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How Old Is the Average Runescape Player???


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Tip.It Moderator

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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I am 25+, and have many people on my friendslist who are 20 and 45, even one or two 60+. I think most of us subconciously befriend people who are close to our own age and maturity level. One of the things I have found, is that I have met several mature and intelligent younger players (14-16) aswell as older players (30-40). If someone had told me 3 years ago that I would have close friends who were 15-18 years old, I would have laughed (and been slightly worried :lol: ).




Because of in-game chat, forums and IRC, it's possible to get to know people in a different way. Some people are reluctant to talk about age and location in-game, and only reveal personal details in topics like these. My impression is that the average age of those who stick with Runescape for more than a year, is about 18 years old. If you asked everyone who had an active account this minute, the average age would probably be a bit lower. Probably because many younger players get bored easily, and move on to something else.







You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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I'm 21 now and have been playing since i was 18. There are a lot of 20+ players but they don't tend to advertise the fact. I'd say around 20 people on my list are 20+ with 2 in their 30's and 1 40+




As laikrob said, i think the older people on my list are there because of their maturity whie talking to them. saying that, i have a 14 year old friend that i could have sworn was older than me from his maturity and intelligence.



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I'm 16 (Getting my liscense very soon), and I've been playing since June 2004...so...I was 13 when I started playing.




I have two people on my friends list that I talk to quite frequently who are both 35+, married (to each other), and have several kids.

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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Started playing June last year (16) birthday in november which makes me 17 now and soon to be 18 and tbh age doesn't matter you like what you like




if you spam someone for being 40-50+ and playing this game then your not very open minded O:)



Ex-Wilderness Guardian


Retired from F2P clans indefinitely

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Well, i'm 18 (well, almost, 18 in 2 weeks, close enough), but I have been playing since I was 13.




As for my friend list, I really have no one on it anymore(maybe 10 active people, rest are semi-active or inactive) because most of my good friends have quit and my chat is off most of the time, so I don't hear the stupid things that people often say.

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Oh My God i had no idea that there were so many people around my age that play im 19 and i thought i was very immature for playing this game. I thought there was only like 12-17 year olds playing (and the odd parent) but i didn't know there was such a diverse age group playing. That's sweet... im going to university soon how many of you play while in university? :thumbsup:

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Im 18 too and also going to Uni next year.




Been playing since.. around 2002 I think it was.. not 100%.


Currently looking for someone to make me a signature.. pm here or in game! Thanks ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâæ Fonz

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Odd Parent?!?! Shame on you!




I am 36 and have been playing P2P for 2 years, and F2P for about a year before that.




I know most of the parents of the kids on my friends list. They actually have thanked me for playing because they know I am there to "keep an eye out" for their kids.




Most of the younger kids on my friends list look to me for advice, etc.




Yes, I've been spammed and ridiculed in game for how old I am, but at this point, I could care less. I like the game and kids who freak over my age aren't going to make me stop.



I'm a married mother that plays RuneScape. Got a problem with that?

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I'm 13, turning 14 this summer. The average age for f2p players is propably around 13-14, but you wouldn't believe how many 10-12 year olds who play I know, the number is overwhelming here at Finland...




The average age of p2p players is hard to tell tho, I'd say it's around 15-16, most of the youngest players hardly get their parents to pay for "one of those silly internet games again". :P

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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I'm almost 16, but another interesting thing that I've always wanted to ask the adult RS players, Do you still converse/be friends with younger players, say in their teens, or do you stick with people your own age?


Dragon Drops: D spear x 2, D skirt, D half-shield, D axe, D 2h

Barrows Rewards: Ahrims hood, Karil's Coif, half key x 6, D med, torags legs, veracs flail

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Hard to say, I would say the average would be increasing since a lot of us (like me) that started when we were 13-15 back in 2001 are now coming around 20...






But the recent miniclip explosion plummeted the average age by a large margin. I would say the average is somewhere between 14-16.

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Still the King....

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I'm almost 16, but another interesting thing that I've always wanted to ask the adult RS players, Do you still converse/be friends with younger players, say in their teens, or do you stick with people your own age?




I converse with anyone ingame who is polite and considerate of others. Age is irrelevant with me. My only rule is that you aren't rude, or mean (to me or others).



I'm a married mother that plays RuneScape. Got a problem with that?

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Age is irrelevant with me.




thats how i feel too, but with just ooone little change. you can tell when some one is just too young for you to converse with. me being 18 i dont find it hard at all to talk to any age person in runescape except the occasional "1337 typers"

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i dont find it hard at all to talk to any age person in runescape except the occasional "1337 typers"




If someone starts talking "1337", I say, "excuse me?" until they speak in a language I understand. That usually gets the goofuses off my case.



I'm a married mother that plays RuneScape. Got a problem with that?

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