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Everything posted by cardsfan

  1. age of mythology 8) a ge of empires II for playing with friends minesweepers r teh hot :lol: no more rs, ingame community is the sucko, thats why i play rs on tip it now 8) KOTOR, used to play it but put it down after beating it like 29x, good graphics and stuff dont think anybody has heard of it, but ARC. its a capture the flag shooter, client isnt very large, made by a company called Sierra, worth a try, fast download, easy to pick up, but lots of the ppl there are mean :cry:
  2. first one makes me scared irl...the thoughts of kids doing that in kindergarten... :oops: second one is funny...i fight over dodgeballs all the time :lol: so far i havent really gotten in trouble...i did kinda when i stole a kids shoe before class 8) , he had to walk outside for quite a while
  3. when u skateboard, do you bend down, somewhat like a golfer? because from what ive heard, people get back pain from that a lot. id definately see a doctor, and do some back excercises and stretches every now and then to loosen the muscles.
  4. indeed!!! classical music is an awesome way IMO to go to sleep. if i may suggest, play Pachelbel's canon over and over again. its my favorite song, and is incredibly relaxing. make sure to leave the volume on a comfortable level-one that you can hear, but not one that makes you continuosly think about what is playing for relaxing music (classical of course!), I'd suggest:Pachelbel Canon, Bolero by Ravel, THe Four Seasons by Vivaldi, The New World Symphony (No. 9) Movement 2 *only* by Dvorak, and The Water Music Suite by Handel on top of that, ill reiterate some things that other people have said. .relaxing position .milk .bath .constant bedtime schedule .no big meals, but small snacks work .NO CAFFEINE OR COMPUTER also, do try to wear yourself out before you go to sleep, or at least dont do anything that stimulates your thoughts right before bed. i cant tell you how bad it is to be thinking constantly about something before you go to sleep...i usually go to bed at 10 and fall asleep at most at 10:15. when im thinking, you can kiss falling asleep till its the next day... hope i was of some help to you :wink:
  5. assuming that my answer was right...that wasn't terribly hard. the trouble that most people are going to have with this is eliminating possibilities. most people dont know how to do that (GO SUDOKU :D ), so yea, it was a good logic thingummy, but that 2% of the world who can get this dont have anything special really. all they can do is process of elimination, assuming that they can keep track of their work :wink:
  6. hmm, never thought of taking a look at wikipedia. ill try that today. thanks so far guys :D
  7. i like that lineup:numb3rs isnt given enough credit. my list is (in order of favorites...i think): 24!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink: 8) :shock: 8) :shock: 8) :wink: the office numb3rs spongebob squarepants :shock: mythbusters seinfeld&friends, dont watch these often, but good shows
  8. i used to get straight a's in public school...average percent of all classes at around 95% :shock: sure, in private school its much harder, but now my average percent is down to around 90%, which doesnt seem like a lot but it keeps me from getting straight a's which is all my dad cares about. and unlike you, i dont have a chance to just say "i dont really care about school, it isnt for me". my parents came from a 3rd world country to the U.S. and have done so much for me, so i cant let them down by saying "this isnt for me, im fine living a modest life", so i hope you understand that i cant be like you. as for the phase thing, it may be so, but i want this "phase" to end as soon as possible, and im hoping help from you guys will do something about that :wink:
  9. newgr also happens to have some very bad and suggestive themes, not to mention butloads of spyware :roll:
  10. Pay for more EXP? That's laughable. Fascist games FTL *cough* Runescape :P Dam Runesmithie beat me to it. :P Exactly what I was going to say. So, Jagex gives you more EXP for being a member? WRONG. Jagex gives you more opportunities to get EXP (as in, more monsters and training areas), but you don't get more EXP for killing a goblin as P2P than F2P. Reading posts FTW. i see what you're saying...but it may as well be the same thing. jagex gives members the opportunity to buy far superior equipment for every fighting class. jagex gives you the ability to go to the best training places for every possible skill, except something like firemaking. as for free games on the web, id stick to Runescape till you try something else, as ive quit runescape, but im addicted to age of mythology online Runescape is horrible as both a free, and paying game :? thats why iive quit runescape :wink: im going to try that knights online thing, i have to re-download the thing cuz it no work -.-
  11. the thing is..i cant accept that my work ethic isn't "good enough", due to my father. In his mind, i HAVE to do well, and i HAVE to be the best. if it werent for him, my life would be pretty normal. Then again, without him i wouldnt be at teh best highschool of my state (i really dont mean to brag, sorry if it came out like that). so yea, i appreciate what hes pushed me to do, and i wanna do my part to make my life work. so plz, any suggestions are graciousely (sp?) welcomed by me
  12. update:so ive been getting better at this so far. the only thing that im really lacking now is an interest in everything i learn. im interested in math and science...but how can i become interesting in things lik Romeo and Juliet, and the Punic Wars :oops:
  13. Pay for more EXP? That's laughable. Fascist games FTL *cough* Runescape :P Dam Runesmithie beat me to it. :P Exactly what I was going to say. So, Jagex gives you more EXP for being a member? WRONG. Jagex gives you more opportunities to get EXP (as in, more monsters and training areas), but you don't get more EXP for killing a goblin as P2P than F2P. Reading posts FTW. i see what you're saying...but it may as well be the same thing. jagex gives members the opportunity to buy far superior equipment for every fighting class. jagex gives you the ability to go to the best training places for every possible skill, except something like firemaking. as for free games on the web, id stick to Runescape till you try something else, as ive quit runescape, but im addicted to age of mythology online
  14. so what you're saying pretty much is that you calculated probabilities and analyzed your data with 30 mins worth of kills roughly...way to do some advanced scientific research. next time, try analyzing results based on a larger pool before you post nonsense.
