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Pest Control

Marvel Titan

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I couldn't disagree more on allowing people to have teams that they can choose.




PC is the easy way to get stats up and quick. Why make it easier. I say we pump more noobs into PC..




Just stay out of Heart Units world...




And I am proud to say...




I am a Combat Pure: No PC used for any mellee..


Only used for some Mage and Range XP



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I'll admit that PC faster exp than training slayer or grinding on monsters. This doesn't make it "easier" by any means.




And, most importantly, it's a lot more FUN. The game is all about FUN.




And, considering how long it takes to max combat in RuneScape compared to many other MMO's, it's a ridiculously long time. A player could get 3 WoW accounts to level 70 in the time it takes someone to PC 126 combat.




To the original post, I would love to see this. As a halfop in Heart Unit, I know all about leakers and undesirables. Seeing something like that would be very nice. I'll take 10-15 guys who i know are hardcore than maybe 5 who rock and 20 who just attack shifters the whole time.




Elitist? Perhaps. More like survival of the fittest.


so, you as an example for pc generation, how would you feel next to a person who gained all of their 99 melee stats in rsc? i would really feel like a donkey next to a horse....




why pc is on fire by oldschoolers and not cook x/pyramid plunder? Combat is the stat that everyone can see when they look at your character, and in the olden days, maximum combat was considerd a big accomplishment- now, i see more 120s than 60s, and this obviously is not right.




To be hounest there are alot of ways to ''fix'' pc, but the best way in my mind would be making you lose your items while inside the minigame+all monsters in the game killed before end of the game.


This would drive away all complete newbs, make you use alot of food and make the games slower.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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So wait...




You're trying to STOP the level 70-90s from getting experience because they "shouldn't be there" so that you can get MORE?








:lol: Not really




1. i don't use pc, used it to get 80-82 mage that was only time i used it


2. the idea was orginal thought out by schumacher1m whom pc's alot


3. id actually like to see pc taken out of the game




i love slayer and will continue to train it. i won't use pc and just wanted everyones views on my friends idea.



Ex-Wilderness Guardian


Retired from F2P clans indefinitely

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So wait...




You're trying to STOP the level 70-90s from getting experience because they "shouldn't be there" so that you can get MORE?








:lol: Not really




1. i don't use pc, used it to get 80-82 mage that was only time i used it


2. the idea was orginal thought out by schumacher1m whom pc's alot


3. id actually like to see pc taken out of the game




i love slayer and will continue to train it. i won't use pc and just wanted everyones views on my friends idea.






i strongly rebel agenst that^!! i dont pc alot, i got 85 slayer as u kno buddas:D, pc didnt help me get that, & i got 94 mage without pc'ing it, given i spent about 100 points on it, not much reli, PC may be ruining the game, but each to there own.




Jagex brought it into the game so its up to them to take it out if they think its ruining it.

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I think they should just get rid of pc alltogether, seems to have brought out the worst in everybody since it was released.






But it would probably be hard for jagex to impliment a system where you can choose a team for it, just because of how quick games go and how quick some people come and go, may be more of an annoyance than a better way for hardcore pc'ers.




Mmhmm. Just delete it.


In my eyes, pest control it just like macroing.


Cheap, fast, easy.


Pest control is practically just cheating at runescape.


Don't flame me, that's just my opinion 8-)

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....why pc is on fire by oldschoolers ..Combat is the stat that everyone can see when they look at your character, and in the olden days, maximum combat was considerd a big accomplishment- now, i see more 120s than 60s....




To be hounest there are alot of ways to ''fix'' pc, but the best way in my mind would be making you lose your items while inside the minigame+all monsters in the game killed before end of the game.


This would drive away all complete newbs, make you use alot of food and make the games slower.




I agree with what your saying and another way to help the PC generation seperation from us old schools players is... DO NOT ALLOW HP or Prayer XP as a Reward.




Either way.. I stay away from PC.. but every man, woman, child and noob for themselves

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errrr.... :uhh:




I'll get flamed for this but why are high levels to be respected? What's so respectible about getting 99 in any level? I have a goal for myself of level 99 magic (eventually), but I don't expect anyone to respect me for it.




Is a level 126 to be respected because they sat on their behinds in front of a computer controlling a computer character longer than other people? Bascially, that's what it comes down to. I don't respect or disrespect these people... they just have different priorities for their life.




The only thing I find to respect in Runescape are players that are friendly/nice/respectful regardless of level.








P.S. I have a love/hate relationship with Pest Control. I like it because I get to use my multiplayer ancient spells (I don't PK). I hate it because new players don't bother to understand the goal of the game and don't watch the health of the portals and help when help is needed.





