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Everything posted by Chained_life

  1. Meh, two pictures and a paragraph more, why the hell can't they make them as long as all the other DD's. Pretty cool though, I like the dungeon maps a lot :
  2. Unimpressed and disappointing... :thumbdown: Quest complete btw...
  3. [hide=quest so far]Go north of the mountain into the ice place (where you hunt), go nort find a big ice rock, search the tracks with a pick axe, mine the rock go in)[/hide]
  4. Anyone know where to search? (the coast)
  5. Ah, I love fremmy quests, always have good rewards :thumbsup:
  6. Don't worry, will be a matter of time before we have some good stuff to laugh at. that's another reason to like it, it give me a reason to check out the rants forum, I rarely checked out game feedback :-#
  7. boo hoo, without us and our criticism you would have no game. You mean, without all the "bring wildy back!" posts there was no Runescape? What sort of magical powers do these topics possess? :shock: Quite possibly, not on that specific subject, but without the pressure from pkers you may not have pvp right now, you may have less members now, jagex may have less money now. It's not just wilderness, it's everything. No company can survive without an adequate amount of criticism, they won't know where to go, they need to know what we want, that's why they have polls, that's why they have a rants section. They get a fair amount of both, it's life, they have a lot of children that play, and who's fault is that? Who catered to children for all these years?? who advertised on addicting games and mini clip? who made all the childish references and easy things in the game?? OH YEAH, JAGEX DID. I don't see why they did it either, it was helping by letting the "THANK YOU JAGGEEEEX" wash over all the rants a bit. But as you can see, they want criticism. Maybe they think it will take the rants away from recent updates, maybe they think the "whiners" will stop making the recent update look back and ruin it for those that do like it. Actually I would say they're taking tips from adults, have you seen anti-war protests? Burning flags, cussing, throwing crap at cops. Much more childish, where do you think they learn it? Not that protest, but some protests do work if you annoy the "man" enough.
  8. boo hoo, without us and our criticism you would have no game.
  9. Probably because [developmentally delayed]s who can't keep their pants on annoy them. Every forum I've been on, there's always a hot girl who gets trolled and runs away from the creeps.
  10. Fishing/farming Inb4Slayer Fanatics, TRIAN SLAYER Slayer.
  11. Ah thanks guys! For anyone wondering, here's the original version, and how long it took. It was fun making, but got annoying at times :?
  12. Disliked PETA in the first place, now I dislike them even more.
  13. This is why we should part ways with them, Screw the UN :thumbdown:
  14. Distributing child pornography. This sucks, parents need to start parenting these days :thumbdown:
  15. Well Idk if this was a dream or a hallucination (probably was a hallucination...) I took a pill of my mothers, this was for legit reasons, I had a migraine and she gave me it. I took it... tried to sleep, I went to sleep, then I was suddenly half awake and I heard this demon talking to me, idk what it was saying, just random jibberish, scared the crap out of me :lol:, I could hear the radio I had on right next to me also, I had blurred vision and I couldn't get up. I wasn't very experienced with hallucinations, I did some inhalants and crap when I was younger, but never experienced anything like this. I doubt it was sleep paralysis, I had it before and this was MUCH different. If you care I'll tell some sleep paralysis stories... One house I lived in had cockroaches, not a lot, just a few. Anyways, I was just about to fall asleep when I felt something choking me, I'm freaking out, I can't move and I feel like I'm being electrocuted... I look at the wall and I see HOARDS of cockroaches climbing the walls, this was NOT something that was caused by drugs or anything, since at the time I was clean. Another time I was out in the living room, drifting off into a sleep, when I felt this presence in front of me, like a woman, I kept going in and out of this sleep paralysis, I kept trying to go back into it, I wanted to go into it for some reason. I was stuck I couldn't move, but I wasn't forced. I kept feeling her every time.
  16. Ye, if that's not enough, they'll hold your loans. But, hell; now that I think about it, this will in all likely cases be shot down in Court. But if it isn't... What if people don't want a loan? I mean, I know kids that worked their [wagon] off at 2-3+ jobs so they didn't have to take loans to pay for college.
  17. Load of bull [cabbage], force us to do work? Like hell they will. :thumbdown: Mandatory? all the idiots who [bleep] about controlling your body when it comes to marijuana better not support this crap :thumbdown: --- At the OP, I would like a different source, I know this bill was in the works... But prison planet, alex jones, info wars and them are known to stretch the truth a bit.
  18. Ugh, Well I have no money to afford a Wii at the moment (or a DS) so this sucks... I bought TP on Game cube and wasn't very impressed to be honest, not to say it wasn't a good game, it just felt so empty. I personally wouldn't care if they re-created LTTP for wii with TP graphics, more puzzles, dungeons of course re-made, but overall the same story and map. Would be EPIC. Of course, I'm probably one of the few that would support this.
  19. ew, terribly short, didn't they say they already had a few ready? aw well, maybe they can conclude the dwarf series with a dragon pick axe \ ?
  20. We might fight for more rules and regulations on it, but when it comes down to it, I think that many of the people who do own guns will be too lazy/apathetic/unconcerned to really enforce the rules on themselves. Because the only time they would get in "trouble" is after the fact of something like this. No. This kid is nuts, I would say until he's 18 juvenile hall, after that life in adult prison. If it's not that already.
  21. Do sports or entertainment, keep it interesting, don't do politics, most kids in the school years don't care. SO ... http://espn.go.com/ http://www.people.com/people/ Just find a story and talk about, it's only 2 minutes 8-)
  22. http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/sta ... nfo2.shtml the percentage of those who have ever tried marijuana and then ended up using heroin once per month is around 1 in 1000. A friend of mine being one of them, actually, she did it two times, once when she was in her early 20s and another when she was in her mid 30s. But to be fair, a pot head friend of hers forced her to stop using (he took care of her while she went through withdrawal). he was 100% anti-hard drug.
  23. I've actually changed my position on Marjuana recently, while I still hold the belief that it does lead to other drugs (I've seen it happen right in front of my eyes) I believe it will save the life of those defending this country. I could care less if you choose to do it, nor do I care if you're safe. Ramos and Compean were two jailed border patrol agents, who were given 10+ years for shooting an illegal who was smuggling drugs (marjuana to be specific). I personally would not have cared less if they shot him dead in the head, but he lived and they got into trouble for not reporting it, the illegal testified, they got their sentence while he went free. They were recently pardoned (well, their sentences were commuted, thank god) I believe there would be no need for illegals to smuggle marijuana into this country, if if was legal. that illegal would've been some other place, possibly smuggling other drugs. I'm not a drug guy, I don't care to do drugs, I have done them, but I'm a cleaner guy now. I care about the agents more so than the users of the drugs. And I am still fully against the legalization of other drugs (harder). Yeah go ahead, whine and complain about how I'm an evil controlling right winger while you tell me what cars and light bulbs I can't have :lol: Also, before you call me a raaaaaaaaaaycist, I'm a mexican, I like my people, just hate illegals.
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