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Everything posted by langer

  1. Monks are better xp and cash per hour than lobbies at any level. Once you can do monks (fish lvl and quest) , you have no reason to do lobbies.
  2. That is correct. Gold is not hard to earn, so there are more important ways to value one's possessions. I may sound like a broken record, but coins =/= value. Not a broken record... a stubborn and faulty record. Coins are the monetary exchange items is RS. How do you value one's possessions then if not by their value in coins? What is the worth of my 69M GPs? Lots of items in RS are not hard to earn, they still have a value according to the market (supply and demand) except most quest items. Can you show me a "more important way" to value your possessions?
  3. So basically, my bank is worth 167 bil based on my sentimental value of the items I have? This is as wrong as saying your Tan Cav has a value of 100 mil... If one cannot definitively say what an item is worth... then you cannot say what your item is valued at. So following that chain of thought, a Santa Hat paid 21 mil has an unknown value? I say that people that bought santa hats lost money because they have absolutely no chance of getting back the full value they paid their rare unless the market turns around. Their overall bank value has dropped accordingly to the drop in value of their rare. They have less GPs than before they bought the rare and have a less potential GPs if they sold today. That means they have lost money. If you value the time you hold that item more than the drop in value (or potential drop if you are looking to buy) then that equation is irrelevant. But you lost money (or value) in exchange for the fun of having that item.
  4. bring that 500 number to about 290-310 per hour for a more accurate rate. At 90 fishing I would get 32k xp per hour fishing monks which translate to around 300 monks per hour. A familiar will slighty improve that rate (granite crab, ibis and granite lobster).
  5. Spazy, be more specific on your items and watch that language. If you can't do both... please don't use these forums anymore.
  6. A good advice would be to log out for a while and go back to school. Unless you plan on cooking hamburgers for the rest of your life. Have fun!
  7. I don't read the stories... a tad too geek for me. I usually read the primary article but it's really a bad thing when they incorporate wrong data such as this week's with the dragon crossbow. BTW, the ruby bolt spec does not take away 20% of a monster max hit, it takes away 20% of its remaining HP. Meaning a team of 5 rangers successfully specing it wouldn't kill it on the spot. I really like the "did you know" feature even though as this point I know 90% of them . I usually skip the articles about pking as I have no interest in those and in any debate whatsoever with a pker. What I would like about the Times, are articles that summarise the latest update and what people found out about new ways of training, how will it affect a player's style of play... It's good that more articles are coming, but the first paragraph of every article should give en overview of the article so to either spark my interest or make me do something else and not waste my time if the content is not for me. With this frame of mind, a template would be really useful for tip.it's Times hopeful journalists.
  8. just to make sure, when you mean 160k xp free per hour.... You mean a combination of fast xp at a lost with chins and aviansies at a major money gain right?
  9. no one should, but in a "free" market that's what happens. You can believe all you want that your santa hat is worth 21 mil, no one would ever offer you that unless the market evolves in this direction. I agree with you that more than one santa hat is un-needed (unless you plan on investing which i don't recommend). So what you're saying is that your santa hat is worth the market price + the amount you lost since you bought it? As for making any money, I don't know how it relates to your santa hat... I make money every time I log in the game and my rares have absolutely no effect in the process... I seriously wish you'd talk to me anytime you want to buy something OVER market price, I think I could make lots of money from you...But seriously, aside 3rd age and D claws, who would buy anything over market price? especially with items that have a continous trend of dropping I agree with you that the mechanics of the GE is flawed and some items are wrongly priced. Junk trades and junk do not reflect the true value of some items. If you are willing to sell your santa hat for 21 mil, you are not gonna sell it. It may value 21 mil in your mind, but I can easily buy one for a lot cheaper. And it's the same santa hat. It may not be the one in your bank, but it has the same stats and looks and it has a value of 14 mil. Okay here's my explanation to your title : If you bought a rare 6 months ago and it has dropped in value on the market by 6 mil, the cost of keeping that rare in your bank for 6 months is 6 mil. You lost a potential of 6 mil by keeping it. If you bought that rare for 25 mil 6 months ago and put it in a dark corner of your bank and plan on never wear it, look at it or even sell it, then that cost is 25 mil. That's gold coins you could never get back (if you force yourself to never sell it) and in sum - money lost. If you take for example a useable item like a GS or a whip, the equation is different because the drop in value is balanced against the XP gain and monetary gain with the new (and hopefully better) item.
  10. Nice one, you've got him cornered :-) Mmm, not quite. You forgot about marginal utility. While one santa hat can be worth 21m, what good is a second unless he is Zaphod Beeblebrox? True, except that the marginal utility of a 2nd santa hat is practically the same as the first one. A rare will not provide extra income (at least not these days) as their primary fonctions are looks (and status) and as investments. Since the introduction of the G.E., all rares have dropped a lot so anyone buying them as investment either wants the looks and status over the cost (or lower value if you will) or believes they have reached the bottom and can only go up (speculation).
  11. I can tell you my santa hat has a value to me of 21m - I will not sell it for less. Once again - what is something worth? I may never sell my santa hat, but I haven't lost anything, 'cept maybe the opportunity cost. What is a market? Its where people get together and decide what they're willing to pay for things. What is a stock worth? Well, whatever someone is willing to pay for it, and someone is willing to sell it for. If a company goes bankrupt, it's stock price will plummet to 0. Why? Its because its worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, and a bankrupt company has little to no value. It would be really funny to see the former CEO of Enron make a speach to the investors saying don't panic even though no one will buy your stock, they have a sentimental value of 1 mil each and you are all rich! The example of a company going bankrupt is the same to a rare plummeting to low value. If noe one is willing to pay that sentimental value of your santa hat, then you have no hope of getting back the GOLD COINS you paid. If you are willing to pay 21 millions for a santa hat, I'll be glad to sell a ton of those. If you are not willing to buy another santa hat for 21 millions, then Santa hats are not worth 21 mil to you. If you are willing to pay market price for a santa hat then, the value of all santa hats to you is market price. And with the introduction of the G.E., the price your willing to pay is related to the market price and the 5% higher and lower.
  12. I am glad I was wearing a god cape at the time. Fire cape would have been a real pain to get back. Yeah when you DC, the grave dissapears. Since then, I got 13k chaos, 9k deaths and 6k bloods from slayer. I'll waste those on 99 magic when I buy back ammy and hat (95 atm).
  13. sleeping bag was for the fatigue system... that was pretty painful.
  14. I was extremely lucky to have gotten those through the G.E. (weeks after its release) and only found out how much they were worth on the streets when I lost them. I have not combat-maged since then (called it RS-trauma!). I might buy them back once the randoms are fixed.
  15. Since those cards or whips will never rise to their initial price, you have no chance of getting back the worth they have to you. So you lost money and that money was exchanged for fun, better training experience and "status". Your bank value has dropped no matter how you value your items. You can balance that lost with the "experience of having that item" brought you, but you cannot possibly tell us that your santa hat has a value of 21m. In finances and accounting, managers have to re-evaluate their assets based on market fluctuations to give a realistic view of the value of their companies and write off assets which value has dropped to zero. No matter how sentimental you may feel towards your first computer, the truth is, it's already lost most of its value. The same applies in RS.
  16. Nicely summarised - 10/10 Now we let the thread die
  17. If Jagex are obvious morons... then you are an obvious cheater. Play by the rules before you come complaining. You gave your password away, you are to blame. Your friend has most likely hacked your account or is dumb enough to have got keyloggued.
  18. That is something that should be upgraded. As well as instant attack familiars. The G.E. friends adding glitch is awful. The morphing tools not stacking in bank is kinda lame. Some G.E. prices are still way incorrect (addy arrows ++ at 1150 gp ...I mean come on). Some items should be given additional uses (nails...why do we get rune nails as rewards when they are nearly useless). The sell 50 feature in-store was nice, a sell 100 or 500 would completly destroy the junk market... or at least get rid of a majority of bank filling items.
  19. langer

