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is it sexist...


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I think if all the women are comfortable with walking around topless they should post solid evidence that they are telling the truth, otherwise we can't possibly believe them O:)




The sanctity of your own room would be a good start.




Dude, your really pathetic the way I see what you say, they need not post a picture for your umm "enjoyment".




I'm not a seedy adolescent I was just impersonating one. But Sword dude what do you think when you see a big pair of breasts, do you say-'Wow you must be intelligent I really want to get to know your personality'...well ok you might say that but it isn't what you really mean.




The Office Christmas Special? :P




Haha, great episode 'Excuse me can we stop talking about my dead mothers breasts'.

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I'm a guy, and I wouldn't mind if women started walking around topless... :-w




See? You just prove their point. Men are horndogs and cant restrain themselves. If all of a sudden women went topless men would go insane. Now say if it had always been like that the practice would be commonplace and therefore not a big deal.






I wouldn't go crazy if a women went topless... Its not like I'd freak out and have to stare at her constantly... I do have self control, don't steryotype me....

I wouldn't freak out either but I wouldn't mind either :-w
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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They love to tease us lol :(. Eventually if not wearing a shirt became an everyday life style men wouldn't be as horny any more. I think :-k. The first few weeks would be heaven on earth but after that it would seem to be a big deal really.

Quit RuneScape :)

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Yeah, and penises are just for making babies.


Yes, that is sexual, there's nothing sexual in feeding a child. If you think it is, then you have a problem.


You have to keep in mind that not everyone is ridiculously conservative like you. :\


How is it conservative to want women to walk around bare chested? :lol:


If you think I am conservative, then you obviously are blind or totally deluded.




How about you go back behind your mums shield from the world? There is a biological reason for breasts other then to feed off-spring.




You know how monkeys do the nasty from behind, and the females have the big red rump to attract the males? Yeah, well when we 'evolved' (don't start any religeous crap with me, thanks) and started to do the nasty face to face, there needed to be something visually there to attract the males, ergo breasts.

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Yes, it's sexist in a way. But only in a utopian way, and as soon as you enstate utopian ideals you forget about reality. Reality is the most important thing to enstate rules in consideration of.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Why do people freak out about this thing, these so called "parts" are just skin just like on your arm. If nipples are the problem think of this, guys have nipples too! Like I said it is just skin!!!

Bet you can't guess what Altune means!

You can't? Insanage!

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Why do people freak out about this thing, these so called "parts" are just skin just like on your arm. If nipples are the problem think of this, guys have nipples too! Like I said it is just skin!!!




If it's just "skin," then why do you wear pants? What it's covering is just, "skin," right?

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Why do people freak out about this thing, these so called "parts" are just skin just like on your arm. If nipples are the problem think of this, guys have nipples too! Like I said it is just skin!!!




If it's just "skin," then why do you wear pants? What it's covering is just, "skin," right?




good point, but; we cover those parts because; well; men use those parts to have sex (and to pee rofl) and females use those parts (on the other-side) for sex, so i guess thats why...


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You know how monkeys do the nasty from behind, and the females have the big red rump to attract the males? Yeah, well when we 'evolved' (don't start any religeous crap with me, thanks) and started to do the nasty face to face, there needed to be something visually there to attract the males, ergo breasts.








Breasts, and what connotation they have is very different for every culture. What you say doesn't make any sense, simply because if it was true, then breasts would have a sexual connotation in every culture, which they don't, what you claim is [cabbage].

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You know how monkeys do the nasty from behind, and the females have the big red rump to attract the males? Yeah, well when we 'evolved' (don't start any religeous crap with me, thanks) and started to do the nasty face to face, there needed to be something visually there to attract the males, ergo breasts.








Breasts, and what connotation they have is very different for every culture. What you say doesn't make any sense, simply because if it was true, then breasts would have a sexual connotation in every culture, which they don't, what you claim is [cabbage].




Not necessarily, for instance- sex itself is biologically desirable and pleasurable, but there are a number of large cultures in which is viewed in quite the opposite light.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Alright, let's imagine he's right and breasts are really biologially "sexual", then he should post some information, from a webpage, book, research, something, because if there's no info on it, it's just a theory, and well we could theorise about lots of things for a long time, and we wouldn't end up anywhere.

