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Everything posted by Faelenof

  1. Alrighty, it's a pretty good sig, but I've got a few iffy bits with it. Bear with me whilst I ramble. :P The lighting feels way off. It looks like you've got a lightsource at the top-right, outside the pixel... but it feels like you've neglected the light emitted from the furnace. I suggest you perhaps use the furnace as the only light source, which'll make for a more interestingly lighted pixel, but of course that means redoing the pixel entirely, pretty much, and I know how that feels. >< As the others pointed out, the bricks look painfully uniform, rather bland and uninteresting. As I mentioned before, if there's an unseen light source to the top-right of the image, then the bricks should have shadows as they go behind objects like the platebody and the furnace, and the light source in general. On the platebody topic, it looks very out of place because of the lack of shadow, and it doesn't feel like it'd stay on the wall with that kind of hook-things to it's arms. It looks like it's been plonked there - it doesn't fit. The furnace is very, very, very bland. Add some more depth and detail to it, because to be honest it looks like one flat slab of rock with something glowing painted in the front. Depth is the key - flatness = bad (unless you're trying to draw a cardboard furnace or something. o_o). The text - not a great font, colour, or position. See the above links posted by Darrell and DK. The expression of the character is... I don't really know how to explain it. :| It looks like he's working, but it looks like he's working without looking at his work. >< He feels like he's just sort of... staring into space. Overall, an OK pixel, though sorely lacking in detail and depth, really. Not a bad job, keep going. :)
  2. It does look traced, for sure. :-k But, I dunno, I actually quite like the style. :P Has a different feel to it, not like the generic ones that everyone does (me included). I like the water, nicely done. You could dither the ground a little more, and add a bit more detail into it, as it just looks like one smooth, flat rock-thing, and that's a little boring. :P The DK's left arm has an odd position, as if it's in between it's legs, so fiddle with the outline there. Speaking of outlines, the really dark outlines on the Guthans and the spinolyp make them seem a little out of place though. Overall, traced, but has a style that I find interesting. :)
  3. Guess you're my students now, N4H and My_Eggs (muahahaha!). Just a question: how are we going to do this? Over PM? On the forums? On this topic? I should've asked this first. >< It seems a little messy.
  4. It's the 24th of January, I believe... *is still staring at an empty canvas* Eeep, better get a move on. i can pm you a relatively good idea if you want? i was gonna do it just for a fun pixel even though i'm out but i guess if you're really that stuck i could pm it you? you don't have too don't feel like i'm gonna force my ideas down ure throat... Hehe, thanks for the offer, Tom. :P Give me a few more days, I'll think of something. I'm sure the idea is the hardest part of the pixel. ^^
  5. I'll try my hand at tutoring, level 2+ perferrably, but y'know, you guys can stick me wherever I'm needed. :P We'll see though, school's rocking around in a few weeks and everyone says this is the worst year yet. X_X
  6. It's the 24th of January, I believe... *is still staring at an empty canvas* Eeep, better get a move on.
  7. *opens up GraphicsGale in order to continue competition pixel* Oh. Yeah. That's right, I haven't started yet. :oops: Off topic: Junction, that's awesome. :D Singer, guitarist, drummer, what are you? EDIT: Fixed typo. -.-
  8. Cheers for that, PJB. :D How do you suggest I define the nose more, though? I'm pretty terrible with facial features and I've tried fiddling with the nose a bit, but none of them look any better. Any suggestions?
  9. Thanks for the crits everyone, but obsessive nitpicking strikes again. I did redo the chain, and in my opinion it looks a lot better. :D See for yourself. ^^ Face doesn't feel quite right at the moment, will probably redo that, and I'll probably touch up the cape at a later date, but I'm pretty much done with the main character (apart from the potion he's holding which I haven't quite gotten to yet). Hooray! Just noticed, the light seems like it's coming from two different places. Reasoning behind that is that there are more than one torch in the room - although I'll admit in some places it looks really iffy. Ugh, once again, I just spotted that the highlights on the chain aren't coming from the right place either. Will touch that up next update also, but the majority of the work on the next update will be on the Vyrewatch in the background. Planning to make him a whole lot thinner (anorexic vampyre-like, even), as, y'know, their diet consists of mainly blood. C/C is appreciated once again. :)
  10. I completed all (P2P) quests the first time in just over 5 months - quest addict ftw. ^^ I've been keeping up with the latest quests, so yeah, done Contact! too. :) All quests in general including F2P ones... Uh, the first time I started playing up till October last year. :P
  11. Bugger, you couldn't have thought of a harder topic, could you? o_o I'll sit here blankly like I did with the heavy metals and maybe a brilliant idea will come. *sits* EDIT: Oops, forgot to comment on earlier posts. >< Thanks, Gan, your one was excellent too. :D Rather liked it myself. Ter, your one pwns my one, I adore it to bits.
