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B) Take out everything that involves ridiculing the bible, otherwise I might as well report you for religious discrimination. The thread, not rl. I'm catholic by the way.




The things you bolded are completley true (except the "trash" went a little far). It does promote sadistic beliefs when followed literally. Also, i'd look up the term "discrimination" before filing that report.




I'm merely pointing out saying such things will offend people who were brought up on the religion. Like me, and causing a flame war. i don't want that to happen.




P.S. I know what discrimination means. I just used it wrong in this particular use of the word.




They will only offend if you hold your religion in such a precious regard that you're afraid that there might be anything wrong with it. The moment you stop questioning your faith is the moment you stop thinking.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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The moment you stop questioning your faith is the moment you stop thinking.




If someone has proven to themselves they feel like they have the correct position hundreds or even thousands of times over the years of their life then why do you feel the burden of questioning should always be upon them?




At what point do you feel a person can quit questioning something? Should this questioning of everything go into every area of their life?

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You've proved several times here that you're an obtuse moron. First off, you assumed I'm an athiest. Why? Because I don't have the exact same beliefs as you. Sorry, robot, I'm free to think. I don't come pre-programmed like you apparently do. it really baffles me that people like you have no problem saying God is this angelic, happy, awesome being, but...oh, by the way...you have a 50/50 chance of being tossed into eternal hellfire by him personally. And don't say God doesn't do it - the decision comes down to him. The "they made me do it!" excuse doesn't work on Earth, and I doubt it works anywhere else. Congratulations, you've degraded God into a whining first grader who was caught stealing milk from the 'fridge! I bet he loves you over all other creatures.




Secondly, you still completely fail to see your failed logic in the whole "God is great, but will damn you to hell for trivial things". What's really amazing is that you haven't even considered that some, or Hell, perhaps MOST text isn't even correct due to story-telling and jsut plain lying on the part of humans. If God passed this exact text down from Heaven right now and said "It's right." then I'd believe it, but until then, I'd wager anything that Hell is completely made-up as a scare tactic, and other parts of the Bible are complete BS aswell. There is a reason that everytime they research a Bible story, they have to down-size it into something more plausible just to make it work. Noah's Ark, for example...They always end up saying the flood was just in one area..A river flooded and drifted their boat out to sea and back. Also, Noah was a trader, and had animals/beer/food/etc all on the ship for reasons of profit, not reasons of...Well, being a prophet. Quite a bit more plausible than every animal on Earth swingin' by some drunkards boat and them all going on a ride on the entire Earth, which flooded in some way that makes the impossible possible, and they were able to survive even though the atmosphereic pressure would destroy you in seconds and you'd drown in all the water vapor.




But, you're free to believe it all. It just makes your life suck. You don't believe in God for love, you believe in him because you fear Hell. When you were a kid and your parents were brain washing you, I'm sure the first thing they said wasn't "God loves you, so believe in him!", because "God will send you to Hell if you don't believe in him, so believe in him!" is way more persuasive to a child...To anyone, really.




I'm probably more well-versed than you are, so I'd appreciate it if you quit telling me to get my facts straight. I know the "facts", and I don't consider them "facts". It's amazing how much time you people spend trying to justify the contradictoray stuff in the Bible.




See this is your problem. You try and contradict my beliefs by making up your own perceived view on Christianity when it is me in fact who sticks by what the Bible says. How can you know "the facts" when all you do is water-down everything that the Bible says and turn it into your own perceived views? How can my beliefs on Christianity be wrong when I stick by what the Bible says? Why would you be any wiser than God to come in and tell me that my beliefs (based purely on the Bible and not some diluted statements) are wrong and that what my God has written down for me in his word is infact incorrect and should be perceived Tigras way? Oh seriously, should I start worshiping the Tigra doctrine now shall I? Because God just placed you on this Earth to tell all us Christians how stupid we are for believing what is written in Bible. And that what is written is actually incorrect (because God was incapable) and that you were placed on the Earth to give us the real version of the Word?




And I highly doubt you'd know verses better than me, all you do is quote Old Testament verses trying to make them contradict each other. We don't even live by that covenant anymore.




