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Everything posted by Ts_Stormrage

  1. The additional difference here is that with SoF, you can only win virtual items. Ah, right. I see. Well played :mrgreen: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/02/runescape-gaming-theft-du_n_1250126.html Jagex is done for... The most important bit: I kind of messed up my post back then by putting in the wrong link... :oops: :???: The right one is in there now...
  2. Instructions are on the main page of Tip.it
  3. Question; when buying additional spins... Do you even get a receipt? Email confirmation?
  4. It should be noted, that with the Squeal wheel you can win extra rolls, which do have a fixed monetary value as appointed by Jagex. Therefore it is currently gambling not only by common sense, but also by the UK law. QFT It's a little something I picked up on as well, but I haven't figured out the reason why they sell not 75, but 40 with 35 free spins...
  5. The additional difference here is that with SoF, you can only win virtual items. Ah, right. I see. Well played :mrgreen: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/02/runescape-gaming-theft-du_n_1250126.html Jagex is done for... The most important bit:
  6. I asume this is the distilled version of the interesting bit? Or is there more...
  8. ADVERTISER: Gold4fun LANDING URL: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=B2wXVNTt6T9H4PM2E-gb21pD9AsjDwMEDgKG8vEnw8--aRbCWkQQQARgBILTc5Rw4AFCujvfk_f____8BYJGMnYWMGKABuJDrxQOyAQxmb3J1bS50aXAuaXS6AQk3Mjh4OTBfYXPIAQHaAU5odHRwOi8vZm9ydW0udGlwLml0L3RvcGljLzMwOTgzNC1zcXVlYWwtb2YtZm9ydHVuZS1idXlhYmxlLXNwaW5zL3BhZ2VfX3N0X18zODCAAgGpAgQxbsy-T4U-yAKY_8IxqAMByAMe6AOnB-gD7gToA_0C6AMH9QMACQDA9QMAAAAQiAYB&num=1&cid=5Gi3Mwkm8dbZWzfBGKEJZt2W&sig=AOD64_2jvLFzCy9Hf-xIZ2Role3Jd_tvEA&client=ca-pub-7006458855726751&adurl=http://www.Gold4Fun.com/Runescape-gold.html&nx=107&ny=10 TYPE: Top SITE: www.gold4fun.com MY LOCATION: Netherlands REASON: Sells RS gold
  9. Hard to believe that they could come up with anything more laughable after the JagMotion thing
  10. Has anyone ever actually WON something from the ultra-rare bracket?
  11. Then post a synopsis here and the full article on sunday... That was my idea, but this thread pretty much IS the synopsis... I dont wanna give everything away just yet, but I think I stumbled upon a crucial bit of insight in this whole fiasco...
  12. Merci; you have no idea how much more exposure a Times issue gets compared to a forum thread. Last week, for example, we saw 15k hits... I know you might think forum threads get similar amouts (this one is already over 5k), but don't forget that an article is but one post, not *checks* 174 by now... This is due to a lot of readers that simply don't use the forums...
  13. The instant your reasoning tells you that this is not gambling, it will tell you that this is RWT... It is at these times that I wish I could write a Times article to be published no matter what day of the week it is...
  14. It's quite clear to me: This is either gambling or RWT... It could possibly both, but it sure as hell is at least one of the two... On top of that they are putting accounts at risk with the "already filled in personal information" thing, which will make owners of already-compromised accounts bankrupt and destitute within the next 24 hours... "It's bad sir... We thought he had hit rock bottom, but then he grabbed a pickaxe and kept on digging..." Btw if you think of going for 75 spins:
  15. +1 to this... But people are forgetting a small but crucial piece of the puzzle here... Something I'll save for the Times article thats coming up on this issue...
  16. The PK discussion comes down to simply this: It has worked before, now it doesn't... When the vid was still online it made a good point about the foodchain being chopped off at its base, the equivalent of removing all plankton from the oceans... Large clans who eat small clans who eat teams who eat single pk-ers who eat skillers... No skiller goes to the wilderness anymore, as even runecrafters use Kyatt transport, or just stay at the ZMI... Bakriminel bolts is a small step in the right direction, but not enough... Not by a long shot...
  17. Hence I portrayed it as a skill review of what a skill COULD be (and, tbh, should be)... Yes, I used April Fools to squeeze in a fake thing, but the article is featured for a week, not just one day... So that doesn't take away from the opportunity to show, and perhaps inspire, what a review of a skill-to-be could be like... Fail's on you tbh for not getting that...
  18. I'm going to interject by posting a link to my article that is, by now, over two years old... The Warhammer was indeed in development, as was the Crossbow, but I think those projects got shelved... Anywho, for your reading pleasure: http://www.tip.it/runescape/?times=409
  19. Is this real or a photoshop? :P Real. Our entry in case that convinces you. xD OUR entry? explain...
  20. Oh... I wonder who lost a bet, and had to wear that suit :D
  21. BTW, I found the perfect little spooky music for all this Morytania stuff Might also be cool while trekkin and ramblin on and on and on and on and on....
  22. for the barrows set "bringing it back etc" thing, do you need the weapon as well?
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