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Get the ghd, maybe you wont burn your leg with it, my sister has a cool one like that but her hair isn't long anymore.




Idc to fish in karamaja with you.


Need runners :twisted:




I am at my cousin's house so i don't really feel like getting on rs, or working on the site, must work on site...






Have uber fun in f2p. i'll visit you everyonce in a while

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zomg, if you do draw up, i want to be doing mah glass box emote :D




joo are the confuzzler


I might be able to do it (drawing)


Um, not really sure what to say lawlz




Sucks that you are going back to f2p :cry:


We need to hang out every once in a while




I should have a 68 fishor party, every time i get a goal done, i have a party.












jk, wub <3:<3:<3:<3:<3:<3:<3:<3:

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f2p will be boring




i wanna see some 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 cooking and some 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 fishing






comon after you get the geds beg for teh membership kay

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INCREDIBLY gay levels:




Oh I should freaking warn you, that is one huge pic. Didn't care to much to post it or crop or whatever .. gah [bleep]. oh wait its not that big.




so many randoms!




Yes what my mates have been waiting for:








Okay so stuff to get list:


1000's of Yews. Dunno how many? Willows?


1000 Mith bars, that's like 1m right there baby.


Runes .. Like maybe [bleep] loads of fires and airs? I don't know .. It'll help me get rc level up too.


Coal/Steel bars. Want to mine another few k of these? So I can give like 3k of it?




I'm so open for suggestions as to what to so, so pm me ingame people.




Oh and you should know, the theme of my party is: TRIVIA/. I'll be asking random questions bout myself, like favourite colour, favourite band/singer, how many bro's or sis's I have, fave subject at school .. random crap like that. First one to answer correctly gets the prize woohoo .. yah. So don't start answering random questions bout me, or else I'll give you fakey-dakey answers.




Gave this to some randomer:






Then gave like [cabbage] loads of members stuff to my girl, hell, loads of sharks. A few M's worth.






Ugh so if anyone cares, I'm not going on holiday after a massive arguement .. so I got like a month of no-lifing for a party. Suggestions, pm me people. Yay Botan, f2p sucks. What I hate though is when I'm cooking, some dude stands in a fire and is like "OH YEAH HARDER!" Please, if there is a god, I hope this guys throat is slit .. and he dies duhh..




Yeah I'm not too good with drawing as I suck hard at anatomy, but I did this one of me and my f2p friend about fishing, but yeah .. could resemble me and botan haha, because my fishing level is the only level that's higher than hers .. please don't raise your fishing level, botan, because you'll end up pwning me in every other stat T____T








Ya, so like when I get ghd's .. I'll like pm a picture of me to anyone who wants to see sexy hair .. of mine. But of course, I'll only show my rl photo to my friendslist people .. if I get a camera and yeah ask if you want to see, don't hesitate to ask, I'll just hestitate about considering giving you one :P, got a few people who i wouldn't mind showing. So w/e, not too bothered about breaking rules here because I just still feel pissed off about the whole prom thing.oh well emoness aside .. NO I'm not on my period .. Mikey-Dikey! Feel thy wrath of .. dun dun duuuun PMS! SANDWICH LADY IS ON HER PERIOD. That's why she's evil and doesnt let you have chocolate.! Don't worry lads, it'll be over in a week .. <- Private joke between me and a couple of friends btw HAHAHAAA .... insane






I could get membership .. but that means it'll eat up half of my cell phone's credit .. and I have no credit as it is already .. because of Lyrawr! I spent my last credit on you that night ages ago. So w/e, I think I value my calls and texts (SOCIAL LIFE!) more than membership .. or I suppose it's the other way around .. No-lifinG! eh?




Gold I'll take that offer of moving in with you :twisted: as long as my baby girl can come too :] and it's true, only Gold would know what i'm talking about <3: So Gold, if anyone asks, it's out secret hehe.




GOSH. I wrote loads. w/e. Okay list of ppl coming:






two Panda's




2 rl friends


Walker (photodraphypl0x) - if he gets online






Subtle_nub - if he's online long enough.




Yeah half of these ppl don't know that this is happening but i'll see. Tried not to add retired people except for ecky wecky. (echo,l new name).




Yeah if i didn't write your name. it's either cuz i dont like you (joke) or because i forgot, anyway i'll pm thy ingame .. remember party at begining of august. so a month for me to prepare.








Yeah blog over until whenever I get some decent goals, but for now 100+ goal (maybe I pwn botan in wild, fingers crossed)








jesus i wrote loads, so dont post, just talk in runescpae or msn or aim. ask me for my email address and aim name :mrgreen:




Important to read whole thread full of my nonsense.



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Your quitting? :shock: Don't quit, don't give your stuff away, don't ummm....quit? :oops: Go on msn......






I want to see your real life pic once you get your ghd <3:






And of course your baby gurl can move in too, I'll take her to toys r' us! ::'






PS: I love you :-#




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From what I read you're quitting... And even though I don't know you, it's always bad to lose a good community member like you. :cry:




Good luck with Real Life, or Runescape if you decide to continue.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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Phr33 buhmpe




even tho ur blog is one t0p :?




Anyvays gooodluck with tha partay preparations :D




And if dem othar memb nubs dont wanna come hang, call me up rawr




Til then, laytahz




(i hate trying to be cool liek yous :P)


Click for my blog ^ :)


All tipiters feel free to add me! Always looking to meet someone new.

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Woo go Anime! ^_^ I missed ya buddy, sorry I hadn't been on for ages, I retired, but I are back now. So my blog says. :P

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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back : )




Flew for like 3 hours today : )






you're richer then meh




and, I'm sure your gold digging skills are like 8x mine : (




teach me : D








I beat pokemon diamond...


lets just say, with a nintendo wfc connection, 100+ hours of playing. and a full national dex (450 pokemon seen/owned) I own that game...




speak of hte devil.


my step asian (dunno if I told you that story..




nvm.. the one I told you the queef sotry about) she ran away o.o


but came back >_<














I burnnt my self with my straightener..


I should spam your blog with a picture of it.


you'd prolly touch your self to it : D




I did :-w












yarrr, but.....








get on your emospace you supposevily hadd....












4 more days untill my burfffdaeee




: D




hmmm, log on rs...










lemme give you my skillers namee














(gotta make : X)

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