And I can assure you that my life is much more valuable, than wasting my time trying to prove contradicting verses right over the internet. The only reason I bothered getting into this argument in the first place was because I found it greatly offensive that you're trying to tell me being a Christian that I'm wrong following the Bible as truth. Like you'd know the in-depths of my faith anyway. :roll:




All I have been doing on this thread is defending my religion and faith. [sarcasm]But apparently I'm wrong for believing the Bible, since Tigra knows all, and believes differently And thus faith is useless, and really I should be trusting and relying on Tigra to tell me otherwise. Oh forgive me Tigra for being such an ignorant [puncture]![/s]




Oh and the fear of hell has nothing to do with why I believe, its my Savior's love which causes me to embrace my religion. And fear is the opposite of what my beliefs stand for. So its pleasing to see you're able to judge over the internet without even knowing me or my faith.




So that's it for me on this thread. I could argue till I go blue in the face, but I'd rather go and read other threads on OT. So I'll allow you to have the last word. Because I'm obviously wrong in my beliefs and I've got many years of the Tigra Doctrine to go and catch up on. :wink:




I don't believe there is a "Tigra doctrine", though there probably should be. If there is a God, and he is how Christians say he is (great, forgiving, all-knowing, etc etc etc), then you're a fool to believe the Bible is 100% truth. More than that, you're degrading God by believing it is 100% truth. If you fail to see the contradictions, then I'm sorry, you're beyond saving. Jesus himself couldn't even save you from that blindness. So you beieve God to be a being of pure goodness, yet you believe in Hell?




You're a fool, then. All there is to say. Like I said, it's amazing how you people spend so much time thinking up theory's of just how, exactly, these things make sense. Don't you think that they just should make sense, period? Considering it was written by an extremely intelligent being, right? Wrong. Humans wrote it, and humans surely added their own BS. Humans are not above that, and you know that's rule #1 (humans are imperfect, sinners, etc etc). You have never even considered that fact that perhaps Hell was just added in to scare people, or that Hell is, perhaps even...Earth itself! Or perhaps Hell is "death" itself...Either way, there is no lake of fire. It's contradictory to everything that God is, and if you claim to follow God and still believe in Hell, you're spitting in his face. It's like saying about your best friend Jimmy, "Yea, man, he's a great kid! But, you know...He is probably the biggest a-hole ever." It just doesn't compute.




Sorry that you don't get it. Go to church and ask someone else who's just as blind to reassure you that, yes, Hell does exist, and if you don't believe that, you'll go there.




"Ahhh, how reassuring. God is great, but would make such a place...Man, I wish I could follow him. Wow. What an awesome dude."





The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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So you beieve God to be a being of pure goodness, yet you believe in Hell?




You're a fool, then. All there is to say. You have never even considered that fact that perhaps Hell was just added in to scare people, or that Hell is, perhaps even...Earth itself!




So hmm... why did Jesus have to come to Earth and die on the cross if there isn't a hell?

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So you beieve God to be a being of pure goodness, yet you believe in Hell?




You're a fool, then. All there is to say. You have never even considered that fact that perhaps Hell was just added in to scare people, or that Hell is, perhaps even...Earth itself!




So hmm... why did Jesus have to come to Earth and die on the cross if there isn't a hell?




The irrelevance of that question almost doesn't make me required to answer it...




There doesn't need to be a Hell for people to need to be saved from something. That "something" is the LACK of eternal life, aka, just death.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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So Tigra, before Jesus there was no such thing as a person having a soul and suddenly after he died people had souls?




Okay, this time your question is just dumb. No where, anywhere, ever, have I said that people never had souls before Jesus came about.




When you die, your...Soul...Either goes to Heaven, or it dies. Your soul dies. It's just gone. You're gone. Peace. See ya'. There is no place where your soul goes and burns in fire because you were a naughty boy once or twice. It's just a moronic concept that goes completely against God.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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According to what you are saying




1. Eternal life is lived in the form of your soul.


2. Jesus dying enabled us to have eternal life.




So wouldn't the logical jump here be that Jesus dying enabled us to have souls according to what you believe?




Otherwise you believe souls die so does that mean I could get run over by an angel bus in heaven and have my soul killed? :P






For real though do you believe a soul is a physical part of our body or a spiritual side of our body?

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According to what you are saying




1. Eternal life is lived in the form of your soul.


2. Jesus dying enabled us to have eternal life.




So wouldn't the logical jump here be that Jesus dying enabled us to have souls according to what you believe?




Otherwise you believe souls die so does that mean I could get run over by an angel bus in heaven and have my soul killed? :P






For real though do you believe a soul is a physical part of our body or a spiritual side of our body?




What the hell are you babbling about?




God, I hate it when people try to get all "intellectual" and fail to realize their questions are just dumb. It's like you're trying to make up a theory about my theory, except your theory about mine is NOTHING like what I said.




