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Any ever had dancing fever (Need some help)


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Plain and simple: I need to learn how to dance




Explaination (with all the details and stuff): Last fall I went to the homecomming dance with my girlfriend, and lets just say it wasn't the best of times. Why I went, I'm not sure, but I know now, I regretted it. Why? Because I don't know how to dance, maybe I just can't dance but I tried to pull some moves and she made fun of me. So I just banned myself from trying anything the rest of the night. I had a downright terriable time. It was so bad I would've rathered to go outside to sit on the steps. I didn't however because I wouldn't just walk out on my girlfriend, that'd be a [bleep] move. I know she was being and is still being nice by saying she had fun, and I know she didn't. She left a few times to go dance with her friends and I ended up standing there looking around at people having fun. I know she didn't flat out ditch me becuase that would've been a [bleep] move on her part.




Now after that I vowed that when next year came around I'd plain and simply tell her to go with someone else. That may work then, but what happens when prom comes around 2 years from now, I can't tell her to go with someone else.




So insted of telling her that, I've decided to learn how to dance. How? I have no [bleep]ing clue to be honest. But I need to learn, and need to learn fast. Next fall is going to come around quick and before you know it, I'll be stuck in the same postion I was before. Now I came to you guys because I'm sure some of you have been to highschool dances/prom and know how to dance. I'm not looking to learn salsa or the swing, I'll save that for my wedding. I need to learn whatever it is teens do these days, I need to learn how to put my grove on.




Now I'm going to have to do some serious barrier breaking here. You see I'm not Mr. Outgoing, go run for school president, type of kid. I've always been shy in front of large groups of people and rather self concious. I wouldn't say I'm a worry wort, but I do commonly worry about what people think of me. Part of the reason I gave up on trying to dance last fall. My girlfriend made fun of me so I figured I must've looked like an idiot and crawled inside myself and refused to try to dance again.




There's so much I want to say but can't put it into words. Basicly I want to learn how to dance. Don't say "Go sign up for a class" Because everything around here is all routine dancing for competetions and require money, which I don't have :P Don't tell me to ask my relatives either because they know old school dance moves (which I know very few off, and is what I tried to, which my girlfriend made fun of me for).




On top of all this I'm not very cordinated. I'm the worst cordinated person I know. I trip over myself, over things, walk into stuff, want to grab something but grab something just to the left of it, and so forth. This is really going to affect my learning process.




Sorry for freaking out on you guys but I realised that I have meerly a summer to learn how to dance and it seems that I'm going to need alot of practice. I also applogize for the lenght of the post.




This probably isnt the best way to go about it, but it's better then nothing aye?



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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I took classes in Argentina Tango and salsa. We also did a little swing here and there, and some waltz and ballroom, and jazz for fun.




So if I interpreted you right, you should go find some classes, you probably should focus on ballroom.


Me doing staff.

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Im a dancing machine, feel the music. Feel it.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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You don't really need to know how to dance for any high school dances. You basically just stand there, move around a bit, and let the girl grind all over you. But you might wanna learn some line dances like the electric slide. Thats always a blast when it plays :)


Gamertag: King Arizona

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im an ok dancer


i just learned it by doing it :P




first booze dancing and then without the alcohol




clubs,raves,parties, wahtever, all good places to practise :P




just go with the beat :)

Doctor of Dental Surgery-2014

Medical Doctor-2018?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon-2024?

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Only joking i jusy unsucessfully bluff when im dancing and make a [bleep] of myself; Stick to it! :thumbsup:

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You don't really need to know how to dance for any high school dances. You basically just stand there, move around a bit, and let the girl grind all over you. But you might wanna learn some line dances like the electric slide. Thats always a blast when it plays :)




Sooo... basicly earn some confidence



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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I know ballroom dancing, plus latin. But those generaly reqire a partner or you just look stupid. But it give sme enough skill moving my body that I can do whatever other people are doing at a dance, and get a little creative. So if you suddenly find the time and money, it may be worth it to learn things like waltz, quickstep, cha-cha, rumba, samba, and Jive (those being the dances I do alot of, im bronze in ballroom, silver in latin).




You also might find that your friends can teach you, if you can find it in yourself to ask them...

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You could just grind.
why.. I just can't comprehend your stupidity. You are the kind of guy that needs to stop reproducing, I can't even describe how much I dislike you right now.




For some reason everyone thinks I'm an incredible dancer, which is BS. I suck worse than a dog chasing his tail.




Be your self and relax. And guess what, no matter how good you dance someone is always going to make fun of you because they are stupid and jealous. I don't really enjoy dancing mainly do to the fact of biggy's brilliant idea of grinding. Don't get me wrong grinding is fun, but it totally ruined the idea of dancing for me. I tried to sit out at senior prom but the girls just wouldn't let me. I'm a stud what can I say.




Take lessons, and don't be afraid to dance in your room. You aren't going to get better unless you loosen up, and the best way is to do it by yourself.












Make up your own stuff, it may look stupid but its going to be art because its unique and fun.




