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Well... what can I say....




Now what does that tell you about the IQ of an average 'Scaper?

That...Lowers my expectations of the average 'scaper...It was low enough as it is... #-o :wall:




:lol: :wall: =D>

What does this say about tip.it's average IQ? It's horrifyingly low. We apparently cannot understand the most obvious sarcasm.
mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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Well... what can I say....




Now what does that tell you about the IQ of an average 'Scaper?

That...Lowers my expectations of the average 'scaper...It was low enough as it is... #-o :wall:




:lol: :wall: =D>


yea, the average scaper is pretty dumb, some girl got mad at me because i was using big words that made her feel stupid because she couldn;t understand it. The word? dung.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Found this while browsing RS Forums, got to 11 pages and no lock. Most replies were people calling him a noob or lazy






o.O Complain that they are there, complain if they aren't there.




I think it is great they are getting rid of the autoers.

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Therefore, Jagex must introduce the following change:




Once you die, your account is deleted.




For realism purposes.








If you want it to be real, instead of your account being deleted if you die in game. Somebody comes to your house and puts a bullet in the back of your head.


And... The magic skill, prayer skill, Mithril, Adamant, Rune and Dragon armor must be deleted, along with Demons, Drgons, Giants, Gnomes, Elves, Zombies, Ghosts, Ogres, Trolls, and goblins.


wat is the highest level u can get on rs cause ive been told like 1 million timez level 126 l44 l88 500 i dunno plz some 1 tell me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, it was in the Rants forum.


Hi im hear to discuiss stuff that u dont like like jagex shoud make it snow and rain on rs come and talk to me !!




im tired of goblins dropping 5gp !


I want goblins to drop d chains because it would help lower lvls get money, and thats what jagex cares about, low levels.




supporter list:
























also i think they should lower goblins, goblins KILL LVL 3S!! OMGÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý!






~~goblins overpowered with bad drops~~




~~not a spam ~~






good ideas from other players








monkeys should drop d full helms




Cow Man76




chickens should drop 3a !


The most pathetic attempt at sacrcasm ever.

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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You know what really grinds my gears? That thread in Forum Games called "Happy Fun Time ACRONYM GAME!". FFS THEY ARE ACROSTICS The thread has been recreated several times, and neither the authors nor anyone who posted noticed this malapropism; says alot about how intelligent people on the RSOF are.



There are 10 kinds of people: Those who can read Binary code and those who can't.

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I love his grammar








What did he say? I dont read noobish (Yes, i'm serious, i cant understand him at all)


Translation:why do we have to go through tutorial island every time we make a new account????????????




i don't have any funny forum posts though. <.<

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Some people in this game really need mints.




Wintergreen-Feed to a noob to make them stop begging for 20 minutes (words associated with please, gimme, free, st00f.)




Spearmint-Mutes them for good until further notice.(Not workable on "Immadspicy"




Lawlmint-Prevents spammers from saying Lol,Rofl,Lmao,Roflcopter,Roflwaffle,or any other variation for 30 minutes. (Not workable on "Immadspicy"




Bombmint-Heals 50 HP but lose prayer,reduces att str and def to 1, and you cant drink pots for 20 seconds.




Lovemint-Give this to your spouse to get hugged,kissed, or maybe more.










Also, to make these mints i think there should be a candy shop.




Support List:


#1 Immadspicy


#2 Gameqube0 ~>Supports 100000000000000000000000%


#3 Mr Smarty 1


#4 Mmnmnlmnmnmm


#5 Ewok Freak


#6 Gitana1510


#7 Amasa0 ~> Supports 100000000000000000000000000000000%


#8 Gbola1


#9 Mmnmnlmnmnmm ~> Supports so much he feels the need to have his name here twice!

Mmnmnlmnmnmm kept saying "do not support", btw
Where are the AFROS!!!!!!11 back then they were the cool things. now its all about the "emo" looks if you will and all those other ones that are hip. Why cant older people have their afros!!




Support list:


#1 Immadspicy


#2 Joppy Froot1


By the same mentalbloke.


Yes. It was in the Rantz forun.


Congratulations. You have just finished the Spam Mysteries quest. You can now use the Spam Skill. You have gained 500 spam experience.


ZOMG! Quick, spamman, to the Roflcopter!


An FMod reply:





I have a premade poem for these kinds of threads.




*clears throat*




a Poem for Chewey, the Page 51 Monster






In the void of the Forums,


behind the last page,


lurks a green Monster


of unbeknownst age.




He goes by the name


of Chewey, and he


is known to be hungry;


I'm sure you agree.




He'll devour any thread


from stories to spam


as soon as they fall


right into his Land.




He loves a good story,


but spam gives him gas.


So keep this in mind:


Don't give him your sass!




Post a suggestion,


a story or two!


They taste just like cookies,


he told me they do.




A thread that is hidden


is something he dreads


as well as the padlocks;


he hates those bad threads.




So keep this in mind


the next time you post:


Please follow the rules


to please Chewey the most!

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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