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pc is annoying! alot of pures trying to make a name for themselfs! last time i was there i saw a level 54 with level 78 str! he had no armour and he died in seconds, heh, but the point is there's a problem with this as soon as a person hits level 40 combat they go over and try to get the stuff, but it ain't good too many noobes entered the system, it's now people forming clans just for single games! they need to make a barbarian assult outta this so we can play!! and get our fast exp

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....why pc is on fire by oldschoolers ..Combat is the stat that everyone can see when they look at your character, and in the olden days, maximum combat was considerd a big accomplishment- now, i see more 120s than 60s....




To be hounest there are alot of ways to ''fix'' pc, but the best way in my mind would be making you lose your items while inside the minigame+all monsters in the game killed before end of the game.


This would drive away all complete newbs, make you use alot of food and make the games slower.




I agree with what your saying and another way to help the PC generation seperation from us old schools players is... DO NOT ALLOW HP or Prayer XP as a Reward.




Either way.. I stay away from PC.. but every man, woman, child and noob for themselves








No hp or prayer from pc would be great, hp would be the new combat lvl in a way.




OR, we could just put a big 'PC' next to somebodies combat lvl if they got over 1/3 of thier exp from pc.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I find that Pest Control only gives marginally more xp than if I afk bandits or desert treasure skeles and I have an account to get ZPS on. I also prefer that little more hitpoints xp as well. I used to use Pest Control but nowadays it's just not worth it when you can afk and watch movies on alluc and stuff and get good hp xp as well.




well i think it will be a good idea so clans cxan play and there could be a room in it just like barb assult so u dont have to pick a team just lke how it is now, apperently im at pc so i was drawn to this post ::' im getting 72 def today (it is now 67) almost 100 pest points!!! that will be like 500k xp :shock: so yeah i think it would be good. getting 90cb today!!!!!! \'




Sorry dude you are going to be disappointed, 100 points for a level 67 stat is nowhere near 500k xp lol :uhh:





^Poker Tournament^

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I find that Pest Control only gives marginally more xp than if I afk bandits or desert treasure skeles and I have an account to get ZPS on. I also prefer that little more hitpoints xp as well. I used to use Pest Control but nowadays it's just not worth it when you can afk and watch movies on alluc and stuff and get good hp xp as well.




well i think it will be a good idea so clans cxan play and there could be a room in it just like barb assult so u dont have to pick a team just lke how it is now, apperently im at pc so i was drawn to this post ::' im getting 72 def today (it is now 67) almost 100 pest points!!! that will be like 500k xp :shock: so yeah i think it would be good. getting 90cb today!!!!!! \'




Sorry dude you are going to be disappointed, 100 points for a level 67 stat is nowhere near 500k xp lol :uhh:




:lol: didn't see that post its somewhere along the lines of 70-75k exp give or take



Ex-Wilderness Guardian


Retired from F2P clans indefinitely

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This is the way the game should stay, everyone should be aloud to join the game no matter what their lvl.




If people don't like it, especially Pc clans ( very sad thing to have) then move to another world.



Gorak Chronicles Ended, thinking of something new for next week

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i only use pest control for enjoyment and use the points on magic not much pest control here....... slayer is fun!!




but i don't think that they should let people choose thier teams because the lower levels are sorta the risk in the game and noone bashes cook x cause that was just a part of the skill not a minigame made for fun being used to powertrain like 6 99 stats while it does take longer then a few weeks to get that it is still not good for the game as combat levels do not mean nothing anymore i see plenty of 126s with 60 slayer only with other bad noncombat stats.




also people that do not use pc or slayer and have high cb or low noncbs are sorta rare so..




and xpx is just saying that the exp is too high and that too many 120s isn't really a good thing.

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PC made pure set ups easier to build. Therefore more people made pures and became members. And for Jagex, more members means more money. Seems a good addition to the game to me.




Also, for everyone who doesn't have maxed combats, it gives an easier, optional alternative to train. It also requires attention, hence is not AFK'able which some of the earlier training techniques were, particularly melee.




I don't see the real problem between pc products and the non pc products. There seems to be a standard that some people expect of high levels. I can't say I've changed much personality wise since I was level 3, the person behind the character doesn't change, the level does. Why judge someone on their level?




People who have pced 99s will have pride in their level as they should. People who haven't pced a pc-able 99 will take pride in their stat, they make think they deserve it more than a pced 99, but in reality, they are both 99s and to the vast, vast majority are the same achievment. It's a game for fun, the focus is on your character, not anyone else's. If there's no cheating involved, there shouldn't be a problem to others.



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Although I've only seen a video of the (Infamous) Falador Massacre, maybe we need a PC Massacre to scare the "PC Noobs" away. Ok, it's a poorly conceived idea but what the hay! Maybe PC should be changed so that when you die during a game, you drop your items.