Of course your soul goes to heaven. What did you think, your body does? Last time I checked, uhhh...Just no.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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If someone has proven to themselves they feel like they have the correct position hundreds or even thousands of times over the years of their life then why do you feel the burden of questioning should always be upon them?




At what point do you feel a person can quit questioning something? Should this questioning of everything go into every area of their life?


Never. Constant re-evaluation of ourselves, our thoughts, ideas, opinions and beliefs is the only thing that allows us to grow as persons. Anything less is stagnation. And willingly halting your own development because you prefer the blissful ignorance is nothing short of squandering free will.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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bballking said:"...ridiculous bible..."




i agree with you 100% that these extremists unwarranted hatred for gays is wrong, but if a self-proclaimed "pro-atheist" wants to complain about what the bible makes people such as these do, why not take a look in it?




does it say ANYWHERE that we are supposed to lynch every homosexual that we see? i think not. on the contrary, it says that we are supposed to befriend and help them.




The views of these extremist Catholics are a corruption of Christianity and do not reflect the Bible at all.




So before you get to railing on every and all Christians, why dont you examine the discrepancies between the truth and what you are complaining about?




just a suggestion

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Okay, this time your question is just dumb. No where, anywhere, ever, have I said that people never had souls before Jesus came about.




When you die, your...Soul...Either goes to Heaven, or it dies. Your soul dies. It's just gone. You're gone. Peace. See ya'. There is no place where your soul goes and burns in fire because you were a naughty boy once or twice. It's just a moronic concept that goes completely against God.




As someone said above there is no hell, then can't I do all the evil I want and not have any consquences? And then not be sorry about it? Yea, I'm pretty sure you just go poof. That would also be contradicting God because God doesn't destroy souls.


And saying that God makes you sorry would be going agaisnt God because he gave us freedom of choice.




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If someone has proven to themselves they feel like they have the correct position hundreds or even thousands of times over the years of their life then why do you feel the burden of questioning should always be upon them?




At what point do you feel a person can quit questioning something? Should this questioning of everything go into every area of their life?


Never. Constant re-evaluation of ourselves, our thoughts, ideas, opinions and beliefs is the only thing that allows us to grow as persons. Anything less is stagnation. And willingly halting your own development because you prefer the blissful ignorance is nothing short of squandering free will.




That's summed up my response far better than I could have. :P




Yeah, you should question every aspect of your life, no matter how hard.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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This is why I am agnstic (if that's how you spell i't lol)If god is all powerful then can he make a stone he cant lift???? =D> :wink: :D :lol: :thumbsup: ::'
















lol just proved you wrong super christchins!!!!!



Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.

-Joseph Stalin


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Eh, Satenza has been fine the past few pages which is as much of the thread as I remember now. I actually agreed with him about the it is kinda corny to enter a debate but then immediately pull out.




Statements like these are the ones I find irritating.


I have said it many times, and I'll say it again...Religion is the downfall of mankind. Never ceases to amuse me how far off the deep end people go with their religious beliefs. XD




(1)All this hate against Christianity yet silence over fascism and communism which easily dwarf the kill totals of any other political or religious groups during the 20th century. It is quite simple. You hate every form of religion and you don't think twice about insulting anyone that believes in a religion of any sort yet you stay silent on issues like mass non religious government sanctioned genocides. Your message isn't fueled by justice because your message is only brought out on religious topics which means it is merely fueled by your hatred of religion.




(2)On a side note I would like to add that your arrogance is pretty annoying. You seem to be craving people saying "wow, Lord Krohn is really smart." Makes me wonder if you have personal issues where you don't get the recognition you feel you deserve in work or home when you have to go on an online forum full of teenagers bragging about your IQ and how you are a Mensa or try to tear down others for their beliefs. Just lighten up some and quit being so angry to the point you want to demonize entire segments of the population because they don't agree with you on certain topics.




Religion isn't the ultimate problem with this world. People who let rage and hate build up in them towards others are the problem regardless of their political or religious affiliations.




For anyone curious check out this tally of civilians deaths in the 20th century and then look at who the real dangers to humanity are...






(1) I have no problem with Christianity, no problem with God either, My problem is with all of his Fan Clubs who believe in the most ludicrous things, and then get upset when you don't agree with them. Feel free to dance around the fire and shake your dead chickens while babbling in foreign tongues if it makes you sleep better at night. Don't expect me not to point and laugh at your lunacy though. When it comes to the fable called the Bible, it is to easy to pick it apart, and I find great joy in doing so, all the more when the mindless brain washed masses proclaim it to be the holy grail.




