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Everything posted by Althalus

  1. I've played Need for Speed: Most Wanted (I'm pretty sure that's the once they're referring to). I drive like a grandma. I don't understand why people would take stuff so out of perspective. To me the gaming experience is over as soon as soon as I turn off my console.
  2. Christian Bale > Keanu Reeves. I think that proves my point. I mean he made an awesome Batman too. Keanu Reeves thinks he's the characters he plays in real life.
  3. I've been in a situation like that before. I was in a 3-hour final and I had to release some gas from lunch time ( I love campus food) and instead of trying to ease it out I held it in with my superior anal muscles. The reasult: the biggest groaning noises coming out of my intestines ever. The girl next to me gave me a look, it was AWESOME.
  4. The movie should be titled: "This is what happens when you live in your parents house until you're into your mid-40's" :lol:
  5. They're fun to jiggle, that's all I have to say about them.
  6. I remember my sister went through this hair-dying stage about 2 years ago. By the end her hair was so many different colors it wasn't even funny. Question though, how long is your hair? I've dyed my hair before but it eventually got cut out with hair cuts but people with long hair (shoulder length or more) don't really cut their hair. I suggest that you stop dying your hair or else it'll be hard to undo if you decide you're not happy with what you have.
  7. HOLY COW IT TICKLES, OH MY GOODNESS MAKE IT STOP! That is amazing, I mean I really felt like someone was shaking something around me. It was awesome! I wasn't joking about the tickling part. :lol:
  8. Here's a test: If you can sit down with her and talk about doing the horizontal tango safely (you know protection, safety words if you're into that kind of thing). Then you're both ready to go for it. I find if you're not mature enough to talk about sex, then you're not ready. Personally the age thing doesn't really bother me. Oh and by the way, I'm saving it for marriage, no joke. Not for relgious reasons just a choice I've made over the past couple of years.
  9. Well I wouldn't say it's the worst thing but I've been asked 3 times if I wanted to buy marijuana, and it always pisses me off because: a. I don't do drugs b. I don't look like I do drugs c. I hate drugs I was asked twice in Canada and once in the Czech Republic when I went on a Euro Trip with my History 12 class. It was funny because a bunch of people were gathering around to watch that crazy clock hit the hour.
  10. I've never dropped anything of importance. But maybe all you other guys have dropped such cool stuff cause they were hot...you know, you dropped it cuz it was hot....you know....dropped it....hot....lame.
  11. *sighs* yes I love Rock N' Roll too, I love it enough to spell the names of the bands I like properly. I'm not usually too picky but as soon as someone mispells Led Zeppelin it seems unexcusable because seriously, you see the name everywhere.
  12. I disagree with your vote but I won't say anything more than that. Ya, so this is my first federal election in which I'm allowed to vote and I'm psyched. I've been looking over the candidates in Victoria and I'm tied between the Liberals and the NDP. I dunno, I think I need more info.
  13. On my 14th B-day I got a PS2 with FFX probably the best one ever. After that I kinda stopped caring about getting presents on my birthday and more about having to do nothing on my birthday. Then around 17 I realized that my birthday was a day I could use to get caught up on homework without being asked to do any chores because its my birthday. The psyche that comes with birthdays has died for me. Like on my 18th I used by birthday to study for my History test the next day. My 19th, which is coming up this Febuary I'm going to use to study for my Chemistry Midterm. I've come to the conclusion that brithdays are pretty low on my list of important holidays its right below Halloween.
  14. Althalus


    The Indie genre pretty much sums up everything I listen to but I still don't like calling it Indie. It just sounds like a cutsey name for alternative. I'd say some of my favorite "Indie" bands are Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, and Death Cab for Cutie.
  15. Just watched a couple of the 5th season recently and they're hilarious, I love the multi-ethnic siamese doctor routine. The janitor is the funniest character.
  16. The Show Must Go On - Queen, so epic...it's hilarious actually when playing it to such a game such as runescape that has probably no climax at all.....
  17. Well let's say you don't buy an island, lets say you buy a house or maybe even a lot which happens to be off the coast of some state or smaller country, and the only thing on that piece of land is this huge mansion you've had personally built for you and the only way to get there is by boat. Wouldn't that kinda be like having your own island but still staying in the confines of a country. I mean it can't be that bad, you can always name your estate something. That's pretty close i guess.
  18. I guess part of it would depend on the age group you're talking about. I'm pretty sure singles in their mid to high twenties wouldn't mind facial hair. Personally, I feel dirty if I don't shave, that and I think I look better when I'm shaven and approximately 2 years younger.
  19. I can see a lot of potential coming out of this if he makes it. I'm not going to calculate it but by the end he's gonna have tons of essence and then he'll be able to runecraft no problem, and then he can use the runes for magic. I can see 2 other lvl 99's coming from this 1.
  20. I can't get enough of this band. Although I don't usually lean towards more heavy music their songs just don't come across as heavy to me. It's like I could actually dance to it. I don't completely agree with their 2nd album though as most of it consists of remixes of their debut album, but still, their lyrics are pretty catchy too. I don't know if anyone here has checked them out but they're worth a listen. I'd probably check out their first album "You're a Woman, I'm a Machine" before you go ahead and check out their 2nd, although you may like the 2nd better if you're into dance/techno stuff.
  21. I've only ever played the original and all I can remember for it was the option to turn on and off the uhhh...well....the females....and the bouncing...you get it!
  22. Ya, usually I'd go with the sympathetic approach but this just sounds sick. There's no excuse for this, not goth, not insanity. He should have to go through the same pain he put his family through. He should be torched first then beat of the head with an axe so he can feel both of them. Then his life should be saved, there are much worse things than death....I'm not sick..... :twisted:
  23. I've never really had a problem with bullies but I'd say a good anti-bully trait is wit, it's probably the best tool any person could have. I love witty people.
  24. Generally I'm okay with most things but if it's hot enough to numb my tounge so that I'm not tasting anything else then no, that's just wrong.
  25. That little Apple Pie diddly is quite the catchy tune.
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