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Questions you are constantly asked?


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Bubsa and Del..take it to the Pm....and lol and you think my thread..What you don't want your real life friends to know....is dumb? and you guys say you wont tell us faceless nubs...but yet..people seem to know a lot about your personalities because of what you say......Hypocritical i think..




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What lesson have you got next?


How long until the end of our lunch break?




Unsurprisingly, I get those questions asked at school :XD:

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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From my mother when going out:




"Who's going to be there?"




Answer: Varies according to who I'm hanging out with obviously.




"Is this a couple's thing?"




Answer: Yes mom, we're just going to be making out and doing other naughty things all night. (sarcasm of course)




"What will you be doing?"




Answer: Drinking til I can't stand, then smoking a few grams of weed. (again, sarcasm. :P )




About my medical conidition (Epilepsy)




"What happens when you have a seizure?"




Answer: Nothing really, I stay conscious and sometimes my arm twitches.




"What if you had a seizure right now?"




Answer: You wouldn't even notice unless I told you.




"What causes them?"




Answer: I have no clue.




Etc, etc.

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but yet..people seem to know a lot about your personalities because of what you say......Hypocritical i think..


You honestly believe you can have an accurate judge of character that way? Don't make me laugh.




no..i can tell your character by your little site....must think your hot Poopy...from what i see.




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"Where are you going?"


when I'm moving in the general direction of the door.




"Who are you going out with?"


when I say I'm going out.




Unbelievable as it is, I don't get this question from mother or jealous lover or anything, but from my roommate. It's driving me gaga.

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but yet..people seem to know a lot about your personalities because of what you say......Hypocritical i think..


You honestly believe you can have an accurate judge of character that way? Don't make me laugh.




no..i can tell your character by your little site....must think your hot Poopy...from what i see.




My God, your ability to completely miss the point astounds me.

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My friends always use me as a Runescape price guide -.-




"How much is/are ?".




same here and mine along with others here is a common one




"connor whats the answer to number "X"


or "what the price of "xxx"




me i dunno im not an encyclopedia








(we were doing godlen rectangle in year seven term 3)




what makes the rectangle "golden"




me "its because (blah blah blah completed stuff)


them "what?"


me *sigh* " a goldne rectangle is where you take an exact square away and it leaves another rectangle"


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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"what time it is?"(my watch is almost syncronised with scool clock)


"can you borrow me your homework?"(I almost always do my homework)


"can you explain me this?"(usually something involving maths, informatics or science)


refresh to see another sig

F2p forever

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"Which one are you?"




I have an identical twin brother, and too many people can't tell us apart, even though it isn't very hard.


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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I, for one, think Bubsa is quite hot [cabbage] myself. Well, luke-warm at worst.




Diggin' the thong, I am.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Are you still playing tennis? I get asked this months after the season is ended. Also: How tall are you?!? (6'3)

"Nobody cheers for Goliath"

~Wilt Chamberlain~

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the most frequent asked question i get is "Do you know where you want to go to college yet?" or anything along those lines. i still have a wile to think about it but more and more people are asking me about it in fact its usually one of the first things people ask me once they find out how old i am they immediately follow up with asking about college. Whats even more annoying is when people i talk to frequently ask me over and over. I didnt know where i wanted to go to college last week when i saw you what makes you think i made up my mind now. :roll: then when they find out i dont know they bring out the "oh well do you at least know what you want to go to college for?" im always tempted to reply "to learn" but i usually figure thats a bad idea and just tell them something to do with art. which really is what i want to do.


Peace, Such a simple concept yet so few people seem to truly understand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"So what do you wanna do with your life?"




Answer: How the F do i know? im going to college to see what i like..




"So how does it feel to have graduated High School?"




Answer: Uh, like any other day...it hasn't really set in because im still seeing my friends every day..




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"How are you?"


That's just stupid. How many people that ask that question actually care how you are? Especially if it's people I barely know.

2480+ total

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Question (usually from moms friends people she knows, which seems to be everyone in the village, meanwhile i don't know any of them and just laugh as though i do) -oooh your getting big aren't you!




Answer- yeah you better believe it


Sig by me....

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what time is it?




what will this all cost us josh????? <--- my friends dont like reading big numbers on the bottom of a bill.




how strong are you?


ask the last kid i hit (he did a backwards summersault when i hit him in the chest)




why do you fight every 1


i dont, they just think i dont like fighting which i kinda do and they think i cant fight at all


Not true. I lost my virginity to the log out button #-o
You should have knocked him out and thrown him out the window (I actually did that at school).


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