(2) I can see where you might get that perception, I am an arrogant person, and find no reason to be apologetic for it. I have over come great losses, became successful from hard work, dropped out of high school, yet went back to school years later and got two simultaneous Bachelor Degrees with 4.0 GPAs. Do I think that makes me a little smart? Yes sir, and I am proud of my accomplishments. A lot of adults utilize this forum, as well as play the game, so I am not "picking" on the little kiddies, nor do I seek approval or slaps on the back for my accomplishments. I have worked hard, done well, and make no bones about it...arrogant...you bet. My job in the Military and in the civilian sector makes me a rule enforcer, which makes me even more of a fun guy to run up against. I do not give ground in the real world, so why would you expect me to do so here?




I back up my opinions with facts and experience....don't feel threatened, it's okay if you haven't learned everything yet, enjoy the ride, you only get one life. I have done a lot in mine, and expect to do more. MENSA came up in a thread long ago where some uneducated dolt referred to US military as ignorant red necks who couldn't find any other job. I felt the need to correct that misconception. Wasn't bragging, just stating facts.




Again, I feel no need to apologize for what I have accomplished in life, nor do I seek your approval. To quote Popeye "I Yam what I Yam".




Deal with it


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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This is why I am agnstic (if that's how you spell i't lol)If god is all powerful then can he make a stone he cant lift???? =D> :wink: :D :lol: :thumbsup: ::'
















lol just proved you wrong super christchins!!!!!






-.- Back to General P2P.


(1) I have no problem with Christianity, no problem with God either, My problem is with all of his Fan Clubs who believe in the most ludicrous things, and then get upset when you don't agree with them. Feel free to dance around the fire and shake your dead chickens while babbling in foreign tongues if it makes you sleep better at night. Don't expect me not to point and laugh at your lunacy though. When it comes to the fable called the Bible, it is to easy to pick it apart, and I find great joy in doing so, all the more when the mindless brain washed masses proclaim it to be the holy grail.


And yet, you so bodly declared "religion will be the downfall of mankind". Stop avoiding the issue. If you think your opinion might be wrong, admit it. If not, then at least defend yourself.




Why does this always happen? Seriously, are you the guys that don't let me pass you on a two lane road simply because it'll damage your pride?




(2) I can see where you might get that perception, I am an arrogant person, and find no reason to be apologetic for it. I have over come great losses, became successful from hard work, dropped out of high school, yet went back to school years later and got two simultaneous Bachelor Degrees with 4.0 GPAs. Do I think that makes me a little smart? Yes sir, and I am proud of my accomplishments. A lot of adults utilize this forum, as well as play the game, so I am not "picking" on the little kiddies, nor do I seek approval or slaps on the back for my accomplishments. I have worked hard, done well, and make no bones about it...arrogant...you bet. My job in the Military and in the civilian sector makes me a rule enforcer, which makes me even more of a fun guy to run up against. I do not give ground in the real world, so why would you expect me to do so here?






Great monologue. Unneccessary, but good. Tad arrogant and annoying, which you might want to tone down considering being humble is the general rule.




I back up my opinions with facts and experience....don't feel threatened, it's okay if you haven't learned everything yet, enjoy the ride, you only get one life.














Again, I feel no need to apologize for what I have accomplished in life, nor do I seek your approval. To quote Popeye "I Yam what I Yam".


Then don't talk about it :| .




Deal with it


Ah, the good ol' perfectly condensending end remark "deal with it". Cute. Let it go. No one likes to hear it, so try not to use it.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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This is why I am agnstic (if that's how you spell i't lol)If god is all powerful then can he make a stone he cant lift???? =D> :wink: :D :lol: :thumbsup: ::'
















lol just proved you wrong super christchins!!!!!






-.- Back to General P2P.


(1) I have no problem with Christianity, no problem with God either, My problem is with all of his Fan Clubs who believe in the most ludicrous things, and then get upset when you don't agree with them. Feel free to dance around the fire and shake your dead chickens while babbling in foreign tongues if it makes you sleep better at night. Don't expect me not to point and laugh at your lunacy though. When it comes to the fable called the Bible, it is to easy to pick it apart, and I find great joy in doing so, all the more when the mindless brain washed masses proclaim it to be the holy grail.


