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Everything posted by Pluckey

  1. b]What was your previous RuneScape name that you are listed under on the highscores?[/b]: Plucky_Fox What is your current RuneScape display name?: Pluckey What Tip.it highscore list(s) are you currently added to?: P2P Highscores
  2. Pluckey


    Are you old enough to gamble? Yes, 29 to be exact. Do you ever place any bets? If so, what on? Sometimes I'll place a bet on something trivial. Not often or alot however. How often do you risk money? Not very often. What's the most you've ever won/lost? Probably 200 overall. Is it a hobby/game or are you addicted? Just a game every once in a while.
  3. Rare Pain is in that picture. :ohnoes: I haven't seen him in ages. Always wondered what happened to him.
  4. It seems like killing the bots is faster lobs than fishing itself. <3:
  5. Go to Hartwin and talk to him. He'll teleport you to AZs. Best part is, They're uncrowded because they're instanced.
  6. He's f2p. OT: Yes, If you don't want to try Port Sarim or Draynor willows, You could always try Rimmington.
  7. Count in the little drops. Like herbs from Sceptres, Alch items, THAT's where Slayer profit is.
  8. Blade ALWAYS seems to be like that.
  9. Those are the best spots, But you could try Nechs (80 Slayer req.) or Mummies.
  10. It's probably that for pure essence mines and LRC for p2p as well.
  11. Even with the 40k limit. Staking has become one of f2p's best moneymakers. No support.
  12. I've gotten about 150k to 170k an hour with Coshing. Coshing is always worth it.
  13. its definately not growing in terms of players.Your dumb not to see that.. plus why do you think theyre bring wildy and free trade back?? because it IS dying(in terms of traffic)! it is growing in terms of players... people are coming back, and people were returning before they re-announced the wild. But they brought back the wild because it was a stupid thing to remove in the first place. that was why people played. when they removed it, people quit yes, but that didn't stop new players from starting up in their place. whys everyone so argumentative on this forum, i thought RS forums wer bad but there always seems to be at least someone agreeing with you. I don't see how you can think that in general RS is growing, when it is not.Even if you get 200k online at weekends RS still used to get 300k.. Because you're wrong.
  14. I was thinking about 99 ranged. I would be getting this through yaks. What weapon should I use? My current gear is: Helm: Void Amulet: Glory Body: Void Legs: Void Gloves: Void Ring: Explorers Boots: Snakeskin What weapon shall I use? And how much of it would I need?
  15. What about us P2P who started out in F2P? And really have no negativity about it? Not all P2P hate F2P.
  16. For most things, You don't need that much defense. And the +1 str bonus over DD is nothing.
  17. IRC: Internet Relay Chat. ML: Memberlist. RSN: Runescape name. Rank: Your rank in the clan. MSN: I don't think it is.
  18. If there is still a swarm at Hati, All you need to do is attack it once.
  19. It may have seemed to them that you were showing off your armour. No one likes a show off. As to why P2P can log into F2P worlds, It would make no sense for them not to.
  20. Pluckey


    Not true, now 99% of people up to level 100 are pures... There is practically no advantage to be had other than being equally matched (and not giving them an advantage). The problem with pures is their absolute hatred for defence. It isn't just that they don't train it, they fear it. They use someone's defence as a reason to NOT fight them, but isn't their lack of defence supposed to give them the upper hand? They're not scared of defense, They're scared of armour.
  21. Pluckey

    Hati Gloves

    Ain't it just lovely when our English fellows are struggling to pronounce these words and we can just walk in and go "lolitspronouncedlikethisnubs"? :P But yeah, I too get (at least mildly) annoyed when people repeatedly mispell a word over and over again and the wrong spelling spreads like a virus. Anyone want to barrow something from me, by the way? That "Barrow" thing annoys me to no end.
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