If you can hold a beat and if you can have fun you can dance.




If you can't hold a beat, practice.

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Dancing is all about confidence. I'm not a brilliant dancer, but I'm not terrible at it either.




If you dance half-arsed you will look like an idiot.




You have to be committed to it, realise that nothing that anyone else is doing is particularly hard. Listen to the music, and move to it. Move both your arms and your legs. This is a common problem. If you're not enjoying yourself, it will show. Don't dance if you're not having fun.




Basically, just get out there and have fun. Dancing to pop songs isn't about learning any moves particularly, it's about not being rigid, and having a bit of confidence.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Basically, just get out there and have fun. Dancing to pop songs isn't about learning any moves particularly, it's about not being rigid, and having a bit of confidence.




That's what I thought when I went to prom this year, but I was off :P




Every 10 seconds or so there'd be some huge coordinated dance move from everyone which I could never get the hang of :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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You don't really need to know how to dance for any high school dances. You basically just stand there, move around a bit, and let the girl grind all over you. But you might wanna learn some line dances like the electric slide. Thats always a blast when it plays :)




Sooo... basicly earn some confidence




Aren't high school dances 90% grinding, 5% slow dances, and 5% electric slide? That's how every dance I've been to has gone.. :-k But yeah, just have some confidence and go with the beat. I can't dance but it's still fun ^_^

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Aren't high school dances 90% grinding, 5% slow dances, and 5% electric slide? That's how every dance I've been to has gone.. :-k But yeah, just have some confidence and go with the beat. I can't dance but it's still fun ^_^


You also have to have your token country and a rock song but that pretty much sums up my senior/junior prom, thus I gave the perfect advice :P




I don't even think it's all about confidence. When you're out dancing on a packed floor noone is watching you, and noone really cares unless you're doing something ridiculous (like the robot or worm). Just get your booty in the rythem.




If you have to you can use your pale complexion as an excuse.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Don't care what other people think of you, dance like nobody is watching. You should express the way you feel the music in your body and just do it, i could care less what the [bleep] next to me thinks about my dancing so long as I'm having an awesome time.




If worse comes to worse look up the shopping trolley, the whipper snipper, the lawn mower, etc moves.




I remember going up to this random saying his moves were funky and he turned around and goes are you serious all im doing is pretending to start the lawn mower and then it hit me... hahaha but it was so cool



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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"Daaaaang, Madeof12une! Wurd you learn to dance like that?"




"The internet"




Well if he's serious but doesn't wanna take lessons...




My advice would be just to get up there and enjoy yourself. Who gives a monkeys what other people think? That's their problem, you just enjoy yourself and don't be self-concious. Easier said than done I know but that's what dancing should be about.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Make sure you're all alone for an hour or so.


Put yourself in front of a mirror.


Put on some music you really like and that you're likely to hear at the party.


Just try to move a bit. See how you're doing. Don't be ashamed, just try stuff out. Go a bit crazy and try to get your groove. If necessary, have a bottle of some alcoholic beverage near to break through your anxiety.


Rinse and repeat. Do this from time to time and watch others when they're dancing. Don't be afraid to try things out, there's no one to see you or mock you. You'll only learn to move well by doing it a lot, enjoying it and knowing your body well.




Apart from that, I'm sorry to say this, but it wasn't nice of your girlfriend to mock you. We all have our own groove, silly as it may look and your partner is the one who is supposed to like you for your sillyness. Why don't you ask her to help you out a bit? It's sooo nice to learn to dance with the person you're in love with, if there's trust between you.

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haha my boyfriend cant dance and he gets embarrassed i took him to his first rave with me like 3 months ago and he had such an awesome time! i think he finally realised that noone cares how he dances, we're all just there for a good time. He ended up having so much fun!



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Don't be ashamed of yourself, and let yourself go. Put off the most ridiculous moves, but be confident and well aware that you can't dance and you'll pull trough. Unless you're with some kind of special dancing group, it's likely they won't appreciate the joke.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Just be confident, if you're confident at least if you look stupid people will think you're goofing off on purpose. No joke... If someone was full of so much confidence and pulled off the most lamest moves you had ever seen, people would copy them because they show dominance and feel the need to follow.




Seriously I break dance and my friends and I before we start dancing go up the front and do moves like the biggest [developmentally delayed]s you have ever seen, like the hokey pokey, the mr bean sway and of course the classic rolling your hands and pointing your fingers, the head bang and the mash potato. Everyone looks at us like wtf...... but then they get the confidence to get the hell up and come dance coz they realise NOONE CARES




I once stopped break dancing just to be a total dork and do the worm arm sway, everyone thought it was so cool that when infected mushroom came to play they took my arm and we all engaged in one giant worm move hahah



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Like everyone else has said, don't worry about other people judging you. As long as you don't get too confident (or should I say cocky) you won't look stupid.




I've been to many a parties where myself and others were dancing so strangely, that had we been anywhere else the cops would have been phoned. ;P

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