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Everything posted by Azvareth

  1. The guy who was in charge of the camera work for that trailer needs to get fired, talk about abusing (and miss-using) Dutch angles. Goddamn. Game does look very cool though and it'll be very interesting to see how they manage to make each quest different and interesting, since no other MMO has succeeded with that. I have virtually read almost nothing about the game, but is it supposed to be as instanced as the original Guild Wars?
  2. If someone was to make a joke about a person being raped on the streets they'd be ostracized by most, but if the joke is about a prison inmate it'll be in the next Will Ferrell movie.
  3. Man, I was such a crap PvPer that attacking someone would usually just lead to me getting my ass handed to me. I played a PvE spec'd rogue though... but I don't think that renders us absolutely useless in PvP. Rogues have the element of surprise though, so if I was feeling particularly feisty I sometimes had my moments against mages and the like. But then they'd return while I was fighting a mob or something and kick my ass. Speaking of which, did I just play on a particularly [cabbage]ty server? Because people would almost only attack me if I was fighting a mob, had low health, or if I was a much lower level than them. Very rarely did they have the decency to give me a fighting chance. Anyway. I think I'm gonna activate the 10 day trial in roughly a week.
  4. One explanation for this which probably amps up our percentage by a bunch is because the definition of rape is much looser here in Sweden than in other countries. For example, it doesn't require forced penetration for it to be called rape. Additionally, some countries don't regard rape within marriage, date rape or even homosexual rape as "rape" at all, so they don't report it, which I'd imagine skews the statistics quite a bit. Yes i know. Obviously, people in i.e. Africa don't report it to the police in the amount of western countries. Of course i know that the real numbers would make Congo&co go to the top of the list. But you cannot deny that we have an extreme amount of rapes in Sweden. I view rape as a worse crime than screwing the government out of a couple of millions in taxes. However, the economic criminals are sent to prison with longer sentences. I find it disgusting. Of course, I do too. Our judicial system is far from perfect, but nobody claimed it was, so I don't see how it's relevant to what we're talking about; other than giving you a reason to segway into a court case where an immigrant did something bad so you can complain about our immigration politics and how our country is going down the gutter for the hundredth time. Especially when you bring up statistics that are uncertain at best (there's probably a good reason for why Sweden is left out in a lot of studies regarding rape). This is what you're defending.
  5. One explanation for this which probably amps up our percentage by a bunch is because the definition of rape is much looser here in Sweden than in other countries. For example, it doesn't require forced penetration for it to be called rape. Additionally, some countries don't regard rape within marriage, date rape or even homosexual rape as "rape" at all, so they don't report it, which I'd imagine skews the statistics quite a bit.
  6. Look at how wrong you are. Statistics has shown time and time again that the whole "arrhhh revenge and retribution" philosophy for criminals simply does not work as a deterrent, at all. In fact, and as an example, in the U.S (a country that eats the whole "an eye for an eye" [cabbage] up) over 2/3 of the criminals end up getting re-arrested within 3 years of release, and half get charged with a new crime. In contrast, Norway, which has one of the (if not the) highest prison standard in the world, where they truly focus on prison education and rehabilitating their criminals, hardly anybody gets re-arrested (I'm too tired to look up actual statistics right now, but it's unbelievably low). That's not the only problem with the U.S. prison system though, where both racism, torture and prison rape is pretty much guaranteed. It's one of the things about the country that makes me sick to my stomach.
  7. Today I saw Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper, Anthrax and Slayer. Maiden just gets better each time I see them.
  8. Okay so I haven't played the game in more than a year and holy crap they've added a lot of new things. All these badges confuse me. What server do you non-US people play on? Preferably a server where players don't rip you a new one if you happen to do something wrong. I've forgotten basically everything. Still seem to be doing well as a medic, though!
  9. Yeah. I consider Thin Lizzy one of the most underrated rock bands of all time, but they are generally pretty well known. Amusingly I couldn't be bothered to post them in the thread.
  10. Roky Erickson & the Aliens [hide] [/hide] The Airborne Toxic Event [hide] [/hide] Rebelution [hide] [/hide] Bombay Bicycle Club [hide] [/hide] Okkervile River [hide] [/hide] Vapnet [hide][/hide] Karma To Burn [hide][/hide]
  11. I already did. Click Oh hey, I even remember that thread as well.
  12. I've read that he got a 3-year sentence, but not that this automatically makes him a permanent resident. Mind directing me to an article that mentions this? Since he can't get deported, this makes the parents who are asylum-seekers getting "verkställighetshinder". [spoiler=Swedish text] Migrationsverket be[bleep]ar om uppehĂ¥llstillstĂ¥nd för bl.a. flyktingar och andra skyddsbehövande. Migrationsverkets be[bleep] kan överklagas till Utlänningsnämnden. Den som har fĂ¥tt avslag pĂ¥ ansökan om uppehĂ¥llstillstĂ¥nd och ett be[bleep] om avvisning som vunnit laga kraft kan ge in en ny ansökan om uppehĂ¥llstillstĂ¥nd till Utlänningsnämnden. En sĂ¥dan ny ansökan fĂ¥r bifallas om ansökan grundar sig pĂ¥ omständigheter som inte har prövats förut i ärendet och om utlänningen har rätt till uppehĂ¥llstillstĂ¥nd som flykting eller skyddsbehövande eller om det annars skulle strida mot humanitetens krav att verkställa be[bleep]et om avvisning eller utvisning (2 kap. 5 b § utlänningslagen, UtlL). I vissa fall fĂ¥r ett lagakraftvunnet be[bleep] om avvisning eller utvisning inte verkställas. Det gäller när utlänningen riskerar att straffas med döden eller med kroppsstraff eller att utsättas för tortyr eller annan omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling eller bestraffning liksom vid risk för förföljelse samt om utlänningen har flytt undan krig eller en miljökatastrof och har synnerliga skäl mot att sändas till hemlandet (8 kap. 1, 2 och 4 §§ UtlL). Finns det hinder mot verkställighet enligt ovanstĂ¥ende innebär det samtidigt att utlänningen regelmässigt har rätt till uppehĂ¥llstillstĂ¥nd http://www.riksdagen...004/05&bet=SfU3 Fair enough. I find it very strange that it hasn't been mentioned in the media though. Not even in sensationalistic tabloids such as Aftonbladet and Expressen.
  13. Azvareth