  12. Actually, I think the RoW lessens the chances of getting a defender, considering they alch for 0gp (so I've heard, considering I haven't got a defender to alch. XD).
  13. Just bad luck. It's the same with me - 2000 tokens, no bronze defenders.
  14. *squidges Turt* Too. Cute. :D Good luck finding a good sig, I'd do one but I'm terrible with this sort of stuff. :P
  15. My friend got a Dragon Plateskirt from a 500 gamble. :D I don't have any proof though, up to you to believe me. Lucky guy. XD
  16. That happens to everyone at some point, I'd imagine. :) Don't worry too much about it, it got you through the next round and it looks pretty damn good on account of teh horsey of do0m. ^^ Pssh, Turt is hawt. Stick with Turt, or use a signature randomiser thing and alternate between them. :D
  17. Well, I've finally gotten off of my pixel block and have started up on this piece again, and bugger, is it hard to do chainmail. All c/c is well received on that, and on the general pixelling of the foreground character. Ignore the rest of it, I haven't done anything at all to them. :P The shoulder plates are iffy as well, I should do a the light source to get myself into the feel of it as I'm not quite getting the highlights on the metal right. Once again, if anyone has a method to do chainmail, please contribute... I'm likely going to tackle it again tonight, completely redo it or something if enough people tell me it's crap. :P
  18. I might join in on this if I have the time. :D It looks like lot of fun, and I've yet to contribute to a Tip.It collab. ^^
  19. Eh, heavy burden, getting heavier, same difference. :P It's up for interpretation (you have no idea how long it took me to remember that word... don't you just hate it when you need a word and you can't think of it? -_-). :oops: Wow, thanks. :D *ego inflates* :P Cheers for that, Shadow. :-P It was just a little bit of anti-aliasing with a darker shade, really, but it took most of my time to do that inscription... It was a bugger of a job to find a reference pic and pixel something similar to it. XD I love the horse armour on your piece, to be honest. It's spiffing as usual. :D Eh, I really didn't spend too much time on the ring... I can see tons of places where I should've AA'd more, but hey, what can you do? :P
  20. Wow, I'm loving these pieces. :o Very nice, everyone. ^^ This references to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, in which as Frodo gets closer to Mordor, the ring feels 'heavier', therefore, 'heavy metals'. \ Yay for a rushed piece of work. >< (P.S. Zoom in on the inside of the ring :-$)
  21. Does that mean all of us get to post their image, or just Shadow and Eck? :? EDIT: P.S., I want to see me some pixels... *pokes Shadow who she knows is online*
  22. Serephurus, you definitely don't need that many colours to pull off a pixel. :P You used about 112 colours in the big version, and 58 or so colours on the small one, and that is far more than enough for a full signature like the one in my sig (the one with the salamander), which used about 118 colours. It's possible to reduce that image to, oh, say, 16 colours and not have it lose too much quality. The five digit difference (in your smaller one) between lines is irrellevant most of the time, as you can easily simulate that colour by dithering (a technique which is well explained in tutorials in the sticky above). In the bigger one, there are even one-digit differences, which is a complete waste of time, to be honest, as the eye blends such similar colours together anyway to create a smooth image (although I won't pretend to know much about eyes). Don't be afraid to do drastic colour changes, especially in a small canvas such as yours (meaning the small version). (chances are, I'm totally wrong about something, so if I am, correct me and you get a cookie. ><)
  23. I'm liking the look of Born2Die's one, so my vote goes to him. ^^ Runemetsa's one looks good too. :D
  24. Phew, sent it in finally, as I didn't know what the deadline was in NZ time. :oops: All I can hope for now is that my reference is caught on, and the implications of my chosen image are figured out. >< Come on, one of the judges, please figure the meaning out! :pray:
  25. Well, I've been scrambling tonight, I'm pretty much done (!!!), though it'd've been better if I'd had that extra day... :P Just adding finishing touches now. ^^ Rather proud of this piece, what with the mad 3 hour scramble to start and finish it. XD
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