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Everything posted by Dracion1

  1. Have been loving this since 3.1b1 :lol: Greatly improved speed and functionality over 3.0. With all the addons available for it, I can't see any good reason to use another browser. Well, with the exception of songbird maybe but that is basically Firefox anyway.
  2. Got: Dawn of War 2 and Half Life Anthology Playing: Those and Garry's Mod. Trying to learn wiremod in gmod atm, being slow and I haven't a clue what most of the stuff does.
  3. Macs have plenty of faults. The odd virus does crop up every now and then, and I have heard of a few hardware issues too. I've never been a big fan of Macs personally, I find it too simplistic, but I'm like stuff to be technical. Perhaps you should try again before going down the "I hate windows RAGE FLAME" path. What do you mean by out of date? Does it give an error message, and if so what does it say? Also Try CCleaner as Joe suggested, it's a wonder at removing old stuff like Norton from your computer. If push comes to shove, I'd recommend backing up your personal data onto external hard drive (if you haven't already done so), and doing a clean reinstall of Windows. It's a last resort, but it works.
  4. AVIRA, beats Avast and AVG hands down in terms of protection, I switched over from Norton last year and it's much better :thumbup: Ad-Aware is good for anti spyware, and if you want a free firewall, Zonealarm is supposed to be good. And just because you have to pay for something doesn't make it better. Even AVG knocks the socks off Norton and McAffee.
  5. Thanks for the offer, but by the look of things I've already found myself a group, mainly with some friends. Cheers anyway though :) Topic can be locked now.
  6. I would do the following most likely. Just given a list of programs rather than put "download this, download that": Remove any trial software crap (if the PC came with it. That or reinstall windows.) Firefox and addons Songbird, VLC, Spotify Flash, Java, Abode Reader etc Audacity, GIMP Defraggler, CCleaner AVIRA, Ad-Aware Steam, Xfire Pidgin, XChat Notepad++, Infrarecorder, OpenOffice.org Probably put most of my games on there and test to see how they run
  7. Oh the joys of clan searching :P I'm looking to get back in to the game and would like to find a nice community skilling type clan. I'd like it if your clan had an active IRC channel, and was fairly mature, so to speak. Vent/Teamspeak would be nice, but not necessary. Something with a community feel to it would be great. Stats: Thanks :)
  8. :thumbup: . That's such a stupid good deal it's not even funny. +1. That laptop is an absolute bargain.
  9. Depends, though I'd say that's quite an extreme measure. Do other games work fine or is the problem confined to RS?
  10. Ah, but it's againt the rules to block ads in RuneScape 'deliberately' ;)
  11. Dracion1


    Chicken Jalfrezi
  12. That's a bit of a long winded way of doing it. The best way is just to go the ATI website and they should provide you with an installer relevant for your card and OS. Personally I'd avoid getting the catalyst software, when I used it with my old ATI card it gave me nothing but problems; just get the drivers.
  13. Nice Ves, though I expect you'll get ripped into by some people for buying a Dell :P
  14. Having thought about it, it might be because it's only an integrated chipset. Might be having problems running HD. Did you try updating the drivers? Siggied, thanks :D
  15. Dracion1

    Best Games.

    Let the fanboyism begin. I wouldn't say there was an absolute best game though, nearly every game has its flaws and you've got all the different genres to consider. There are a lot of games that I like for example, but I wouldn't say one was the best. I have favourites I like to play, but I wouldn't pick one over all the others as being the best.
  16. How can you be god's perfect gift to the world if he doesn't exist? Nice troll post there.
  17. Gaming laptops tend to be £1500+, though for your budget you should be able to get something that will run things on medium-high. Pcspecialist used to have some good deals, but they've changed the graphics cards they've put in their laptops so they aren't as good any more. Anyway, I had a look and found the following on laptops direct: http://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/Acer_Asp ... ersion.asp £900 Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 / 2.4 GHz 4GB DDR2 RAM 640GB (2X320GB) - Serial ATA-150 - 5400 rpm Geforce 9700M GT 512MB 18.4" 1920 x 1080 Screen Bluetooth, Blu-Ray, Webcam, Wireless Battery only has 2.5 hours runtime though
  18. Have you updated your graphics drivers + browser to the latest version?
  19. That was epic :lol: Great find.
  20. You could try and transfer the SPORE folder from C:\Documents and Settings\Yournamehere\Application Data , though I don't think that will work. Past experience from this kind tells me that you just have to start again. Sorry :(
  21. You must have a lot of RAM to run all those processes :o I can't see anything on there suspicious myself, though it's a large log and I could have easily have missed something. Is your computer slow to start up? You've got loads running, a lot of it most likely unnecessary. I don't think you need all of those antiviral applications running at once, you can probably ditch AVG since you've got McAffee (There are better things out there though than both of those, though that's a separate issue), and I doubt you need Ad-Aware, Spybot S&D and Spyware doctor, just one should do.
  22. You can't always transfer all files over and expect the final thing to be 'installed; it doesn't work like that. There's often registry values and other files that are needed that you can't copy. I know some things on your list will be fine. Spore creations should be re-downloaded when you install Spore on the new machine and sign in with your account. You should be able to transfer maps from Halo over, and probably Sims Houses and RCT parks. Things like WoW will need to be downloaded again unless you have a disk or can make a backup copy on a disc I think. I don't know about these for certain though, Spore is the only game I have on your list.
  23. Few things: Vista's fine. There were problems with it when it was launched but it's not bad. You can't get malware (virus' and such) just from playing RuneScape. It must have got through some other way. I'd suggest try updating graphics drivers if you want to play HD, updating all your browsers to their latest editions, delete the JaGex cache and making sure you haven't got any other firewall software blocking RuneScape. Does the problem still happen if you try RuneScape in another browser? Give these a try, and if they don't work, post back with more info, system specs would be useful.
  24. I wonder where I saw this map before... Anyway, looks good. Sounds like an interesting idea.
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