  15. you get a rabid monkey...i like monkeys i pick 7
  16. Actually I think someone did mention music (metal) ahh yes, d-von did, so i guess we do like our music :shock: another one to add to my list:i need my starbucks frappucinos :oops:
  17. welcome to runescape! made from years of dripping limestone-stalagmite
  18. look on the rs highscores page, cant miss him :shock: good story, although i dont like that you chose zezima, most people enjoy arbitrary names, where their actual character (no pun intended), describes who the person is
  19. since without a doubt...i cant stand world civilzations, but i really liked the US gov't stuff. math too, since im naturally good at it :wink:
  20. thats it...i cant go to the library, since i live quite far from one, and it isnt convenient. i have dsl at home, and its not worthwhile to go to a library to do something that i do at home. I AM motivated, its just that its hard to concentrate. i always get my homework done, regardless of how long it takes, but its just a hassle getting distracted by random things. as for the other suggestions, i shall try them, thx indeed, and since i listen to nothing but classical, i have no reason to believe that my music distracts me wont work. like i said before, i dont play runescape or any games while im on the computer, and i check forums after im done with homework :( sry, but that doesnt help me at all im not allowed to do much on weekdays, so i really have nothing to look forward to. but thanks anyways, motivation, as said by other people, is a great way to improve my work ethic yep. im absolutely fascinated by certain science things, that doesnt help my distraction problem. but yea, i need to become more interested in schoolwork, but its so hard when i have world civ-most boring thing in the world :roll: so far, thanks for the advice, and i hope to get some more good responses :wink:
  21. I dont find that at all surprising that somebody would do that. However, I really consider it quite sad and pathetic that not only would you do something like that but you'd then proudly post it in public (probably hoping for a childish "lmao" responce). Im really sorry if you find this post offensive to you or if you feel Im going a bit far here but Im being brutally honest, if I ever have children that are so spoilt that they would do that sort of thing Id give them a good hard slap. indeed. if i were his parents, id be saying "how much would it cost to ship him to boot camp?' as for the computer, from what ive heard, it sounds like the only thing u wanna do is create games and edit a video. so from my point of view, you need to set your priorities straight (not to be harsh). you have to think about what else you could do with that money, and what you can do if you spend that money on the computer. IMO, that $1,200 could be used for much more than buying a new computer, Ipod, and other stuff. so yea, live with what you have and dont complain. just wait for a good computer to become obsolete and buy it cheap.
  22. exactly. its why teenagers who are of relatively sound mind still need a permission slip to go on a field trip to watch a play of Julius Caesar...because no matter how outrageous the chance of injury is, its going to be the school's fault. so yes, i do appreciate what those kids were doing, but the teacher is right to some extent, even though they allow snowball fights at my school...but nobody is stupid enough to hurl ice or rocks at eachother
  23. cardsfan


    Its just a complete waist of the american and britsh troops time being there,this problem should be solved by the people who gouvern the other countrys thats the thing. from what ive heard, correct me if im wrong, the countries that american troops are being sent to cant properly defend themselves. When Iraq (i think) had its first democratic vote, tensions were high, because everybody thought that terrorists would strike. so yes, i do believe we should be there, and i completely support our troops, but instead of sending in more troops, we have to train their people to defend themselves.
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