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Weekly Poll: How often do you see someone breaking...


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I didnt count macros, so its not always every time I play. And I dont belive the people who say never. They have seen rule breaking, even if they don't know it.






I take offense at that. I have reported only one person in the couple of years that I have been playing. And it was only because he kept stealing the monsters I was training on. I don't go on the look out for rule breakers as it seems some people do. I focus on what I am doing so I can get it done faster so I can go on to something more interesting (unless I am doing like a quest which is interesting.)




I never said I was report happy, but I find some of the rule breaking hard to miss. Auto typers can be prety obvious when long sentances are repeted so fast they never dissapear. Asking for bf/gf is now against rule 1 as well, and I see tons of that. And the only thing you ever reporteed someone for wasent against the rules =D>






Sorry I wasn't clear when I posted that. He kept following me from place to place to do it and when I politely asked him to stop he was very very uncouth and rude and THAT is why I reported him, not because he was stealing the monsters.




Until about 6 months ago I was just a lowly level 30 with mining of 54. I had focused most of my effort on the mining skill. Now I am more well rounded.

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Umm... excluding cussing, saying racist things, spamming, attempting scams and macro-ing... I witness hundreds of counts of shell-less vomit induced scumbags asking to DATE people (and that's counting only the level 70 and above member wastelags that enter free worlds every 10 seconds and gloat about how much they (don't) know anyone near them yet parade their useless thoughts upon others and gain acceptance in the posse of the fools and will eventually wallow in their sacrifice for nerd-dom). Rs dating sucks, die.

Make sure to be pleased with the ways of your death

For in days of reckoning and when the twilight torn is ticking

Elysium is halfway and as an answer to the plea

You're destined to yield fragments of Hell in return

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I generally see a rule breaker every once in a while and that basically depends on where I am training. Being F2P I usually find most rule breakers when I'm fishing as that is the most populated area I visit on any regular basis.




As far as macros are concerned I don't report them because it really is impossible to know if they are a quiet person who just loves training a certain skill and happens to have an Asian name or if they are a true blue macro. I myself have made the mistake of assuming too much and having it blow up in my face.

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ive seen a good number of macros alone, but since i cant cut yews i dont see as many. I remember on May 5th, whilst fishign in catherby, altogether us people there must have reported at least 11 lvl 3's for macroing, and we gave thema fair chance to prove they were real people.I even pmed them to make sure they didnt have public chat off. I call it, "the Great Noob (or Macro, whatever you prefer) Purge of Cinco de mayo". Only real upside to it all (other than getting rid of macros) was that i met someone out of it. yay me.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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The scammers I see often, but only cuz I hunt them.




Anyone got a fake rune (g) set that I can use on them like with the imps and the bead-in-a-box?








Come hunt the scammers with me!








Be vewy vewy quite, I'm hunting scammews




I have done this many a time. Just hang out in the bank, do a bit of merchanting and slam down on the scammers. Now, it's time to go patrol the f2p worlds yew trees, and see if I can find one who's about to die from a random. Always fun, isn't it.

It is impossible to exaggerate the unimportance of almost everything.

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I report maybe 5 a day due to macroing and other junk. Oh yeah and i was trying to buy some deaths and i had no luck buying from the forums and such, in the mage arena in the wilderness and every server i jumped to had a macro buying all the runes worth anything..

P2p: 135 F2p: 124 as of July 29, 09.

P2p: 137 F2p: 126 as of September 25, 11.


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I don't think I can go 10 minutes without seeing someone break the rules. I just report them and go on about my training or whatever I am doing. If I am fishing however and I see macroers, which I always do, I write all the macroers names onto my ignore list than go fish and report them every 30 seconds. Very interesting way to pass the time while fishing.

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I have no idea how many 'bots I see. How do I tell? Blatant scum, sure, they're easy. But why would I waste my time on researching someone who wears full camo while mining? Level 20? 30? 40? Gimme a break.




I mine in my birthday suit, wearing a glory and using a rune pickaxe. Sometimes I have my public chat off because I'm listening to a good podcast (may the gods save Cory Doctorow!). I might not respond to "lvl?" or "mining lvl?". Just observe what I am wearing should be enough.




So send out the hounds, I'll respond to a Mod. I am just trying to make every mouse click as efficient as I can. While learning something. Remember learning? This game is fnu ( pronounced fffnnnuuu ) but sometimes the grinding gets me down.




Sue me. Or make MP3s, podcasts, out-of-game music against the rules. You won't even be able to notice me leave.




*I* trust Jagex to solve this problem. I'm just here to pay for a very good game.




Thank you, Jagex.

How can you have any disagreement with such an affordable game? And Jagex acually care to maintain and update this game. Wonderful.

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Since i Mine in the guild alot it makes me really mad when there are nothing but bots on every server you go to and its almost as if they are programmed to follow you around and mine the rock you are trying to mine, cuz they always steal your ore

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Too many... :wall:


Everyday like 5000 macros, few account sellers / buyers, selling too high price, offencive language, also few noob vs noob word fight... :shame:

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if some one gets banned short of an IP Ban (if they have those) all they need to do is make anouther account. I have no solution to the bot problem, save make the evil chicken a little stronger.




