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God hates fags? AKA Homosexuals?


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Then again, being open minded too much isn't healthy too... :-k

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Actually, I'd like to see their face when and if homosexuality is discovered to be scientific aka activated by a hormone, genetic, etc.








Actually, I'd like to see the whole world's face.








Well it's better than Christian's current stance on the matter...That it's a choice and a sin and can be over-come through prayer n' whatnot. The suicide rate among Gay Christian's is like 90%, lol.








It has to have SOME genetic thing to it. Why else would a kid raised 100% Christian even consider being gay? He knows what that means to his religion. He obviously just can't control it.








I remember the case of a mother who posted on a Christian website saying she found out her son was gay, and the members of the forum all told her to tell him to pray and repent from his sin and that just made the kid commit suicide...Very understanding people at that forum, I tell ya'. They told the mother it wasn't her fault and that he made his choice. It was pretty ridiculous. Even if I was strictly religious, if I had a gay child, I'd simply say "Well, thats your choice...Remember what I taught you with religion your whole life, but if you can't get over it through prayer and whatnot, then you've made your choice and I hope you're happy with it!" and accept him/her...Not shun them like they're weird and did something bad. The mother essentially killed her son by not being understanding. Though I'm sure religious people will disagree with me and say it was his choice and la-de-da.








Probably the most disturbing thing is one of the members of the forum said to the mother "Well, he made his choice. He's burning in Hell with the sodomites now." and she basically acknowledged that she understood that. Amazing.








That website doesn't accept debate, though. I was going to ask them what the hell their problems were, but the rule said "NO DEBATE WELCOME! IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH US, LEAVE!" basically. Very Christian-like.








I partialy agree. I don't beleave it's genetic but I don't belieave that it is purely choice eather. I think it's phycological, something that is burned into your brain by eather a tromatic even of some sort, wether it has to do with sexuality or not, or an acustomed life style, being around it alote, even apart from home.

Once an opinion is formed the truth is irelivant.


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I guess I am the first Christian to post on this thread.








Let's see... if that is the same group that was protesting soldiers then from what I know their "Church" is basically their family. They get lots of media time because they are crazy and the news loves to show crazy people. All you have to do is read the Bible and compare it to what they are saying to show they have pretty much created their own religion under the guise of Christianity.








As to God and homosexuality...








God hates all sin...




homosexuality is a sin so God hates homosexuality...




he also hates selfish pride, adultery, lying, rape, murder, etc etc








Everyone struggles with certain sins more than others. That doesn't make them ok. Also keep in mind God loved everyone(homosexuals included) enough that he sent Jesus to pay for everyone's sin. All anyone has to do is accept his payment.

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I wrote a research paper about the Westboro Baptist Church. The church calls themselves "Baptists," but they have been booted out of the official denomination and have just kept the name.








The church is composed of about 80 members - all 80 members are related to each other in some way - all descendants from the preacher Fred Phelps. Before they started their campaign against America, their membership was about 100 members but the 20 members unrelated to the Phelps left. They haven't had anyone join their church since their campaign started.








This is absolutely sickening:








Phelps' two daughters are brilliant lawyers. The way the church makes it's money to campaign is by using their hate speech to antagonize people into assaulting them (sometimes just by throwing stuff at them). The two girls then sue whoever was antagonized into attacking to make more money for their campaign.








When they were protesting some military funerals, one of the Commanders in the army had to brief the funeral party about what the two girls did so they were all careful not to be sued.








Their campaign includes:








Hate fags.




Hating the military.




Hating Catholics.




Hating America.








They have also (on their website) rewritten popular songs to have lyrics about why God hates America. For instance, "This Land is Your Land" was turned into, "This Land is fag Land."








I encourage anyone who's interested to look up some interviews or speeches that these people have done. It's eye-opening about the hate out in this world. I especially recommend the interview between the two daughters and Sean Hannity.








This past fall, when the Amish schoolgirls were killed, the WBC planned to protest their funeral. In an effort to spare the community of their hatred, radio talk show host Michael Reagan convinced the group to not go if he allowed them free access on his radio show for a morning (estimated worth = $300,000). What horrible people.

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This past fall, when the Amish schoolgirls were killed, the WBC planned to protest their funeral. In an effort to spare the community of their hatred, radio talk show host Michael Reagan convinced the group to not go if he allowed them free access on his radio show for a morning (estimated worth = $300,000). What horrible people.








Why the hell would they protest at that funeral?

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This past fall, when the Amish schoolgirls were killed, the WBC planned to protest their funeral. In an effort to spare the community of their hatred, radio talk show host Michael Reagan convinced the group to not go if he allowed them free access on his radio show for a morning (estimated worth = $300,000). What horrible people.








Why the hell would they protest at that funeral?








