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Who are your favorite and least favorite US president(s)?


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Favorite= any president who didnt screw up lol




Least favorite: Herbert Hoover, Andrew Johnson, Warren G. Harding (even though he shares my first name and birthday, his officers were in a LOT of scandal), William Harrison (died a month after becoming president!)


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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I only have a very limited knowledge of American History, but my worst would have to be either George Bush Jr. (not just because he's there now, but just because I think he's done tremendously bad), or possible Dwight Eisenhower. Both seem to me obsessed over foreign affairs and the spread of democracy when they really had no right to, and to a life-long Socialist such as myself, I don't really get appealed by this kind of attitude.




The best one... possibly Truman. I know what you're going to say - he issued the Truman Doctrine - but the inspirational thing about Truman is that he came from a traditionally racist background and still saw the need to provide equal opportunities for blacks. I think that's something perhaps a few politicians need to reflect on.

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That's interesting, why do you say that? I mean, the only president to compare him to was Hoover and he definitely did better than him. In what ways to the New Deals keep the US in the depression?




Many of the New Deals involved the redistribution of wealth by the government. Taking the money from the productive members of society, and giving it to "the needy." Giving subsidies to certain businesses, which then could lower prices and force their competitors out of business. A free market would have self corrected itself fairly quickly. But every New Deal he made went a step further from the free market, and everyone was blaming the free market ideology for the economic problems. The US's Great Depression started in 1929, and wasn't over until about 1942, when the US joined WWII. That's 13 years, and only ended because of the war. 13 years of new deals just kept prolonging the GD.



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Alright, I will say out loud why Clinton and Kennedy and Bush are pretty bad presidents:




Kennedy: Already said it. Look at my previous posts on here.




Clinton: He's the worst out of the democrats. He played his saxophone way too long that he didn't do much government work.




Bush: At the 2000 Presidental Elections, I thought Bush would be a perfect president for USA so I voted for him. In January 2001, he was elected president. Then later on, I have realized that he's no good. Even worse than Clinton.


First - Credit to Otbg . Second - Credit to 4be2jue

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What are the reasons for Kennedy and Clinton to be said in the same breath at Bush?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Well, I know one president who's going to end up in a lot of the "least" categories.




George W. Bush. I would kill him if I could.

Probably when he's no longer president and when nobody is near where he is, then you can.


First - Credit to Otbg . Second - Credit to 4be2jue

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I think the whole world can agree the Roosevelt was the best president in the US ever, if not the world.




I'll disagree with that. I don't see why FDR was considered so great of a president, he kept us in the depression a lot longer than needed. It would have lasted even longer if we didn't get involved in WWII. He actually may have known about the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened, but let it happen in order to get the US into WWII, which stimulated the economy out of the depression. All of his economic policies that he put into place got the credit for getting us out of the depression, when they probably caused it to last a lot longer.

you are kidding right? If it weren't for him, the US could have been stuck in depression for another 20 years. The policies obviously got the country out of it, do you actually think everything would have recovered on its own without Roosevelt? Thats what Taft did, and he became the least popular president in the US.
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Wow, what a shocker, everyone hates Bush. :|




Bush is down there, but IMO the worst prez was Nixon. The watergate scandal absolutely drained the nation of faith in the government, something I believe still lingers to this day. That made an impact.




Reagan was a good president, but I couldn't stand his idea on the war on drugs. Why not create a war on POVERTY, because most of the time drug trade takes place in poverty, since there's very few other ways a making money. I wanna call him the worst, but he did do some good things. I just wanted to vent that, lol.




Best was FDR, he saved this nation. He solved the Great Depression, he;s a hero.

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Bush is down there, but IMO the worst prez was Nixon. The watergate scandal absolutely drained the nation of faith in the government, something I believe still lingers to this day. That made an impact.


#-o Nixon really didn't have anything to do with the Watergate scandal. He was just too stupid to not turn in the goons who were a part of it.




Stop hating Nixon because of something he didn't do. There are plenty of other reasons to hate him, so use those :| .

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Best: FDR, George Washington. FDR for the Great Depression and George Washington because he was such a great man. It just can't be summarized short enough for me to write here ::'




Worst: George W. Bush, although the media does make him seem a lot worse than he actually is. But he's still horrible.