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Alright, let's imagine he's right and breasts are really biologially "sexual", then he should post some information, from a webpage, book, research, something, because if there's no info on it, it's just a theory, and well we could theorise about lots of things for a long time, and we wouldn't end up anywhere.




I think even without direct evidence we might use a chain of reasoning to come up with a convincing argument as to why he's right.




If we do imagine he's right, we could work our way back and figure out where we get it from.




Starting with the observation that it is common to avoid upper body nudity for females, and that those things might be "censored" on public television, we must assume it is done so for a reason (i.e. that it isn't completely arbitrary). If we accept that, then we work our way through the other material that is also treated the same way.




If we do that, we find that restricted content includes gratuitous violence, hateful material, and content of a sexual nature. Since the nudity doesn't fall in the first two categories, we really have to put it in the third- sexual nature.




Now while we haven't proven that breasts are biologically sexual in nature, we have demonstrated that it is a commonly held belief that it is so.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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we have demonstrated that it is a commonly held belief that it is so.




That's what I say; influenced by culture.


Idk if you read that dude's post about africa, but he's right, often on Tv we see african women just walking with their breasts barely covered, and people around have no problem about it, because that's how things work over there.

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we have demonstrated that it is a commonly held belief that it is so.




That's what I say; influenced by culture.


Idk if you read that dude's post about africa, but he's right, often on Tv we see african women just walking with their breasts barely covered, and people around have no problem about it, because that's how things work over there.




But the other sexual organs are "barely covered" there as well. And, in Africa, women are considered sexual objects to a much greater degree because the child mortality rate is much much higher there so having the capacity to produce healthy offspring is paramount.




So if the covering of the female's breasts is done to dampen or halt the sexual objectification of females (in other words if we do it to prevent being sexist), then we make our argument.




Of course it could just be because Africa is hot.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Ontario CA, or Ontario Canada? wherever it is i'm moving there... and whats wrong with being a horndog?




When you're in a tight area with a lot of people and see a topless woman and then little Jimmy is complaining because something is poking him in the back.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Ontario CA?


HAHA, it would fit perfectly! All the teenage gangsta girls would go all topless and the gangstas and cholos (SP?) would 'do it' with 'em in public. :lol:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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well see i think it would be more sexist if a woman went without a top because well all men would be doing would be goggling at her chest and seducing her (in most cases that is)

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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Of course it could just be because Africa is hot.




Exactly. We don't just wear clothes to cover ourselves up. We wear them for protection.




The main reason why the prospect of running around naked doesn't exactly attract me: I'll be cold, step into broken glass and get my nipples stuck in places I shudder to think of.

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Alright, let's imagine he's right and breasts are really biologially "sexual", then he should post some information, from a webpage, book, research, something, because if there's no info on it, it's just a theory, and well we could theorise about lots of things for a long time, and we wouldn't end up anywhere.




I saw it on a doco, but *sigh* I'll dredge through the pages of crap on the internet just for you good sir. If breasts weren't sexual why the hell does a woman get incredibly aroused when sucked on? Answer me that you dumb arse.

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Alright, let's imagine he's right and breasts are really biologially "sexual", then he should post some information, from a webpage, book, research, something, because if there's no info on it, it's just a theory, and well we could theorise about lots of things for a long time, and we wouldn't end up anywhere.




I saw it on a doco, but *sigh* I'll dredge through the pages of crap on the internet just for you good sir. If breasts weren't sexual why the hell does a woman get incredibly aroused when sucked on? Answer me that you dumb arse.




Actually, I learned all of this in high-school.


Men and women have primary and secondary characteristics which make them different from each other. The primary features are the ones that make us different at birth and distinguish our gender (boys have a penis, girls have a vagina/uterus). The secondary are the ones we need to kick these organs into action in order to reproduce, which means they are sexual. They develop at a later age, namely our teens - since it'd be madness for a newborn baby to be able to reproduce. Breasts develop in a girl's teens, they are a secondary characteristic. So yes, breasts are sexual.




Edit: here's a link: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/ATLAS_EN/html/secondary_characteristics.html

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