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Everything posted by Dracion1

  1. If you select "Do a system scan and save a logfile" it should open a text file containing the log after completing the scan. Just copy and paste it on here, and someone will take at it look for you. No need to pay anything ;)
  2. Have you tried running HiJackthis, and posting the log on here so someone can check it? It might help find anything running that's out of the ordinary. Also, when you said you checked it, did you give it a clean to make sure there's nothing stuck under/between the keys?
  3. Truth about the iPad revealed. I doubt tablets will take off yet, there have been attempts before and they haven't worked. Give it a few more years when more versions that can multi-task are available.
  4. Firefox/Songbird. Still can't find nearly as many useful addons for chrome as I'd like, and songbird is pretty useful as a web browser too.
  5. Last got: Mass Effect 2 and BF 2142 (for about 50p too :P) Playing: Above, and TF2. About 35 hours into ME2, it's a really good game, many improvements over the original. I miss the insane mako mountain climbing sections though. Yet to play BF, and on TF2 I've been practicing spy. Dead ringer is underrated ;)
  6. +1 to Sins. It's a pretty good space RTS, the only real bug bear is there's no proper campaign (at least not in the original game), but once you get into it it's quite good, and a single game can keep you occupied for hours, or even days :)
  7. This topic sounds familiar :-k Anyway, some of my favourites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-gI_pFog0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSlQAGyQJCQ
  8. Ok I know how to update java but how do I update the graphics drivers? Depends what video card you have. To find, type 'dxdiag' into Run (minus quotes), and click on the display. That should tell you what you need to know, from there you just type "<company name> drivers" and you should find them easily. Most companies will have something on their site which allows you to get the right drivers for your video card and such. Make sure you uninstall the old ones first before installing the new ones though, otherwise you might have more problems.
  9. I'm pretty sure what armybuilder says is rubbish :---) I have a PC that has lower specs than yours (XP, Intel P4 3.2Ghz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia 8600GT), and it runs Red Alert 3 at highest settings without any problems at all. I'd suggest making sure you've got the latest graphics drivers. Make sure if you update them you uninstall the old ones first. Try also updating your sound drivers if it helps, and make sure all the games that are crashing are patched to the latest version etc (though stuff like RA3 should do that automatically).
  10. Logitech G35's, if you can find them for less than $150. 7.1 Surround sound, microphone and buttons on the side which you can use to launch iTunes, Winamp or do other fun stuff like voice morph. The sound quality is great, and they completely cover your ears as well. They're some of the best headphones I've ever had, I'd really recommend them :) The only downside is that they're usb only, but if you're gaming at your PC that might not be so much of a problem.
  11. My dad's new PC with this arrived yesterday. Pretty slick so far, I was expecting there to be some problems with compatibility and such, but nothing so far :)
  12. My 16GB creative zen was only £70, and has been great so far. Does pretty much everything of the equivalently sized nano which was more than twice the price. Now I think THAT's fair, and I can put the music straight on there without having to use any extra software.
  13. I idled, but I only got duplicates which I removed so I lost nothing. Didn't get the Halo, but it doesn't bother me. Apparently you can still see it when disguised as spy D:
  14. One of my favourite ones: [hide=]Picture removed for evading the censor ~ Racheya[/hide]
  15. Mass Effect \ Been waiting to get this for a while, certainly not dissapointed. Also still playing TF2, I've been playing a lot as demoman recently.
  16. My ageing PC, this is shamefully ripped from the thread in T&C. Intel P4 Prescott 3.2Ghz HT 3GB RAM Xpertvision (Nvidia) 8600GT Dell 5.1 surround sound. 17" Dell Monitor @ 1280*1024 Not the best I'll admit, but it runs TF2 on highest at about 30+ fps so I'm happy :P
  17. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/s ... p?t=953306 Perhaps this means an end to idling?
  18. Not really. You can just slot it in and provided it works with your motherboard it should just recognise it automatically.
  19. I'd avoid anything Norton if I was you. It could be that some of your files are fragmented and perhaps scattered around the drive. Try de-fragmenting with Defraggler (much better than the windows one) then give it another try.
  20. Disappointed that the blutsauger doesn't give the +3 heal on spies any more, I used to use that a lot for spy checking :( Still, the teleport update is useful and the new humiliation animations made me lol when I saw them :P @Baalboy5: A handy trick that fixes a few issues is to delete the clientregistry.blob file from your steam folder (C:\Program Files\Steam). Try that and restart steam, it should create a new copy.
  21. 7zip, doesn't moan at you to pay for it and compresses as well. I've had no problems with it at all. Also the WinRAR interface looks bloated and messy :/
  22. And I thought little rocket man in Ep2 looked hard :roll: It'll be done, eventually. Also these two: Play on the same server & map for 8 hours & Play on the same server as garry
  23. You can smell the fanboyism on TIF, it's pungent. At the end of the day the usage figures speak for themselves. More people are switching to Firefox, while Opera usage is fairly level and IE is dropping. Not really, IE is one of the least secure browsers available.
  24. Looks like another sweet update :D And I'm going on holiday tomorrow for 2 weeks :roll:
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