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superheroes who likes um who doesn't??? do you like marvel or dc better??? whats your favorite girl superhero??? (mine is rogue) whats your favorite boy superhero??? (mine is wolverine) favorite superhero movies??? (mine is oh its not a fair question i can't decide)

















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can it be villains as well?




edit:saw the title #-o ok here








^^im old school ::'




weather control i mean c'mon and plus hallie berry played her \'





20 old men in one place? Sounds like an internet chat room! :D


...Anyone? Anyone?


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Should just be a topic over comic books in general, I have been meaning to make one for quite a long time now.




Marvel>DC, and I am assuming the OP feels the same way, since both characters he chose are Marvel.




Favourite male super-hero would be Jaime Madrox, aka Multiple Man. He is currently the leader of X-Factor. There are different versions of him, some of which he is evil (like in the movie X-Men 3). I like the current version in X-Factor.




Favourite female is a super-villain, Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch (Magneto's daughter). House of M/Decimation was awesome, showed how much she could do.



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I was never a huge superhero kid growing up.




However my favorite is probaly batman, at least, thats what most of my time consisted of watching. :P .






Mostly I was exposed to super heroes from video games, especialy the marvel vs. capcom series. =P~

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I went into anime instead of western-culture comics, but I guess it would be fantastic 4 or spiderman




I like the Teen Titans ::'




Ok I take that back, teen titans wins. \' (although that was still a while ago)

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What kind of kid are you that doesn't/did not when a kid like cartoons?




And and to the author...sorry, but your name? Homegirl911911999...I can only hope it's a joke? Is it a joke, or do you seriously think that name is...well...whatever the hell it's meant to be?

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Fantomen (The Phantom) has got to be mine.








His jungle sayings are just spot on:




  • "He who looks upon the Phantom's face unmasked will die horribly"
    "The Phantom only warns once..."
    "When Phantom moves, time stands still"
    "Never point a gun at the Phantom."
    "The Phantom has the strength of ten tigers"
    "Call the Phantom anywhere and he will hear."
    "The cold voice of the angry Phantom can freeze blood."
    "The Phantom's cold fury chills even tigers blood."
    "Phantom moves faster than eyes can see."


Simple, and to the point.




God, I used to love reading these comics as a kid. I didn't know they were still being published.


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Does Batman even count as a superhero? He technically has no superpowers.




My favorite guy superhero was the guy from the Wonder Twins(I forget his name), I mean how can you top being able to transform into a bucket of water?




Seriously my favorite male superhero is Moon Knight.




My favorite female superhero is Psylock.




I prefer Marvel over DC.




And I don't exactly have a favorite superhero movie.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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What kind of kid are you that doesn't/did not when a kid like cartoons?




And and to the author...sorry, but your name? Homegirl911911999...I can only hope it's a joke? Is it a joke, or do you seriously think that name is...well...whatever the hell it's meant to be?








But I agree....name is way to spontaneous and random :?


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

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Does Batman even count as a superhero? He technically has no superpowers.




Yep, sure can. A lot of superheroes don't technically have super powers.




EDIT:A list of them.




Wouldn't he just be classified as just a regular hero though? I've always thought that you had to have some sort of 'super' ability to be classified as a 'super' hero.




Edit: Why is Moon Knight on that list? Even the article it links to says he technically had powers...



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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I don't really and havn't ever really had a super hero growing up.




My hero has always been my dad.




He inspired me to motivate others to get everything they want in life for a living.




To me that's better than what any super hero could ever do.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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