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Are you ready to die?


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I'm not afraid of death.


In fact, i've avoided narrowly a few times ^_^


Death comes for us all, enjoy life while you have it.


Dont fear Him, just live your life normally and when he comes...


Go down with a fight, hopefully stopping him from making Mini-Deaths while your fighting.

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To title; uhm no




Imagine it. You are born, take something like 10 yrs to stop walking clumsily, and be so short you can see nothing before you, to learn basic things. 10 yrs in which adults think you are a total idiot that does not exist. Then at 12-18 you go through all the troubles of teen, and the insane dumb work of school. Also you need to get all through the trouble to getting intelligent, of getting a personality, of developping beliefs.




So now I'm 19, and to die now would make me so mad. I'm barely 'out of training' and starting my life, finally(!) :lol:

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To title; uhm no




Imagine it. You are born, take something like 10 yrs to stop walking clumsily, and be so short you can see nothing before you, to learn basic things. 10 yrs in which adults think you are a total idiot that does not exist. Then at 12-18 you go through all the troubles of teen, and the insane dumb work of school. Also you need to get all through the trouble to getting intelligent, of getting a personality, of developping beliefs.




So now I'm 19, and to die now would make me so mad. I'm barely 'out of training' and starting my life, finally(!) :lol:


at some point you will realise that almost everything will be pointless in the end, give me anything in teh world and ill prove why it is useless (IMO)

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I mean ban meat-eating and hunting for humans. The animals can do it because they don't slaughter each other by the thousands, after raising those thousands in horrible conditions. If we reverted to hunting with our bare fists and only eating what we and our family members caught, that would be more balanced. Besides, it's perfectly easy for a human to get by without meat.




If you're lucky enough to have that food put in front of you every day you should eat it. You think someone in Rwanda is going to give a damn about how some chicken was raised? No. They'd grab at it with both hands.


You think the fat american kid is going to give a damn about how his burger was raised either? No. But it's not like he needs it to survive. It's like this: If you need it to survive(like animals do) then it is natural. But since so many people in the richer countries(Specifically here in America) have got past the need to eat meat for survival, it is now just for the taste. A life for taste? That's just not right. That is why America needs to ban it. If other countries could ban it too that would be great. And in the case of the poorer ones, hey maybe we could start exporting food rather than soldiers and war! But that's a different subject..




Anyway, this is just wishful thinking, I doubt we'll ever have a ban on meat eating. But I see no excuse not to ban hunting...ug okay, Off-topic.

Crocodile hunter-Rest in Peace

"Theres NOT a country in the world that Bush would not get BOOO'd at ....even if Bush went to Antarctica the penguins would demonstrate."-Darknovae, NS Forum

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I would give my life to save another, hypothetically, if I was put in the situation for real I honestly don't know how I'd react.





Many people claim that they would give their life to save another, but when the situation comes along, it happens so fast that you seem to forget or realize how much you are going to lose.

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I mean ban meat-eating and hunting for humans. The animals can do it because they don't slaughter each other by the thousands, after raising those thousands in horrible conditions. If we reverted to hunting with our bare fists and only eating what we and our family members caught, that would be more balanced. Besides, it's perfectly easy for a human to get by without meat.




If you're lucky enough to have that food put in front of you every day you should eat it. You think someone in Rwanda is going to give a damn about how some chicken was raised? No. They'd grab at it with both hands.


You think the fat american kid is going to give a damn about how his burger was raised either? No. But it's not like he needs it to survive. It's like this: If you need it to survive(like animals do) then it is natural. But since so many people in the richer countries(Specifically here in America) have got past the need to eat meat for survival, it is now just for the taste. A life for taste? That's just not right. That is why America needs to ban it. If other countries could ban it too that would be great. And in the case of the poorer ones, hey maybe we could start exporting food rather than soldiers and war! But that's a different subject..




Anyway, this is just wishful thinking, I doubt we'll ever have a ban on meat eating. But I see no excuse not to ban hunting...ug okay, Off-topic.




Unfortunately, due to MacDonalds existing, that will never happen. I'd bet my balls on it, my friend.




... :anxious:

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With the recent college shooting, suicide bombers in the Middle East, and auto accidents, etc., I was just wondering what your view on death is. Are you terrified of death? Would you be willing to die so that someone else could live?
I should hope that everyone here is ready to die. The only requirement is to be alive, which even sponges can manage. When you say "mentaly ready" to die, something seems slightly odd, because you are "preparing" yourself for something, which by its nature, is the ultimate personal non-event ever. What good is being "psyched" to die, if after you die and as you are dying nothing is made different by you being prepared for it. What might be helpful is preparing other people for your own death, as they have to go on living after you cease to exist to experience the difference between being prepared for ceasing to exist or not being prepared.



