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.::11 April 2007 - Olaf's Quest Slippery Bridge::.


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The problem was that they didn't take into account sequential odds. It's a common mistake.




Think about it this way. I have level 67 agility. Perhaps that means I have a 67% chance of making it across each step. For any given step, that's not a big deal. However, as Jagex noted, there were 12 steps. Given that, the odds of me making it across ALL 12 steps was: .67^12 (i.e., .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67 * .67). That would mean that I have a less than 1 / 100 chance of completing the bridge in its entirety.




Now imagine that the actual success level was much higher: 85% chance of success. That would still mean it would take me, on average, 7 times to cross the bridge. With a success level set that high, if they didn't take into account sequential odds, they would have assumed everyone would get through very quickly. Obviously, that's just not true.


yes well said... erm what did he say...




yes good point!!!




now i can do the quest with my boiling hate of agility

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Hmm... I did the quest yesterday, and I didn't complain :D




Of course, I got across the bridge first try, and had no clue that people were having so much trouble with it o.o Good update though :) I like where they say the didn't 'nerf' the quest, lol.

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Hmm... I did the quest yesterday, and I didn't complain :D




Of course, I got across the bridge first try, and had no clue that people were having so much trouble with it o.o Good update though :) I like where they say the didn't 'nerf' the quest, lol.




they said "neft" because they been nerfing stuff lately *cough* achor *cough*

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Lol I didn't fail once and I did the quest yesterday...


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I fell 5 times. I did complain, but the more happy I am I finished it :D So really, a good thing Jagex noticed this and fixed it. And for all those, like me, who did it after all. Good job :)

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you people are failures, i did it in 3 tries with 61 agility






Thanks :roll:






The fact that I wasn't as lucky as you doesn't mean I'm a failure...


Failed about 20 times yesterday, but I kept trying and eventually I succeeded. Never complained they should nerf it.




I think I'm just going to see this as a personal achievement and


as a sign of my determination.

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Hmm... I did the quest yesterday, and I didn't complain :D




Of course, I got across the bridge first try, and had no clue that people were having so much trouble with it o.o Good update though :) I like where they say the didn't 'nerf' the quest, lol.







i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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I fail to see how underground pass was hard....Back a couple of years ago I tried it on my acc with 1 agility and made it to the second demon, 6 hours later I couldn't make it to the third still lol(tbh the quest is np with 32 agility)

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People on the RSOF whine about not having high leveled / hard quests, Jagex releases ONE simple quest with just ONE hard part and what do you get?






The people who whined about not having high leveled / hard quests are now whining because this part is too hard. What's next, 'pls nrf' Imp Catcher fr us?1!?/'


Billy Talent ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâë3

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wasted 20 mins on that bridge to get over, when i could have just waited :evil: . ah well, reward wasn't too bad

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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Way to cave to the whiners... :roll:


After failing the underground pass like 10 times in a row with 50ish agility, I learned good agility is necessity.


Apparently, I should have just wrote posts on the forums saying, "OMFG WTH with the pass".

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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What's next, 'pls nrf' Imp Catcher fr us?1!?/'




Actually the Rants board on the Official Forums is funny right now. People are sarcastically creating threads like "Cook's Assistant Too Hard!!!" and "Sheep Shearer Needs To Be Nerfed Too!!!"


Dragon Drops - 10 Meds, 9 Legs, 5 Skirts, 2 Left Half

PM me to have any potions made or crafting done

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Pfft took me three tries with 61 Agility before Jagex changed it...


Ah well, as long as they don't start messing around with quests like MEP2 and Underground Pass I'll be happy. :)




If they do that I might just quit...

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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What's next, 'pls nrf' Imp Catcher fr us?1!?/'




Actually the Rants board on the Official Forums is funny right now. People are sarcastically creating threads like "Cook's Assistant Too Hard!!!" and "Sheep Shearer Needs To Be Nerfed Too!!!"




Rofl He's Right

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People on the RSOF whine about not having high leveled / hard quests, Jagex releases ONE simple quest with just ONE hard part and what do you get?






The people who whined about not having high leveled / hard quests are now whining because this part is too hard. What's next, 'pls nrf' Imp Catcher fr us?1!?/'




[hide=A Topic of Imp Catcher on RSOF]Pic deleted because you forgot to edit a name. ~Kill Life[/hide]

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I don't half feel sorry for Jagex...




They get a ton of abuse from players whining the quest is too hard because their agility is too low. Jagex does a decent thing: apologises about making a 'mistake' (although I believe they might have felt pressured into it) and then makes the quest a little bit easier for everyone.


Then what do they get? A forum full of sarcastic suggestions which completely humiliates them. Jagex can't win. :(

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I don't half feel sorry for Jagex...




They get a ton of abuse from players whining the quest is too hard because their agility is too low. Jagex does a decent thing: apologises about making a 'mistake' (although I believe they might have felt pressured into it) and then makes the quest a little bit easier for everyone.


Then what do they get? A forum full of sarcastic suggestions which completely humiliates them. Jagex can't win. :(




Jagex will always fold to whiners :shame:

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I don't half feel sorry for Jagex...




They get a ton of abuse from players whining the quest is too hard because their agility is too low. Jagex does a decent thing: apologises about making a 'mistake' (although I believe they might have felt pressured into it) and then makes the quest a little bit easier for everyone.


Then what do they get? A forum full of sarcastic suggestions which completely humiliates them. Jagex can't win. :(




Jagex will always fold to whiners :shame:




I really don't understand how that emoticon is appropriate but anyway I'll ignore it and carry on.




Isn't that a bit sad? Jagex should have complete control over their game. If I recall correctly this is the first time they have actually caved in to people whinging, I hope it doesn't happen again. Making a quest a bit easier for lower levels is one thing but if Jagex don't have a backbone the game could go bottoms up.




Imagine what the core of a game essentially controlled by a 12 year old could become. I don't won't to think about the uzi wielding Barbarians. I DON'T WANNA! :uhh:

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The way I see it, they aren't even caving in to whiners.




For such an easy quest, you shouldn't have a 1/100 success rate. I mean, the agility traps in Desert Treasure and Underground Pass have higher success rates than that.




The difficulty did not fit the reward, so they changed it. Big Whoop. I made it just fine yesterday, and could care less.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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