I'm not going to be using a certain set of armour for a long time, then I go to the GE and put them into a set, to save bank space. Ex. If I'm training range, then I put my Rune Armour into a set, to save space (4).
  2. Balazeal

    Noob or Nerd?

    Welcome to Runescape PVP? Heck, welcome to the Internet in general.
  3. Off Topic I see where you're coming from, but I'd just like to say that, by technical definition, this isn't irony. Irony is when the outcome is the opposite of the intended outcome. Ex. If Jagex's attempts to reduce RWT made it easier to RWT. What you've said is that Jagex tried to remove RWT by removing certain activities, but even then, it was still possible to RWT=not irony.
  4. Now, it may be hard concept for some of you members to get around your heads, but not all of us F2P players are the idiots who hang around banks asking for free stuff, nor are we as ignorant as you assume we are. Many of us are fully aware that we do not deserve any updates. I find it amusing how members assume that all us F2P players are complete idiots. Not only that, but almost all F2P veterans understand that we do not want dragon items. We understand that if F2P melee were to receive dragon items, the combat triangle would be ruined. Mage and Range are already at a slight disadvantage, adding something like Dragon would make ranging and mage(in combat) inferior. *=I love how you contradict yourself. First you say that F2P players don't make Jagex any money, then later on you state that advertisements pay for F2P.
  5. Ever played FOG in a F2P world? You'll find that full monk with a holy symbol (and protection prayers) beat the other options by tons. If you use prayer in FOG, try using a protection prayer with rune, or dragonhide, then try doing it with the items I listed earlier. You'll find that prayer bonus does indeed make a difference.
  6. Agreed. XBL has this same feature, and it too, is horribly abused. On top of what Darksideus4 said, very few people actually send positive feedback, most just use it to send negative feedback, or in some cases, for no reason at all. We have a report button, I see no need for player ratings.
  7. Lol, welcome to the Internet, and btw, it's not just with skillcapes, people do things like this with almost anything. E.g "Hey guthix noob, sara pwnz u!"
  8. If you want fast exp regardless of cash profit, then the giant spiders in the SOS are the best choice. Although, as Slaytanicc said, if you want money as the cost of exp that the cockroach workers are a good choice. Lesser Demons in Crandor are also decent if you want money, not because they have all that great drops, but because thanks to the nearby fishing spots on Karajama, you need not buy any food(so long as you bring a harpoon/lobby pot)
  9. Forget deserve, do we even need them? The highest level non-rev monster in F2P is the greater demon, and those are all put away in the very back of the F2P wilderness. With rune armour, most of us can kill lesser demons with ease. The fact that new weapons such as the whip, the god swords, etc are superior to dragon isn't relevant. Even for player killing, there are ways to deal with runners/tele'ers (bind and teleblock, though teleblock is a lv85 spell). That is, not to say I wouldn't like dragon armor to be available in F2P, just that it isn't necessary.
  10. Your basis for this argument is that plate legs cost less, and that skirts are cheaper and because of that you assume that people think that women are incapable of making the same money as men? I care to disagree. As far as I know, the prices in the Grand Exchange are changed by supply and demand. The majority of RS players are male, and thus, there is more of a demand for plate legs, and less of one for plate skirts. Thus, skirts cost less.
  11. Support. I like L34k3lit3's idea too. Maybe even as an alternative, just add a safe 'duel' option to all worlds.
  12. I agree, some randoms are annoying, but I actually really like some of them, specifically the Genie and the Surprise Exam, cuts down the cost of prayer for F2P.
  13. As a long time F2P player, I think that F2P doesn't need anymore quests, nor will we get any more quests. We don't pay for benefits, so we don't get benefits. As for high level quests, the majority of F2P players are new players trying out the game, who are only about lv50 and under. Besides, if we were to get a new quest(Perm quest, unlike Jagex's temp F2P quest) the members would be outraged, based on what I've seen of members, they'd go on some hyped up rant on how we F2P are scum, maggots, etc and how we don't deserve such updates (regardless of whether we are already aware of this or not). In short, I love the idea of F2P getting more stuff, but it's never going to happen.
  14. I've never really thought much of other people opinions (because in most cases, their isn't an ounce of intelligence in it), so I pray. I've been called a 'noob', 'loser', etc for using it, but I've never really cared, because in the end, I'm the one who walked away alive. However, from a different standpoint, some lower level players might be intimidated by certain prayers, and run away, my above argument applies more to duel arena, and FOG, where if you run away, you forfeit the match. In pvp, you can run all you want(but then of course, there is the bind spell).
  15. No, the Ancients Armor, like all other P2P armor, can only be used in P2P worlds.
  16. Jagex took away Wilderness style pk-ing from Runescape, both P2P and F2P. Now Jagex has given it back, again, to both P2P and F2P. I don't see why we suddenly need dragon weapons/armor. Mind you, I'd like to see dragon weapons/armor obtainable in F2P, but I don't think that we need it.
  17. I've been wondering, do corrupt dragon weapons have specs(F2P)? Now, I've looked around, and some players say "Yes, they should have specs because Jagex said that they're identical". However, this is only based on the above quote. Has anybody tried using corrupted dragon specs in F2P? Could somebody please confirm whether or not the specs can be used in Free worlds?
  18. http://news.runescape.com/newsitem.ws?id=1442 Well, there's your answer!
  19. Your argument doesn't fully examine all aspects of what Jagex did. You only focused on the auto-ers, not how the gold was sold. All removing skilling would do would make it a bit harder to RWT. Assuming Jagex did as you suggested, RWT could do GWD or PK for the gold, and then transfer the gold via staking, wild, etc. So what you suggested was a flawed comparison of what Jagex did.
  20. Support, buying the team capes can really be a burden sometimes.
  21. Support! I can't even begin to imagine how many things I've killed.
  22. Well, you could have moved to a safespot, then checked the legend (bottom right in the Sandwhich Lady window).
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