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Everything posted by DragonFirenze

  1. Chapter Four, Bat Country, Reminissions, Sidewinder.. All good stuff, fun to play guitar to. Thats the main reason I like them, that + Synyster Gates has a cool hat.
  2. Its really good, except you have to be a tenacious d fan :) . Scrubs is great also, ive got every episode but i havent watched season 6 yet. Im sooooo in love with jd and turk.
  3. Wow thats scary :shock: exact same as me. Cept cut out singing and add playing guitar (i cant sing at all). Did you see the tenacious D movie? What did you think?
  4. Are you serious about the whole gypsy thing because that is freakin crazy! Im going to Europe in about a month and now im all scared. Sheesh ill have to pack some heat :?
  5. Oh yeah thats the one thing i hate, is when you put them on inside out. It doesnt look as clear and feels really weird...
  6. I keep my fingernails long so i can play guitar better. In hindsight it probably wouldve been smarter to remember that.
  7. I was just watching Beerfest (Classic movie) and they have a section on "Party Fouls". A party foul is when you do something socially unacceptable at a get-together, ie. Breaking a jar, spilling something, passing out early etc. So it got me thinking, whats the funniest party foul you've experienced and what did you do to that person/have done to you? For me, one of my friends got far too drunk and passed out so i took him home then stuck around for a half hour with my other friend covering him with postick notes that said trivial information such as "You are at home", "You will be hungover" and whatnot. Took a photo and left, he didnt know what happened when he woke up, said he thought he fell through a shredder lol :P. Share!
  8. Ive got monthly disposables atm. First i absolutly hated them because my eyes are pretty sensitive. They would go bloodshot and water and all kinds of nasty things, but after a week i could hardly notice them. The one tip my optometrist gave me was not to whack them in and leave it. Put them in for 12 hours, take them out over night, put them in for 24, take them out over night, put them in for 3 days, take them out over night then put them in and you should be able to use them nonstop. And dont worry about the rumours of the contact floating around your eye when you sleep, if you get the right ones it wont happen. Also a tip for when you're getting them out, dont use your fingernails to "dig" at it. You only make that mistake once... i got a rather nasty cut on my cornea which meant i couldnt open my eye for about 2 days. Horrible pain lol. And i was getting hugely frustrated because i couldnt get them out for a long time before i realised my eye was moving everywhere when my fingers got close (natural defence mechanism or something) so make sure you really concentrate on looking directly at your fingers and not moving your eye. Hope this helps!
  9. Im pretty sure its because your main sense gets cut off. I also read that if you cant sense anything your mind is unsure if you're still alive, so fear is pretty natural when just one of these isnt working.
  10. Yeah kain, i heard that the dagger flips over the giant enemy beetle and hits its weak spot for massive damage. RIDGE RACER!!
  11. WOW this is old. I fished around 1k till i got my big shark, and ive fished about 4k swordfish alone without getting one.
  12. I can juggle and play the guitar. I also have weird body things, i can push my diaphram out.
  13. Just ask them something about themselves ie. "So what subjects do you do?" and they should reply with "maths..... how about you?" Just continue on from there. My school is small, i tend to get along more with the social people rather than the offset groups that stick to themselves. Try to be more active and happy rather than quiet and reserved.
  14. I had this exact dilemma at your age, i realised i was going into senior years (wait maybe a bit older) and i had no idea what subjects to choose according to what i wanted to be. I settled on advertising because you can work anywhere and its very profitable. But mainly it interests me alot. I also play guitar for small gigs, parties and pubs. It is a risky business, you need to be GOOD to get far but its better to have as a hobby.
  15. I can push my diaphram out. Means theres a HUGE bump just below my ribcage than i can push out of request. Bout the size of a basketball.
  16. My mother is forcing me to get a job and ive vowed never to work at a fast food shop. ATM I deliver junk mail #-o but im quitting that soon, its very low pay for the amount of work involved. But enough about me. Where did YOU first work?
  17. Yeah ive noticed that too. I was there for 2.5 hours yesterday and i always get a genie. Didnt get one this trip, nor any other random. Were you burying bones btw? Cause that also provokes randoms
  18. I agree, pay it forward WAS a good movie :wink:
  19. Erm... Not quite the hardest equation. And if you really did spend 5 hours on it i suggest you get out more :-k . My maths teacher was telling me about an equation that took the entire maths department (10 or more teachers) 12 hours to figure out.
  20. Below 10 doesnt give bolt racks. Ive done 1k+ trips with 9 KC and have never had a bolt rack drop. But 9+ DOES give death runes!
  21. Definatly the honda add. 600 film takes to get it right.
  22. Ive had heaps, but i'll only post one for now. I was snowboarding in july at perisher and i was going down a double blue in blue cow (pretty steep terrain). Anyway, i was going fast down what i thought was an easy run, when the run bottlenecked then dropped off onto a very steep course. I had no idea it was like that and because i was going fast when i hit the drop off i had absolutly no control once i landed. Instincts kicked in and i tried to stop by turning my board horizontal and i hit a moguel. I flew through the air still horizontal and landed just infront of another moguel. My board cut the top layer of snow off and dug into whatever formed it and got stuck, so i flew through the air. Wouldnt have been too bad except i was very close to the edge of a run and fell off a cliff, about 11 metres high or something. I was VERY lucky there was lots of powder down the bottom otherwise i wouldve definatly died. It took me about an hour to climb back up and i was very freaked out.
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