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Spliting The Bill


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If you thought the title was a clever metaphor then no, I'm actually talking about spliting a bill.








If you went out with your friends would you split the bill or just pay for your share? Because paying only for you seems strange even if you say you are short on cash but I'll explain why spliting the can be sometimes bad in the next paragraph, please post your opinion.








Well me and my friends went out to restaurant x and we got what we ordered, but me being a Christian in Lent on a Friday I couldn't eat meat so I didn't. All I ordered was a small coke. When the bill comes everyone agreedy to divide evenly so I ended up doing the same... And it cost me $17 for a same coke... Its not like I'm low on money but errr paying $17 for a coke?




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Just ask for a different check, they make everything fair, atleast most things. If waiters/watresses don't like splitting the bills, that's their problem, and it's their job. I sometimes overtip, I'm only 14. I had a $20 breakfast at DisneyWorld, I tipped $5. :oops:

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That was pretty stupid of you - honestly I don't see how you could have been forced to pay $17 for a coke by them. I would have dropped 3 dollars and let them figure out the rest. I never split bills by percentages under normal circumstances because I usually order much cheaper dinners than people I'm with. I'm not saying I get less than what I need - I just don't add on all those extra side things nobody needs.

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Generally when I go out with friend we just get separate bills. I know it may seem like extra work for the servers, but thats why with large groups I always tip at least 20%.








Yup :D








I also have been in situations where my friends have decided to just split the bill evenly, when I ordered something cheaper (though never in a situation quite as extreme as yours!), and it can be fairly frustrating, though. You don't want to be the obnoxious one who makes everything more complicated for the sake of $2 - but when you're a poor student trying to be frugal, sometimes you don't really have another option. :P

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Splitting the bill evenly regardless of what you order? Who thought of that?








It's always separate checks. If it is on one bill you pay for what you get, you aren't on a date or anything.




Oh, the lengths people will go to seem not cheap/socially acceptable. I'm sure if he went with people he really knew well he would have no qualms about not paying 17 dollars for a coke.

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There's a place I go to which had to put up a No seperate bills sign up at the front when you first come in. Because it was giving them too many problems.












Splitting bills evenly is [cabbage]. You want a $50 meal - you can pay for it. There's no way I'm pitching in to pay for someone else if they wanted to eat big.

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Lol... depending on how many people...








if theres 4 or less, ill pay the whole bill :P








but if its more than that i'd take a separate bill.

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We usually just throw in our meal amount. I went to restaurant with 10 friends about two days ago and thats what we did. Then some of us just threw in some for the tip.

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When my family goes on our annual holidays, we each takes turns paying the whole bill. My mother did last time, my uncle will next time, my aunt will the time after that and so on. Once I get a job, I'll be joining in on the rotation. When I go out with friends, it depends on our mood. Some days we all pay for our own. If one of us is short on cash, no problem, another will pay for it. As for splitting the bill evenly, I try to avoid it.

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Whenever I go out with people everybody always orders drinks. I know this is the norm for most people but I've always been satisfied with water. I'm not paying for their 9 dollar meal when I just had a seven dollar one.








It should always be separate checks except for special circumstances (paying for girlfriend or maybe giving parents some money when going out).

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Whenever I go out with people everybody always orders drinks. I know this is the norm for most people but I've always been satisfied with water. I'm not paying for their 9 dollar meal when I just had a seven dollar one.








It should always be separate checks except for special circumstances (paying for girlfriend or maybe giving parents some money when going out).








Yeah I don't get people.








Why the hell are they ordering a $2-3 drink when they can get it later for half the price or 2x the quality. I just don't get it.

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We usually ask for separate cheques, but if you end up paying a little extra now and then, don't freak out - just enjoy the fact that you have friends to spend money on and don't get too attached to your bank account :)

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I would pay for the whole thing. I would only go to a fast food place, the most 'slow-food' resturant is like Denny's. It's around $25 for a dinner for four.








If not I'll just pay for mine, and the rest pays for thiers.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Depends what its for. Usually when I go out with my friend Lisa on a thursday we just split 50/50. Sometimes hers is a little more sometimes its mine, its probably never more than ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã2 different so neither of us quibble and thats fine. Othertimes if a group of us go to a Chinese where we all have things that equate to rougly the same price we will just split the bill evenly then too. If theres ever a time when at least one persons has somehting much more expensive or less than the rest or the prices have quite a variation we'll just pay individually. I don't think theres ever been a time when ppl have argued over it.








You are a bit of an idiot paying $17 just for a drink tho, like someone else said i'd have just put a few quid on the table for my coke and let everyone else split the rest.



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ummmmm, not sure how to put if you meant to do it but...?








you spelled splitting the bill "spilting the bill".








may wanna fix that if you didnt mean to spell it wrong

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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ummmmm, not sure how to put if you meant to do it but...?








you spelled splitting the bill "spilting the bill".








may wanna fix that if you didnt mean to spell it wrong




You forgot an apostrophe and a full stop in your last sentence. Also, you need to capitalise the first letter of every sentence. Oh, by the way, it's spelt "spelt".








Moving along...








My friends and I always pay for our own. We're all intelligent enough to know how much we have to pay, so getting separate bills isn't an issue. If nobody has anything less than a $20, then we just pay some large amount and divvy up the change after that.








With my girlfriend, she always insists on splitting the bill even though I eat much more than she does. Not that I complain.

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In my youth most of my school was obsessed with an asian buffet called "asian star" and we would go there like every week in the summer no matter how, even if we had to walk (was a 5-10 mile walk). You could kind of say I was spoiled and I always got a $20 bill from my parents and my friends would get $10 bills. A buffet total is $9.66 a person, so everyone should of gotten 34 cents back, and me about 10 dollars. But no, everytime those asians would just keep all the money for their tip :evil: We sometimes came in groups of 10-20

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We usually just split the bill when we go out to dinner or going for a drink. But when let's say, I went out to dinner with a friend first, and later other friends would come to that place for a drink with us. We'd pay the dinner seperatly of course. So if we were in a situation like you, we'd not let the one that didn't have dinner pay as much as we have to. Then you'd just drop the money for the coke, and the others split the rest.


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