They do IP ban if the offense is really bad. But they mostly just lock/block the account for limited time.




If they did IP ban every to broke a rule, that won't 100% work. Some people have dynamic IP's, switch they can change to another one. The only thing that I can think of that will stop most marco's is banning their Mac Ip's. Their's only one way to change these and it mosts a fee (around $5) to have it done, unless that macro does it.




Also I like to say thanks to the people who have posted their opinions on this topic.





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I usually see 1 or 2 macroers every time I play, not to mention dozens of autotalkers in world 2. It's insane and saddens me to see the game I once loved to be ruined by them. :(

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I take offense at that. I have reported only one person in the couple of years that I have been playing. And it was only because he kept stealing the monsters I was training on.


This just shows that you have absolutely no idea what RS rules are and if you knew the rules, you would see a lot more rule-breakers.




Current common types of rule breakers:




Calling an object rare when it's not


Macroing..ooh scary :ohnoes:


Trimming armor scammers

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Well, I report every minute rule break I see, considering I got what I would class as a "threat" for saying an abbreviation (including an f and 2 other letters) anyway. Now I report people for stuff like that too lol. I also report people who seem to be macroers, if they're not then no harm will be done because Jagex claim they wont ban innocent people so mreh.

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I think jagex is pure bulling****ing us. I challenge all of you to walk from Lumbridge to port sarim, I guarentee you will see upwards of 50!!!!! lvl 3's plugging away at yews and willows. Go ahead and try and talk to them, they wont. Now I dare you to go to the karamanja fishing spots. If you see less than 50 lvl 3 and 4's fishing sharks and lobbs that wont respond to any comment you can possibly think of, I will give you my pass to a lvl 82 account.




(this is my first post, I had to register because I am so damn pissed about the blatent autoers EVERYWHERE I GO)

Coming Soon!

(8 letters in a password?!?! Curse yoooooouuuuuuu, password Nazi's!!!!!!!!!!)

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is the "gf/bf"-thing against the rules? great, how can I report them? :mrgreen: which rule are they breaking?




oh, another question, is it against the rules if someone says for example "**** you" to you? he's swearing, but actually he isn't cause you only see stars ...




I also report macroers very often but sometimes there are just too many of them, unfortunately




we need more player mods in de f2p worlds, are there f2p-mods or do you have to be a member to be accepted as a mod? Cause most members stay in their memberworld (and you can't blaim them, can you?)



the lone wolf is howling at the moon, fear his strenght, or meet his teeth

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The scammers I see often, but only cuz I hunt them.




Anyone got a fake rune (g) set that I can use on them like with the imps and the bead-in-a-box?








Come hunt the scammers with me!








Be vewy vewy quite, I'm hunting scammews




I have done this many a time. Just hang out in the bank, do a bit of merchanting and slam down on the scammers. Now, it's time to go patrol the f2p worlds yew trees, and see if I can find one who's about to die from a random. Always fun, isn't it.




Bold sentence: OMG! ROFLMAO!!!!!








Gr8 one.




And, yes, it's fun to hunt those boys. Especially with a p-mod at my side to watch and move in for the kill.





My MOD Queue and MODs - StarTrekGuide


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is the "gf/bf"-thing against the rules? great, how can I report them? :mrgreen: which rule are they breaking?
Rule numero uno.








I see cheaters everyday. Scammers, bots, autotypers, etc.

Proud def noob

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There is a bigger chance to get a Dragon Chainbody from a Dust Devil than seeing no-one breaking the rules in 1 day.




I would say it's more like getting a dragon chain from Barbarian Assault, I have done it, but that's only because I was training in my secret spot for a week straight. Well, there may have been one or two, but none that I noticed. But I did get a full rune, minus the plate and legs, and some other good stuff from a macroer who died while training in my spot. There is a higher being in this world. Karma done right.

It is impossible to exaggerate the unimportance of almost everything.

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it can vary so much from location to location.




Non-members have a lot more rulebreakers i have seen but that was when i was at somewhere like the chicken coop and considering when i had members i was at castlewars there can't of been a lot so my view cannot be 100% correct.


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

Click here for our website - 110+ F2P Combat Requirements

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I didnt count macros, so its not always every time I play. And I dont belive the people who say never. They have seen rule breaking, even if they don't know it.






I take offense at that. I have reported only one person in the couple of years that I have been playing. And it was only because he kept stealing the monsters I was training on. I don't go on the look out for rule breakers as it seems some people do. I focus on what I am doing so I can get it done faster so I can go on to something more interesting (unless I am doing like a quest which is interesting.)




I never said I was report happy, but I find some of the rule breaking hard to miss. Auto typers can be prety obvious when long sentances are repeted so fast they never dissapear. Asking for bf/gf is now against rule 1 as well, and I see tons of that. And the only thing you ever reporteed someone for wasent against the rules =D>




ROFL, oh man thats hilarious.


I reckon i see at LEAST 1 'rule-breaker' every hour. Even something as minor as 'will you be my gf/bf'. I see at least five macroers everyday. <.<


I havent seen 'free trimming' for a while though, maybe im not looking hard enough.


Its a shame how this game is getting ruined by selfish cheaters.

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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