    Slayer Sucks

    The point Compfreak will make is that you could have made more cash and combat xp at armored zombies/aviansies for the cost of all the slayer XP you got. The whole debate is how you value slayer XP. For anyone who wants to max out at 2376 total level, slayer xp will be extremely important. For someone who wants to pk at high combat or team up at GWD, slayer xp might be insignificant.
  20. yeah, I don't look back on classic as being the best era of RS as some on these boards do (mainly pkers I guess). OT : Why max out 200 mil in a skill... the "fame" I guess. Even though with more than 30 maxed out cookers, the point is rather moot. Or total XP, the higher the XP/Hour taking into consideration the cost is what motivate the Uber-Maxed out (2376 total and 600Mil xp +) to get those skills to the limit. Off topic: After the post about the guy who got 200 mil Xp attack on abbyssal demons, I'd love to see the loot of someone getting 200 mil XP Ranged on aviansies... talk about smith XP!
  21. So basically 99-90 is for getting the ringmaster costume only right? Seems like I'm doing already what I should be doing. Just looking for anything that could make agility level faster ....without training it!
  22. I was maging steels a while ago for slayer and I had 3rd age ammy and mage hat equipped... Jekyll appeared and I couldn't talk to him because of the fire breath... I had emptied my prayer ealier so I had no option but to run... I lagged out and ended up in lumby without my 3rd age items... I was very pissed for a long time after that.
  23. wasn't it the blood chest the most profitable? It's been a long time, I'm not sure on that one.
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