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Everything posted by redserpent4

  1. crackers might. But there really are ALOT of phats left. Daily people win or lose hundreds of all colours at the duel arena and thats not to mention those who just dont use theirs ever or would never stake them. My guess would be that there are several thousand phats left at least. Santas, i have no idea how many there are but there must be well over 10 thousand. Masks are likewise. so no, i really doubt that all the rares will disspear for many years yet if ever
  2. you only have to complete certain subquests. the last one for barrows gloves is the only hard bit so you can get anything up to them without completing the quest
  3. the people i have pictures of are those who were very high ranks when i used to actually look at the highscores like a year or 2 ago. For some of these people famous is just a simple 126 and for others its people who have a few 99s. the ones i posted are people who's names i recognise thats pretty much what i define as famous
  4. How did i change my opinion? My opinion remains that you should have kept your thought to yourself, posting a downright offensive message is hardly acceptable whether you say its because you "believe my statement to be moronic" or because you simply want to start a flame war because you are bored. You said that you thought a forum was for sharing ideas, so did I, i shared an idea and your immediate response was to call me a moron, i don't understand firstly what your reasoning behind that was, and secondly why my statement makes me a moron. Enlighten me please
  5. i was asking who you were because i was wondering to myself whether you were worth paying attention to. So you think to have something ingrained on your sub conscious doesn't demand doing it alot? And if we're gonna get scientific, breathing is what we call an "involuntary" action meaning we dont have to think about it and playing runescape is a "voluntary" action so making a comparison is a bit far fetched. And yes thats what i thought, which is why i was a bit surprised at being called a moron for expressing a thought. well i wasn't. if thats what you read into it, then thats just you.
  6. From what I understand dreams are made up with what you were thinking/doing about the day. So essentially if you were to play rs only for a minute you could have a runescape type of a dream? :-s We all knew some moron was going to say something like that. I've had a dream about RuneScape before, although I no longer remember it. thanks, who are you and why did you feel the need to call me a moron? I think its pretty obvious that to dream about something, it is because you are thinking about it. Pretty basic mate and to be thinking about something is probably because you either have been doing it alot or want to be doing it at that moment in time so thanks but next time keep your thoughts to yourself?
  7. i obviously dont play enough rs
  8. who knows the other 1999 the thread creator is looking for?
  9. lool. i like that one nukearcher. neo was rank 1 amge and fletch at the time. couple others are better or worse than they were at the time. all were of note at time though Somewhere got some pictures of omar sharif, Samanthanz etc but i lost em for now
  10. hullo ovulater. Am i right in thinking you were donahue65 aswell? Anyway i posted on the rs forums and i agree here aswell, good luck with it though; i dont think jagex care much for pkers. Thats why the wildy is so small and so easy to lose nothing in.
  11. the wilderness is not dead, its never been more alive. But it is ruined. And not because of any particular updates, it's because of the people. The level 120s who leveled from 80 to 120 in a month through pest control and the 278543 pures you get in every world cussing each other and everyone else off. If there were a few reasons why the wilderness just isn't fun anymore, my reasons would be: abbysal whips and pest control. Mainly pest control though, it just made leveling too easy and consequently the idiots who couldnt be bothered to train over a period of time were given all they needed to get strong and think they're special coz they step into the wildy with 4 mates and leveled in a month or two.
  12. Making a wilderness. Fighting everywhere but lumbridge was better
  13. Fire cape Recipe for Disaster SKill Capes Worst Update: Pest Control
  14. if you really know what your doing then yes you can get it with your stats. provided you have the exactly right invent and set up. However as it will be your first real time you probably wont succeed. But thats less to do with your level and more to do with lack of experience
  15. yeh there's a website and books. I am a member of the forum there and i have all of the books. The awards are given to people who through dieing or being otherwise ubable to reproduce aid the process of natural selection.
  16. Scape original is the only one i actually know what it sounds like the rest are all the same to be honest
  17. Smelting Iron ore. only 333k left to smelt \
  18. Scottish, Canadian, English and Scandinavian (Viking) My ancestors came from Viking and Scottish areas and bred with Scottish, English and Canadian people. Im golbally northern 8-)
  19. i doubt it is reportable to trading standards because you dont always get the automated messages. maybe though, got the links to the govt sites?
  20. stone golem from the desert quest whatever it's called
  21. hmm thanks everyone. i wasn't sure if i used the ring before, been about 2 years since i last smithed anything. i feel a bit silly now :oops: lol
  22. They melt apparantly.. im like what? thats 99 smithing... i need to know i will have enough forging rings... so how can i not melt my rings? It melted after 36 ores..i need better than that. Any ideas? i was at port phasmatys if that makes any difference
  23. farming, construction and hunter all 0 xp
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