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Everything posted by Quyneax

  1. Why would conc. blast be good enough? It's only one basic, you'll be using Impact, Wrack, Wild Magic and Asphyxiate for most of your rotation (also chain/maybe combust ofc). T80 is supposed to be about 14% better than t70 (ignoring accuracy, based on a quick look at cmaul vs. dh greataxe). Conc. blast is 200% damage in 4 ticks (or 300% in 5/6?) as opposed to Wrack's 125% in 3 and Sonic at 120% in 3. So that puts Conc. blast at 25% better than Sonic - doesn't seem to beat a 14% increase on all abilities, really.
  2. I don't think that the focus of the game should be on merchanting. It should be a nice daily for maybe 500k/day, but not the '10m/day for five minutes of effort' that the super-rich can achieve. Essentially, there should be a cap on how much profit you can get, not on how much you can invest. I also don't think that grinding frost dragons for four hours a day for a month is a reasonable requirement for anything. That's like saying you need to do Livid Farm twice to get a t90 weapon - let's see how many people complain about that, shall we? From the above two, it follows that equipment shouldn't cost billions. A full set of level 90 equipment should, at most, take as long as it takes to get the stats to wear it, ideally less (because your level 90 equipment is only useful until level 95 comes along, unlike your levels). That puts a full set of level 90 melee equipment at 90 att + str + def (+ hp + pray), which is about 17m? xp. That's, say, 170 hours? 170 hours, getting cash at a rate that doesn't require t90 equipment, is maybe 500m for the set, at most. That's drygores, t90 amulet/ring/cape, t90 tank or power armour, maybe a shield. Magic is at least 5x as expensive as it should be, probably more (depending on how you value tectonic, with the high degrade cost and all).
  3. I'm not a huge fan of Inventing being another slow skill >.>. I don't like 'levelling' equipment either, but improving it is fine I guess. Really doesn't seem like they have a whole lot planned (from that list): one skill, a bunch of things that should've been done ages ago (summoning, agility & smithing reworks, elf quests, minigame reworks), some world events, a boss, a few quests, a minigame. Normally you'd say it's enough but you always have to take into account that half will be done badly, half will be done late and none of it will fix EoC.
  4. Zaros as god of Control would be terribly useful as, well, control... in a project the size of Gielinor, some things are bound to be forgotten, that's what you have bug checkers for :P. It's a really good backstory too, imo. The TokHaar are sentient as well, so that's no problem, and everyone knows a good AI is the best type of interface. Zaros' mask is undoubtedly Sliske's inspiration as well, that's a great connection to make. All of this looks excellent, I hope Inventing will be a nice skill to train as well.
  5. You can pretend-boss-hunt at the Tormented Wraith, that should get you inured to the rigours of bossing.
  6. I don't think you were supposed to get more than 1500 points per day in the first place, the wording in-game suggests that the monument is just for today. Edit: hang on, were people getting problems this morning? Ok, ignore what I said. QA does a great job once again :D. The pace of this event is very nice. You really see things getting along.
  7. With 3.5m (divination, but that doesn't need telling) xp in a single update as well, very nice.
  8. I don't think t70 dw mage beats t80 2h mage anymore, spell damage got 'fixed' again recently. With your 90 fishing you can start player-owned ports, which will provide some income as well, and it will provide decent enough armour for bossing (until you can afford tectonic/sirenic etc.).
  9. Given that six months is enough time to get 99 in a couple of combat skills, I think it shows that seismic is way overpriced. It's only level 90 equipment after all. Useful is a bit of a broad word. I guess I could find a few uses for one, but they're not ideal for standard slayer. That said, if higher tiers can be obtained via achievement, then they would have a very good niche, in that poor players could have 3/4 of the dps of a rich player. This, I was sort of assuming that defenders would be updates to be able to use some shield and dual wield abilities (for example Bash, Revenge, Reflect + all DW abilities).
  10. Did you check the box 'do not show this again'?
  11. None of the improvements seem worthy of a place outside the patch notes, apart from the coinshare changes. The D&D tracker is likewise a small update, and the Barrows overhaul rewards are meagre, considering that the Brothers use all three attack styles and that shields are rarely useful (now, t90 defenders for all styles, that would be a real update). It would have been better to release the KK as boss for t90 shields/defenders, Vorago for t90 (dw) weapons and this new Barrows for t90 armour, or a similar arrangement. On the whole, it seems that Jagex should just switch to a once-a-month update schedule. It would more closely match the real rate of updates and it would make the BTS nice and straightforward.
  12. I'm pretty sure killing miths is better for the last pages, as you can't get duplicates from them anymore. When I finished pages, you still got duplicates from skeletons (may be fixed now). The raw page/h rate is faster with skeletons.
