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Everything posted by Quyneax

  1. I'd look at formatting and pictures, because at the moment your guide is fairly unorganized. It would also be good to write down expected profits, gp/h, xp gain, detailed requirements and the reason your route is best. Also, you can add harvesting from fruit trees and bushes, with a giant ent.
  2. I'd go with a different generalization, that is, in every activity there are people who pretend to enjoy it. Probably more so the more an activity/thing is supposed to be fun/good, because it'd be weird to say you don't enjoy something considered universally good (e.g. pay rises, higher internet speed, warm apple cake with ice cream and caramel sauce) and people generally avoid being weird (in this case, socially unaccepted = weird). That said, is getting drunk ever considered fun or good? I'm pretty sure there is social pressure to drink alcohol, but that may not derive from alcohol's 'goodness'. Ah well, the endless curiosities of social behaviour :D. (also I vote clubs are too loud and too full with drunk people - try making a poll comparing 'going to clubs' and 'liking various aspects of clubs')
  3. Granted. You now have 12300 pairs of hands (each with appropriate ice cream) and your heart gives out because of the 10000+ extra metres of arteries :(. I wish I had 99 divination :(.
  4. Well I'm glad to see Jagex continues to ignore the fans of practicality and minimalism :D. *ahem* Magic, ranged, melee from left to right, I suppose. Thank Guthix for overrides :D. @Urza: ranged shields are apparently supposed to be smaller (compare with Armadyl buckler, eagle-eye kite a little bit, dragonhide shields).
  5. I think the pre-EoC power level of level 70 melee items was good, e.g. whip/ddef, barrows armour. But I don't think it's good that there is nothing at all at levels past 70, so there should be some upgrades. Not necessarily huge upgrades like chaotics, but some nice things anyway. Edit: did he seriously write 'fairwell'? What happened to ye olde 'farewell'? (portal looks good though)
  6. Err, I think that's measured in hundreds of tries, millions of xp. That is, you may well go to 99 thieving without seeing a sceptre of the gods. It's not worth hunting for the bonus xp from ibis only.
  7. I'm pretty sure that the degrade mechanic depends on 'ticks you are getting hit on', not counting multiple hits within a single tick, though that may have been changed.
  8. Well I can't predict exactly how a tax would change Runescape. It's quite possible that a GE tax would not prevent merchanting. If it doesn't, some other measure would be needed (if you wanted to discourage merchanting).
  9. I don't think you have a very clear idea of what communism entails... the whole idea is that there is no individual property, money or state. As such there are no taxes as we understand them and nothing to take away. You may be confused with the USSR or the image of it that appears in typical Western propoganda, but don't forget that the USSR and China and all those others were never actually communist. All of the typical 'communist' countries were 'on the way' to communism - also known as socialism - which is also what the second 's' in USSR stands for (there's also Maoism and others of course). As a matter of interest, read this sentence: "the institution of organised violence which is used by the ruling class of a country to maintain the conditions of its rule." Why, that's almost a Tea Party statement, on the federal state perhaps, isn't it? As it happens it is the Marxism.org defintion of a state. Extremists of the world, unite! Anyway... 2m/2h is a very slow rate of making money. But even if you have a decent rate of making money, the 2.6b for a seismic wand is in the range of 500 hours of moneymaking. That's over twice the time it takes to get to level 99 Divination. In addition, the 2.6b is something that you have to risk if you want to use it in the wilderness, for example - it's not something you just get to keep forever, unlike your 99s. Now, there is a balance between level 90 magic and level 90 equipment, which should at least include that they are both significant in terms of effort. That is, you don't want 90 magic to be trivially easy compared to obtaining seismic weapons, and neither do you want the weapons to be much cheaper (easier to obtain) than the levels. Currently, this balance is pretty good for drygores, slightly too skewed towards equipment for ascensions, and far too skewed towards equipment for seismic. Now, you may prefer a different equipment/level balance, but this is the core argument and what we're really talking about: how much effort do we find acceptable for a given item or benefit, considering that we already had to get the level to use said item? In addition, I'd like to note that, personally, I don't think it's fun that the best gp/h in the game - by an order of magnitude - is GE merchanting. Certainly, it's currently the best way of making money and you should take the best way, but as designer I would devise a mechanic that makes merchanting less attractive, for example through a tax or by making every order take at least an hour - or more - to fill (which is of course a much more drastic change, but it would be interesting and it would definitely be playable).
  10. You're not the only one, it's very annoying to see so much level 90 crap when we really need level 95 and 99 sets of equipment, not to mention end-game content for a bunch of skills :(. I really hope that Ports will be semi-useful in the true end-game, because it's a pretty unique way of gathering resources that deserves a spot in the 95 and 99 tiers.