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I mean ban meat-eating and hunting for humans. The animals can do it because they don't slaughter each other by the thousands, after raising those thousands in horrible conditions. If we reverted to hunting with our bare fists and only eating what we and our family members caught, that would be more balanced. Besides, it's perfectly easy for a human to get by without meat.




If you're lucky enough to have that food put in front of you every day you should eat it. You think someone in Rwanda is going to give a damn about how some chicken was raised? No. They'd grab at it with both hands.


You think the fat american kid is going to give a damn about how his burger was raised either? No. But it's not like he needs it to survive. It's like this: If you need it to survive(like animals do) then it is natural. But since so many people in the richer countries(Specifically here in America) have got past the need to eat meat for survival, it is now just for the taste. A life for taste? That's just not right. That is why America needs to ban it. If other countries could ban it too that would be great. And in the case of the poorer ones, hey maybe we could start exporting food rather than soldiers and war! But that's a different subject..




Anyway, this is just wishful thinking, I doubt we'll ever have a ban on meat eating. But I see no excuse not to ban hunting...ug okay, Off-topic.




Unfortunately, due to MacDonalds existing, that will never happen. I'd bet my balls on it, my friend.




... :anxious:


lol, mcdonalds is way over rated, their food sucks compared to my cooking and i suck exceptinally, just my view on that fast food restaurant




btw, how did this topic get from talking about being ready to die to chicken and mcdonalds etc...

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You can't fear death. If you fear death, you'll be running all your life. Death will come, but there's this beautiful part right now called life, so enjoy it for what it is: a gift, that's why they call it the present.




I would give my life to save another, hypothetically, if I was put in the situation for real I honestly don't know how I'd react. Saying that, I'm no way near ready to die, I have too much to live for. If you're born as one of the people in this world lucky enough to get clean food and water every single day, you better do some living. I've got too many things to do, places to see, people to meet, things to hear, people to make happy, sad, laugh, cry, p-off, comfort, things to accomplish, to abolish to create and recreate.




I can't wait to live, so death is gonna have to wait! :D




Well said. I'd have to agree with everything. Especially whether or not I'd give my life for another. Now I believe I would, but if faced with the decsicion.... I honestly couldn't say. But no, I'm not ready to die. Haven't been here long enough.


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Would you be willing to die so that someone else could live?




id never have the guts to do that...sadly im alone most of the time.




theres no perfect time to die, life must live at its fullest! :pray:

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people fear death so much, that they never start living.




i am, afterall when im dead its not as if im guna care what i did in my life. Death is an unwanted part of life, live your life as if it doesnt exist, because you cant avoid it. (final destination :thumbsup: :thumbsup: )

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You can't fear death. If you fear death, you'll be running all your life. Death will come, but there's this beautiful part right now called life, so enjoy it for what it is: a gift, that's why they call it the present.




I would give my life to save another, hypothetically, if I was put in the situation for real I honestly don't know how I'd react. Saying that, I'm no way near ready to die, I have too much to live for. If you're born as one of the people in this world lucky enough to get clean food and water every single day, you better do some living. I've got too many things to do, places to see, people to meet, things to hear, people to make happy, sad, laugh, cry, p-off, comfort, things to accomplish, to abolish to create and recreate.




I can't wait to live, so death is gonna have to wait! :D






I could not agree more!! Well put :thumbsup:


yeah, most off us don't know how lucky we really are...just think about this next time you log in to TIF, it'll make you appreciate it a whole lot more. :D

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

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Are you terrified of death?


Well, yes. To be quite frank, terrifies the living daylights out of me.




Would you be willing to die so that someone else could live?


Yes, if it was physical (e.g. someone shooting me instead of someone else). If it was long and drawn out over months of poverty and sickness, then no, I couldn't.


I wouldn't be able to tolerate the thought of someone else dying for my life. I'd prefer it to stop with me, if someone had to die, I would want it to be me.

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Life is to short and too precious to just let go. Im going to go on strong until the very end. And when I go down I'll make sure i go down friggin fighting.




I do not fear death, I cannot stop death, but I can fight death




Ahem :pray: [/b]

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For the love of God...




Okay, guys, everyone fears death, so would ya'll stop acting tough. We all fear it to an extent, especially with the ideas of what'll happen to oneself after they die. It may be more subconscious than conscious fear, but it's still fear. Honestly, I'd love to see how all the "I don't fear death people" on this thread would react when someone has a gun to their head.




Just because I can accept dying tomorrow and don't believe in Heaven and Hell doesn't mean I don't fear it at least slightly. I control this fear to the extent that it doesn't affect my daily life in any way at all, but that fear's still there in the back of my head.




And to clarify if anyone didn't understand, when I say "fearing death" I'm talking more about "fearing the afterlife" than the actual process of dying, unless it's extremely painful o_O.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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