  13. Barrows amulets are only useful after you've gotten all items from a particular brother anyway ;).
  14. That looks pretty nice, might one even suggest that the Brothers are working together?! That would be quite a special thing, RS-wise. Well I made this a while back. It's not finished because I couldn't get the math right ( :() but it outlines the system. The idea is that adding a shield makes your soak so high that the fast, low hits from dual wielding don't get through anymore, while two-handers can still break through. This does require that two-handers become slow and powerful as opposed to the current situation, in which all weapons are 3-tick. That is one of the worst parts of EoC - that all weapons are the same speed and damage. It's probably the first thing you should address, because too many interesting mechanics depend on speed. Kiting and flashing, for example, are much harder with 3-tick weapons, and with 5-tick weapons ability spam would be a little less annoying as well. You're also welcome to read through this which I was intending to finish a while ago, but then I got caught up in uni work a bit :P. There's a bit more but that's not halfway readable yet, I'll go edit that now :P (yay afk div :/).
  15. The system I have in mind is roughly the following: Attack roll vs. Defence roll - If the attack roll is higher, the attack hits the target, which also connects special effects (like binds). Strength roll vs. Soak roll - The soak roll is subtracted from the strength roll, then the result is subtracted from the target's health. In a way you could say there is a similar opposition between hp (reservoir of defence) and adrenaline (reservoir of offence), which would be more obvious if adrenaline was styled as mana.
  16. The rebuildathon is a nice D&D and the Well is a fine addition, so I'm happy for this week's updates, even if it's a small update. I really wouldn't want to leave Lumbridge ruined :).
  17. Small update: Haven't been doing much other than daily challenge + couple of ports voyages per day. About 200k to 95 divination, I'll get it with November troll invasion probably, also tears and a couple of challenges.
  18. @Everto: Best-in-slot is all good and proper, but you used to have a subtle interplay between attack and strength bonus, defence bonus, prayer bonus and so on. Nowadays, everything not power armour is essentially equal (certainly for slayer and so on). There is no weapon power-up to be unlocked through questing or skilling whatsoever. It is very easy to see what is better, and that's just boring. The old cls vs. rapier discussion would be impossible under the current system. As for abilities, Jagex should be explicit about ticks. They are using seconds when it's completely inappropriate*. RS is turn-based, not real-time, and it shouldn't pretend to be RT when it's not. In addition, abilities should be queued (press 1-2-3-4 and relax for 7.2 seconds, allowing you to eat and direct your familiar). Targeting is messed up, the action bar is unresponsive especially with lag, most interfaces have delays that were added with NIS, generally NIS lacks flexibility (ironically) in key areas and some interfaces are unclosable (party interface, ports ships interface). There's more, and that's even aside from balance and interesting game design. RS3 on the whole is a pretty big failure, even though there are definitely nice things in there (action bar, disconnecting special attacks and weapons, lp boosting on all equipment, equalizing magic/ranged/melee potions and prayers, rebalancing equipment). tl;dr RS3 wasn't worth the development time (no improvement), but it's not worse than RS2. *There are probably three abilities of which the descriptions completely match their effects, even ignoring the tick/second thing, which is a pretty bad score even for Jagex.
  19. ... thus guaranteeing that they will be released through Ports. T85 boots and gloves from Ports would be useless as well, so with shields and t90 tank confirmed from Barrows, what's left for Ports? T85 weapons of all kinds, t90 2h weapons (plus shieldbows) of all styles, t80-85-90 amulet/ring/cape, t80-85-90 hybrid armour and t80 thrown/shieldbow. I think anything under t85 is unlikely to be released through Ports, but t85 hybrid is a good candidate, as it's armour, has no near competitors (war-priest being 10 levels lower) and it's not (very) useful.
  20. Percent-based soak is much better versus big hits, while a flat soak is much better versus lots of small hits. It makes more sense in general that armour protects well against small hits. I think it'd be better to make damage reduction a fixed range (say, going from [def level] to [def level + armour value]).
  21. The idea of chins is that you use Momentum to take advantage of their AoE effect.
  22. Zaryte isn't a shieldbow, but otherwise you're correct. It's a little weird that Virtus wand doesn't degrade, but that's a relatively minor issue. Still, it shows that Jagex isn't very organized.
  23. You stand in the abyss with soul split, range boosting curse, overload, chins and off-hand crossbow and you attack as many monsters as you can find.
  24. It has nothing to do with enforcing breaks, it has everything to do with updating the hiscores/game applet/maybe backup system, it's just badly implemented right now, as there is no warning. Still, how hard is it to reload your game when you feel the 5-6h mark coming up? Don't read too much into it, it's just a convenient way for Jagex to do some administrative work. It really doesn't impact your gaming enough to count as a break.
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