And yet, you so bodly declared "religion will be the downfall of mankind". Stop avoiding the issue. If you think your opinion might be wrong, admit it. If not, then at least defend yourself. (1)




Why does this always happen? Seriously, are you the guys that don't let me pass you on a two lane road simply because it'll damage your pride?(2)




(2) I can see where you might get that perception, I am an arrogant person, and find no reason to be apologetic for it. I have over come great losses, became successful from hard work, dropped out of high school, yet went back to school years later and got two simultaneous Bachelor Degrees with 4.0 GPAs. Do I think that makes me a little smart? Yes sir, and I am proud of my accomplishments. A lot of adults utilize this forum, as well as play the game, so I am not "picking" on the little kiddies, nor do I seek approval or slaps on the back for my accomplishments. I have worked hard, done well, and make no bones about it...arrogant...you bet. My job in the Military and in the civilian sector makes me a rule enforcer, which makes me even more of a fun guy to run up against. I do not give ground in the real world, so why would you expect me to do so here?






Great monologue. Unneccessary, but good. (3)Tad arrogant and annoying, which you might want to tone down considering being humble is the general rule.




I back up my opinions with facts and experience....don't feel threatened, it's okay if you haven't learned everything yet, enjoy the ride, you only get one life.














Again, I feel no need to apologize for what I have accomplished in life, nor do I seek your approval. To quote Popeye "I Yam what I Yam".


Then don't talk about it :| .




Deal with it


Ah, the good ol' perfectly condensending end remark "deal with it". Cute. Let it go. No one likes to hear it, so try not to use it.




(1) rofl...fail to defend myself...moi? muhahahahahaha, thats refreshing, I usually get accused of being too passionate about subjects...I stand behind my remarks. Each and every one.




(2) depends, in my civilian car I am generally driving fast enough where people do not feel the need to pass me (A-type, can you tell?)....and if they do, I might just flick on my blue LEDs and pull you over, call an on duty unit, and ensure you enjoy your ticket...because I can :XD:




(3) "Tad arrogant and annoying, which you might want to tone down considering being humble is the general rule."...said I was arrogant, which part of that were you unable to understand..was it the big words? Did I not articulate myself well? Humble....lol...no one has ever accused me of that, I work hard to be the best, and revel in it. That may be your general rule, I just stash those feeling in the same sad sack I stash religious stupidity....for the weak.




You would love my work siggie that attaches to my emails, after the 11 lines of titles, it says "Results, Not excuses".




Deal with it.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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I didn't want to read through all of the 7 pages, but the "Keith" guy is Fred Phelps from Topeka, KS, I have been by his church the "Westboro Baptist Church" He's crazy, and he thinks that God created certain chosen people, I am sure everything else about him has been mentioned throught the thread, so I wont go into too much detail.

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This is why I am agnstic (if that's how you spell i't lol)If god is all powerful then can he make a stone he cant lift???? =D> :wink: :D :lol: :thumbsup: ::'
















lol just proved you wrong super christchins!!!!!




[wagon], you have beliefs you can't spell, and if God is God he can escape your logical paradox, funny that. Go back to your sandbox.

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Heh, only from HxC Christians.




They believe the silliest things. A while ago there was some extremist group protesting the Harry Potter movies because it was full of witches, wizards, and magic and whatnot. Yet in the Bible some of the "miracles" Jesus performs can only be described as "magic."




The entire Bible and the entire religion is complete and utter cabbage.

How does a profession differ from an occupation?

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Heh, only from HxC Christians.




They believe the silliest things. A while ago there was some extremist group protesting the Harry Potter movies because it was full of witches, wizards, and magic and whatnot. Yet in the Bible some of the "miracles" Jesus performs can only be described as "magic."




The entire Bible and the entire religion is complete and utter cabbage.






Taking a small group of people and applying them to an entire religion doesn't prove a point. If you would actually READ the Bible yourself, you would know that a work of fiction involving magic isn't considered magic, or a sin,, or is just being twisted and warped out of proportion. You know, posts like that is why religious debates get locked.




Know what you're talking about before you go making these wild assumptions.




EDIT: I changed some wording in the first paragraph, my words weren't coming out as I wanted them to. :P

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Heh, only from HxC Christians.




They believe the silliest things. A while ago there was some extremist group protesting the Harry Potter movies because it was full of witches, wizards, and magic and whatnot. Yet in the Bible some of the "miracles" Jesus performs can only be described as "magic."




The entire Bible and the entire religion is complete and utter cabbage.






Taking a small group of people and applying them to an entire religion doesn't prove a point. If you would actually READ the Bible yourself, you would know that this stuff isn't in the Bible, or is just being twisted and warped out of proportion. You know, posts like that is why religious debates get locked.




Know what you're talking about before you go making these wild assumptions.




Have you read the Bible?

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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