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Bush is down there, but IMO the worst prez was Nixon. The watergate scandal absolutely drained the nation of faith in the government, something I believe still lingers to this day. That made an impact.


#-o Nixon really didn't have anything to do with the Watergate scandal. He was just too stupid to not turn in the goons who were a part of it.




Stop hating Nixon because of something he didn't do. There are plenty of other reasons to hate him, so use those :| .




That in a way is true. But he knew of the scandal. He knew what was going on, yet didn't stop it. IMO, that makes him a large part of the blame. And I don't really HATE Nixon, I just don't think he was a good president.




And yeah, there are a lot of other reasons to hate him, but that one is just the most popular one.

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Washington and Wilson are my top two: Washington for his outstanding character and leadership, Wilson for his intelligence and principles.




I'm also a fan of FDR and Lincoln. Both tried to hold America together the best they knew how. FDR was willing to test any idea to get America out of the Depression. (Feel free to debate the economic effectiveness of his policies. He still picked ideas from the minds of intelligent men and gave a nation hope in the midst of Depression.) Lincoln too held the country together. He may have disregarded the Constitution in some cases, but he saved the Union in the end.




Nixon annoys me both as a President and as a person. I don't like anyone from the Gilded Age either. I'm not sure who I would classify as "the worst" though.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Clinton: He's the worst out of the democrats. He played his saxophone way too long that he didn't do much government work.





but thats what made him so great, just because he didn't do anything outstanding, doesn't mean he did a bad job!


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Who was the one who came up with the New Deal? I like him.



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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Who was the one who came up with the New Deal? I like him.


Yeah, that would be FDR.




Teddy was way cooler though, in my personal opinion.


Who was the one who came up with the New Deal? I like him.




Just sayin'. :P

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Best: bush, FDR, Washington, Lincoln, Regan (regan never got pushed around)




worst: herbert hoover. among other things, he did almost nothing (spent more time playing golf then actually being president)

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Who was the one who came up with the New Deal? I like him.


Yeah, that would be FDR.




Teddy was way cooler though, in my personal opinion.


Who was the one who came up with the New Deal? I like him.




Just sayin'. :P


Damn, I gotta stop responding to posts at 1:30 in the morning :XD: . Your post made a nice little WHOOSH over my head :lol: .

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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That's interesting, why do you say that? I mean, the only president to compare him to was Hoover and he definitely did better than him. In what ways to the New Deals keep the US in the depression?




Many of the New Deals involved the redistribution of wealth by the government. Taking the money from the productive members of society, and giving it to "the needy." Giving subsidies to certain businesses, which then could lower prices and force their competitors out of business. A free market would have self corrected itself fairly quickly. But every New Deal he made went a step further from the free market, and everyone was blaming the free market ideology for the economic problems. The US's Great Depression started in 1929, and wasn't over until about 1942, when the US joined WWII. That's 13 years, and only ended because of the war. 13 years of new deals just kept prolonging the GD.




So they should have stuck to Republican do nothing policies? The economic effectiveness of the New Deal is debateable (i'm almost certain it was better than doing nothing, the free market cannot correct itself when people have lost all confidence in the one thing keeping it afloat) but the humanitarian efforts have to be praised as noble, surely? People were given jobs, people built public works projects which were useful later and higher living standards were brought in.




Perhaps it comes down to a difference in economic/political ideologies but I can't see how doing nothing would have done any better.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Favourite: NONE




Least favourite: ALL




That's my personal opinion, hopefully no one gets offended.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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So they should have stuck to Republican do nothing policies? The economic effectiveness of the New Deal is debateable (i'm almost certain it was better than doing nothing, the free market cannot correct itself when people have lost all confidence in the one thing keeping it afloat) but the humanitarian efforts have to be praised as noble, surely? People were given jobs, people built public works projects which were useful later and higher living standards were brought in.




Perhaps it comes down to a difference in economic/political ideologies but I can't see how doing nothing would have done any better.




It basically comes down to different economic beliefs. Just wanted to throw out there I do not believe in Republican economics, which don't do nothing, they generally screw things up too.



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