    Except for the fact that my parents and I disagree on a lot of things and we are quite different, they've always been pretty great. The former I blame on our vastly different upbringings. I would imagine growing up in a village up north in the country in the 50's to be quite different from growing up in Sweden's biggest city and capital during the 80's and 90's. They have done their damnedest to not try to influence neither me nor my two sisters politically and such. Good manners, generosity and whatnot was also taught and ingrained in us very early; as well as the importance of reading, which I'm grateful for. And I can only recall one time that they've ever actually raised their voice to eachother. They've also helped me financially something ridiculous these past few years, which has helped me immensely. Unbeknownst to them I've written up everything they've given me though, so I'll pay it all back one day. All in all, my parents have largely been quite ideal compared to a lot of other posters'. My only real complaint is that I wish they would've been much harsher on me when it came to school work when I was a kid.
  14. I've read that he got a 3-year sentence, but not that this automatically makes him a permanent resident. Mind directing me to an article that mentions this?
  15. Not trying to [cabbage] up this thread, OP... but honestly, wouldn't a "most underrated bands/bands not many have heard of" thread be a bit more interesting? At least people could discover new music that way. This is just effortless "heh, look at me and which popular bands I DON'T LIKE". It really serves no other purpose than to annoy individuals who like those particular bands. I'm aware that I'm guilty of this as well. I guess what I'm trying to say is if someone was to make a thread like that I would totally post in it.
  16. Another one. I can accept a few "it's/its" mistakes in a text, even the occasional "their/they're/there" mix-up. But as soon as someone types "should of" their credibility just goes pot. Not sure why that one in particular annoys me more than any of the others, though.
  17. Azvareth


    Haha swing and a miss. Finnish and Swedish originate from two completely different language trees. :-P edit: not that only "miten sinä?" would make any sense. Needs a verb!
  18. Azvareth


    Nice try, but "hej" is a bit too simple since it's bound to work in most countries with a Germanic language. But I guess I owe you a 1/2 pint (of milk)!
  19. Azvareth


    I guess I expect them to know some basic English at least, which has (in my experience) always been the case; probably because they're usually from my generation. I met a guy from Azerbaijan once and he was able to speak English just fine. Being able to speak basic Swedish however? Ha. If they can say anything in my language I will buy them a pint.
  20. A good friend of mine sits as an organiser on a festival here in Sweden, and they've booked Enter Shikari. Apparently they cost about 3000eur to book.
  21. This is why PvP servers were made and I wish more people did stuff like this. And while a TIF guild or server will probably not end with all of us raiding together, people logging in now and again to chat would certainly help with the (absurdly) boring monotonous leveling.
  22. I'm reading through a thread about "Strange facts about World of Warcraft" atm on another forum (6000 posts, whew). I hadn't heard of this one before, and it sounds pretty damn cool: If you turn your ambient sound all the way up in the throne room in Lordaeron, you can hear the sound file from Warcraft 3 where Arthas kills Terenas. Also, if you "RP walk" from the gates from the entrance of Undercity, you get to hear the whole cinematics (distant bells and cheers as Arthas walks in). Supposed to be kinda creepy, but I have no way of finding out. edit: turn game volume and ambience to 100, everything else to 0.
  23. Just google the lyrics. I'm having trouble making out more than a few words at a time, but I'm sure a native English speaker could do it with relative ease? edit: and there you go
  24. Haha, the beginning is shamelessly copied from that of 28 Days Later. From the trailer it looks like it has an impressive budget though, and quite the stellar line-up of directors and writers too (Shawshank Redemption, The Wire, Dexter, BSG, 24, etc.). Zombie-apocalyptic stories have always intrigued me, so I'm definitely looking forward to this. Thanks for the heads up.
  25. Wait, wait, wait! The "Miracles" song isn't satire?! How can it not be? What the hell. I heard people joking about it, so I went into it thinking it was just a song parodying the whole "anti-intellectualism" movement. I actually thought it was a pretty decent song, and kind of well done in a The Lonely Island-kind of way. To know that it is not a satire, but in fact their honest-to-god attempt to make a deep and insightful song about all the "wonders of the world"... I can't wrap my head around this. They are grown men who are mystified by things that made sense to me as a 10 year old. "And I don't wanna talk to a scientist, ya'll [bleep]s lyin', and getting me pissed." Jesus christ. [bleep]ing anti-intellectuals, you are literally a bunch of fart-sniffers.
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