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Everything posted by PURESMITHER

  1. Lol, maybe the squirrel army will be able to automatically detect and ban autoers/scammers :pray:
  2. The dragon axe pic isn't coming up because you forgot the / at the start of img. So I got the picture.
  3. Maybe a bit more info before we start signing a petiton, but otherwise, nice ideas
  4. Errr... you jsut bumped up an over 1 month old topic... Still, I suppose you've just given more laughter to the forum. Templar have you abandoned the forum... I hope you see and get more of this up. :thumbsup:
  5. Have fun, don't do what my dad did and fail your driving test 7 times before actually completeing it. :wall:
  6. 10 years of testing and designing later... TB@JT: "Yay we have our underwater city, lets release it!" Half-a-million players (within a week of releasing): "The underwater city is crap, in fact I think it ruined the economy, adjust it, make a quest for it, we want more st00f plox!!!11" TB@JT: [...] TB@JT is Those blokes at Jagex towers.
  7. When I was at the dark wizards circle south of varrock (lvl 35 - 40) I used to take the runes the wizards and dropped and the bones and cast that. It used to really help me train. :oops:
  8. Something tells me you got something a little wrong here... On topic: Yup, firemaking needs a super-quest to make it better, yeah, a super-quest would be nice. ^^^Siggied^^^:)
  9. I'm hoping that if you sink and die the same thing happens as in trawler fishing, you get washed up with your items still on you.
  10. Some incredibly good points being made here that I hadn't thought of . =D> You people are really good at ripping ideas apart :P I'll consider all this next time :-k
  11. Carry 4 pots, without protect items get one of your mates to beat the crap out of you and poison you, tele to your house while poisoned, and see if you lose your pots or not. Not that it would matter if you did:)
  12. Unless Jagex didn't announce it at the end, and by then hopefully all the big companys will have moved out.
  13. Alright, so this isn't good in the short term, but in long-term Runescape it would get rid of alot of autoers. 1. Jagex makes hundreds of new accounts without announcing it, and send them macroing in all of the diffrent f2p worlds and places where macroers normally hang out. 2. Without annoucing it, after Jagex has has got its own macroers out and about, Jagex removes rule no. 7 - macroing. 3. Now, with the autoers population rising all the time, eventually all the autoers will be fighting for rocks, yews, fish and all the macroers will only get say, 3 or 4 yew logs a day. 4. All the macroers find a diffrent game where they can make more money, and after Jagex realises autoers numbers have dramaticaly dropped, they remove their autoers and bring rule no. 7 back. 5. If they wanted to, Jagex could announce what they have done to make sure no-one was in doubt of what happened. 6. Runescape is an almost autoer free game! Hoo-Ray!! EDIT: Geez, you people are eally good at ripping things apart :P
  14. Sign me in. But you do realise one of the best players in Runescape is called "Uloveme" or something like that.
  15. I ALWAYS have to carry around 10 items. And that dosen't include any random events items or holiday items or rares.
  16. Lol, nice article. Good ideas. Oh yeah, I found out that High powered Nuclear missiles were invented in the 15th century. :-w
  17. Thats a good point - the makers of the game and probably all of the Jagex staff have to be 18 +.
  18. Umm... if Duke Freedom had 100+ phat sets, then... he had 600+ party hats?:shock:
  19. He was fightting cancer at the age of 43. :cry:
  20. Yes, they do. Put public chat on friends so you can only see yourself talking unless you have a friend in the bank. And say his name. Press report abuse and read the name from the chat bar while typing it in the report abuse screen. Simple.
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