You are an obviouis [wagon]. What the hell is with this "PC Noob" [cabbage]? Have the ever played the game? Just because it gives an extra 20k exp an hour means it's ruining the game? And suddenly someone is a noob for playing a minigame in which you actually get decent exp?I have been playing runescape since 2004, and since I play pc for an extra 20k an hour, I am a noob?




Dropping you items when you die? That seems fair. Especially when you can't run away from the 10 level 130 monsters that are piled on top of you. Maybe they should do the same for castle wars too then! Heck, why even keep 3 items when you die? I say you should loose all you items, AND loose 5% of your exp!




Btw, PC MASSACRE?? Oh no! Someone came to pc to kill everybody instead of fally this time! Obviously this glitch was caused by pest control since it is a pvp mini game, and we should all stay away from it!!








I had a feeling I'd get some flaming for my statement. Anyways, one possible way to balance PC is to make the monsters dynamically scale their stats according to the team that's currently in a game. Kill_Thomas9, I already stated in my original statement that a "PC Massacre" is an ill conceived idea.




Maybe your comments could have been more constructive if you were trying to convince me and win me over as a Pest Control supporter. Clearly, our opinions are polar opposites on this issue so maybe we should just call it a truce before this escalates into a full out flame war.




Good idea.

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I believe that they were planning on making 3 separate boats which concerned with what level combat you were. Which meant you could only get on a certain boat with fellow combantants of your combat level.


I remember seeing a picture of this somewhere that was hacked from the Knowledge base. I hope they make this update soon.






Boat A= 3-70 Combat


Boat B= 71-100 Combat


Boat C= 101+ Combat



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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i only got one phrase to say to that..




"if it aint broken, why fix it?"




basically, it is fine the way it is, they dont HAVE to update any mini-games(except that pirate one, i forgot its name)

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

^^^^read backwards^^^^




^^^^The Best Melee Training Spot In The Game^^^^



^^^^The new Bandits^^^^


even i have the misfile craze!!!

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I believe that they were planning on making 3 separate boats which concerned with what level combat you were. Which meant you could only get on a certain boat with fellow combantants of your combat level.


I remember seeing a picture of this somewhere that was hacked from the Knowledge base. I hope they make this update soon.






Boat A= 3-70 Combat


Boat B= 71-100 Combat


Boat C= 101+ Combat


First of all the minimum cb for pc is like 30. And the picture wasn't "hacked". The url was simply changed. Anyone who knows how to type in an internet adress can do it :P

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PC disgusts me. While training slayer, I've ran into many 120+'s that regret ever training at PC. I've never been to PC, and never will go. Being able to get to 99 attack/strength/defence/HP/range/magic in a couple of weeks is outrageous.




The only way to fix PC is to lower the XP rewards dramatically.




I can get 99 attack in 2 weeks at several different monsters. Pc might shave 2 days off that time.


Sorry to reply to an old quote but if you can get to 99 attack in 2 weeks, you seriously need a life. That would be playing like 10+ hours a day, nonstop. A while back on RuneScape Community, a kid "no-lifed" it to 99 attack and he only play like 3-5 hours a day he said.




Also, saying PC only adds 20k exp. and hours is pretty dumb. I went to the outpost and asked various people how much damage they do a game. Most said like 250(it really shouldn't be this, but you get special bar recharged and prayer recharged each game), and those are the ones that don't attack portals. Also, a friend with 79 strength says he gets 1k exp. a point. So that's double the exp.






I disagree with making teams. That's just zeroing out the lower levels. Basically, you want high levels to be able to train with doubled exp., and lowered levels to not be able to double their exp.




I still wish PC was never brought into the game.

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....why pc is on fire by oldschoolers ..Combat is the stat that everyone can see when they look at your character, and in the olden days, maximum combat was considerd a big accomplishment- now, i see more 120s than 60s....




To be hounest there are alot of ways to ''fix'' pc, but the best way in my mind would be making you lose your items while inside the minigame+all monsters in the game killed before end of the game.


This would drive away all complete newbs, make you use alot of food and make the games slower.




I agree with what your saying and another way to help the PC generation seperation from us old schools players is... DO NOT ALLOW HP or Prayer XP as a Reward.




Either way.. I stay away from PC.. but every man, woman, child and noob for themselves








No hp or prayer from pc would be great, hp would be the new combat lvl in a way.




OR, we could just put a big 'PC' next to somebodies combat lvl if they got over 1/3 of thier exp from pc.


That would be a great idea! if someone has got more than 10M combat experiance put a big red plack on their cape with ''PC'' writtn in bold on it. That would probobly stop alot of people :P




btw- lvl 30-80 are the people saving us from alot more high level noobs, by all means, there should be tons more of newbs ruining the game for everyone.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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