They protest military funerals because it is their belief that military men and women are killed because God is punishing America for their tolerance of fags. Therefore, people should not be mourning over a death that God has caused.

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This past fall, when the Amish schoolgirls were killed, the WBC planned to protest their funeral. In an effort to spare the community of their hatred, radio talk show host Michael Reagan convinced the group to not go if he allowed them free access on his radio show for a morning (estimated worth = $300,000). What horrible people.








Why the hell would they protest at that funeral?








They protest military funerals because it is their belief that military men and women are killed because God is punishing America for their tolerance of fags. Therefore, people should not be mourning over a death that God has caused.








Thats sickening.

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Why has no one bothered just burning their church and hacking their website, it'd be so easy, and that would definitely be the silencing of idiots.








Because we rise above that, stand for beauty and righteousness, and heckle them from a distance.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Why has no one bothered just burning their church and hacking their website, it'd be so easy, and that would definitely be the silencing of idiots.








Because we rise above that, stand for beauty and righteousness, and heckle them from a distance.








Also because when they were caught, they would be sued into oblivion.

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When ever i get a chance i'm gonna push a gay person off of a building/mountaion/kill them :D . And thats the truth. I hate gay people i just want to gather all the gay people in the world and make them beg for death before the end of it.








Okay, mommy is calling now. Time for bed.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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When ever i get a chance i'm gonna push a gay person off of a building/mountaion/kill them :D . And thats the truth. I hate gay people i just want to gather all the gay people in the world and make them beg for death before the end of it.








Okay, mommy is calling now. Time for bed.




Lol acutally i got that of a movie :lol:

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I remember watching a programme where a gay man went and spent a couple of days with them. He obviously didn't tell him he was gay, it was sickening the people who spread hate.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I remember watching a programme where a gay man went and spent a couple of days with them. He obviously didn't tell him he was gay, it was sickening the people who spread hate.








The best part of it is that hateful people are not protected by hate crime sympathy like normal people are. I could light their Church ablaze and I bet the law wouldn't even look for me, let alone call it a hate crime.








Same thing goes for White Nationalists and stuff. Noone sympathizes when they get into crap.








Kinda' God's way of saying "LOL! BET THAT SHUT YA' UP!"

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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The bible says he hates no one... but the bible states a man and a women should be married, not a man and a man or vice versa. So technically it is a sin.




I personally would kill all gay's if I could....but that's just me. I just don't like them.


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I personally would kill all gay's if I could....but that's just me. I just don't like them.








Wanting to kill people merely because you don't like them is murder.








The 6th commandments clearly says, "Do not murder".


Me doing staff.

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It's funny how the "righteous" will abandon common sense and twist the Bible to say whatever they want it to and think they'll get away with saying homosexuals should all die.








News Flash: If God exists, you'll all be judged too, and he will not be happy with you.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I personally would kill all gay's if I could....




Well...Um....Uh...I hope I never meet you. Lolz. But seriosly, whats the point in burning down their churches and assaulting them? They will only feel more self-righteous. I think that eventually being homosexual will become truly socially acceptable, and people like this church and goldphishies will just look like morons when they say stupid things like killing all the gays. I personally have been to an anti-gay rally (I like to know the enemy) and I thought all of their reasoning was stupid. "The Bible says its wrong" Old testament people get with the program. "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is more along the line of Jesus' entire message. Besides if they have nothing better to spend their time on than crusades against the gays, then I fell sorry for them.

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Hypocrits! They believe they're following what God wants. Yet doesn't it say everywhere that God loves you no matter what you do? Since when did he begin to hate his own creations jsut because they rebel? Last time I checked, there's been contraversy over religion since the dawn of mankind. Also, last time I checked America isn't the only country that tolerates homosexuality. Just because we have the biggest iassues over it it doesn't mean were the only ones under controversy. If these people started thinking straight, they'd knwo that whether or not homosexuality is a sin, God STILL Loves you.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Besides if they have nothing better to spend their time on than crusades against the gays, then I fell sorry for them.








Couldn't have said it better myself. Its so hyprocritical! People think they're following god's will by persecuting homosexuals. Yet unless they've never sinned before, they shouldn't be telling others how to live either.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Don't have to be an atheist to think these people are wrong. I'd wager that every Christian here thinks they're idiots too, no matter how much they think homosexuality is wrong.








I have to admit I never thought I'd say this but I agree with Tigra, me and him have had our ehem debates in the past with both of us being as damn stubborn as the other but I can honestly say as a Christian these kind of people sicken me; in no way is that a modern interpretation of God's message (please leave that statement alone tigra :lol: , I use it contextually) and hopefully these kinds of idiots can be rooted out and shamed - if they aren't doing that well enough by themselves.

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