  11. Made one of each plate, put them in the GE: Tetsu - sold 8.400.000 instant (above med) Seasinger's - sold 4.110.756 instant (above med) Death Lotus - not yet sold at 1.500.000 (under half med) Might be the release of Sirenic hurting Lotus, but that's a pretty big difference still.
  12. Honestly, the degrade-to-dust mechanic is perfectly fine, it's just leaving recharge cost up to the market value of the armour. The cost is too high, yes, but the whole armour system is beyond saving anyway, at this point it's better to just remove power armour. Anyway, looks like a fairly boring update, although the ults are good. What I'm wondering is, why did I get these Solomon's items on login? Also, we got mouse-over tooltips now (font change?)?
  13. Your move, desert pantheon. In all seriousness, they could easily retcon him into being a serious thing. There's an open space for a nature god now, I believe... As silly as it is, I have a lot less trouble with a cabbage becoming a god by exposure to Elder Artefacts than with some other writing that I've had the misfortune to read *cough* any fanfiction *cough*. Cabbages are lifeforms, and there's no particular reason to enforce a rigid plant/animal separation, especially with tanglefoots and mutated zygomites and jade vines and jadinkos around. Of course, one wonders what strain of cabbage lives long enough to become a god in the first place - perhaps exposure isn't the best theory. Maybe Brassica Prime was originally a toxic species of cabbage, and poisoned a lesser god, or maybe Brassica was dressed up as head of a scarecrow, wearing the Crown Archival and stabbing a god with it?
  14. Aww :(. But that's OSRS, I don't play that :(. Besides, I'd rather update core mechanics than any specific update at this point. Still, I might give it some thought :-k. Edit: if Jagex thought it was actually any good, they'd have released Divination for OSRS. The rewards would actually be semi-useful there.
  15. Obsidian, drygore/cstaff is good, but a royal crossbow would speed up the mages so that's worth bringing. Ice barrage is perfectly fine, but use abilities.
  16. And he also hit 95m divination, two months after release.
  17. It's not so good anymore, I believe, not since barrage got fixed/nerfed. If you want to train your magic and defence, I'd suggest you go glacors - first train magic to 91, then go for 91-99 mage + def with shared xp. As for equipment, you should be good with full Subjugation and a chaotic staff (or Armadyl battlestaff).
  18. Nice to see you are alive, Latin :P. How's WoW? Edit: finished summoning bonus xp, +785k xp, +934 ranks, 3770 overall now. Edit: planted the highest level plant in each patch, except for the herb patches, because I'm not replacing my lovely torstol! Edit: put about 7m into a dungeon for my house and some marble accoutrements. Incidentally, the name Super Super does not appear on the hiscores. I hope someone with the Super Super title grabs that one. Edit: considering rebuilding my house with just the critical rooms aboveground: portals, altar, menagerie (and throne room). Just a dungeon entrance and the rest underground.
  19. Lol :D. It has almost as much innuendo as a Shakespearean play ;). 94 divination. Got a prized pendant of woodcutting, gf another hour of using up bonus xp :P.
  20. It'd be awesome if the rifts sealed off after you got the level to get to the next one, and sealing the last one at 99 div. That way the race to 200m would be 100% bonus xp. Spinivation go :3.
  21. Wouldn't it make much more sense to implement the standard system of having multiple characters on a single account, and having separate 'account' hiscores?
  22. We only know this to be true when the killer is using an elder artifact. considering we know gods can be killed without them, by their reactions I don't think killing a gos without an artifact would transfer power sliske didn't get a power boost as far as we know. . but web haven't seen a god die without an artifact being the cause The gods can be killed without elder artefacts, certainly, but: the three gods that we know of how they were killed, were killed with artefacts (twice the Staff, once the Sword). Twice, this has led to the killer (eventually) becoming a god; once, the power exploded all over Gielinor, available for harvest. That that power basically doesn't do anything useful for us (screw divination -.-), doesn't mean it isn't useful to the other gods - they did fight that battle in Lumbridge, after all. Fewer gods also means that each god simply gets more artefacts, because there's still going to be 6+ of those to pass around (not counting the Kiln here). Finally, we know for sure that any political influence by the gods will be split between gods, that is, if Saradomin dies, his followers aren't going to be godless all of a sudden, they're allying with Armadyl. You see the same thing with Zaros vs. Zamorak, and Sliske having his share of followers. (also I believe Azzanandra mentions that Sliske has grown more powerful lately)
  23. Given that killing a god transfers a great deal of power to the killer, I don't think that Sliske's contest will reduce the total amount of influence the gods have, it will just relocate it. As for non-interference, only one god is reliable, and he's dead.
  24. ~5m xp to go, about 5 months by bonus xp (less if a few promos come along, which they will). So yeah, slacking for the win :3 (getting 100k xp/day or so on average atm). Really Divination isn't worth training until they release a real method, like a FF analogue.
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