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Keep or Return?


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Dono where this should go.. but I just looted someone's death pile in dh tomb.. I couldn't find his name cuz I was killing dh myself as well but he didnt have prayer on and he got k0'd by dh lol.. I didnt notice until my dh died.. I would return it but I dont know who's it is..




Have any of you had this experience where someone died and you picked up their stuff but you don't know who they are or if you did.. you got the greedy feeling and didnt give it back to them?

craftingcapeqw4.gif99 Crafting acheived 31/01/08

strcapemq9.gif99 Strength acheived 17/12/07

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I would give it back if it was my friend's stuff. But in this case, keep it. It's their fault they weren't careful enough to keep themselves from dying.

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, your commodity drops in value.
[url=http://www.imagehosting.com][img]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i773526_stingtag.gif[/img][/url] [quote name="Capone_Sabre"]People in the wilderness will [b]always[/b] insult you no matter what you do. Just ignore it and kill them.[/quote]
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My rules when someone dies are if the person was nice to me, or just simply wasn't a jerk, I would track them down and return every single item. If the person is a jerk, I keep all his stuff and pm him with something like "I'll keep your stuff just to teach you a lesson, stop being a jerk."




There was something that happened like this once actually in both situations. Once I was traning at the ape atoll course, with several other monkeys. One person asked "agility lvls?", and I replied "83." Well then he really just started calling me a no lifing noob, and many other negative comments. Eventually he teleported away for someone I didn't know. And eventually I ran out of energy potions, and I teleported back to edgeville, restocked, teleported back to ape atoll, went down the stairs, and lo-and-behold, there he is training on the ape guards with protect from melee on. He recognized me too, and started of course just critising my agility level. Then the next thing I know his prayer goes off and he dies in two seconds! Apparently he was too busy talking to me to pray. I was going to pm him, but his private chat was off. I had a nice laugh that day as I racked up a full red d hide set and a dragon scimitar.




There was another time when I met a player mod at the other worldly being in zanaris. He was a very nice person, we shared some conversations together about recipe for disaster and all that. I noticed he kept his health very low even though the beings weren't hitting that hard and I kept on reminding him to heal. Well eventually he died when a being hit a 5 on him. I can't remember the exact equipment, but I knew he was wearing full saradomin and a slayer mask. I met him in lumbridge and returned his stuff. Oh by the way he was oddly skulled.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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My policy is to return it, no matter what. If they were nice or never spoke, I return it, no questions asked. If they were being a jerk, I return it the first time, but if they continue being a jerk and die again, I keep it. However, if you didn't catch the name, then you can't really give it back.

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I will return if I do not want it, if it is valued over a few million I may as well keep it.




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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If the person died from some other players (two lvl 60's pking a lvl 32, I pk them and return 32's stuff and both lvl 60's stuff) or by accident, I will return it. If I cannot get name/they are being a jerk/I cannot retrieve stuff, I will not return it

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I have found myself in this situation many times. The most of the times I have actually kept the stuff, because when I die, none give me back my stuff.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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It has happened to me once or twice, and I kept it. They didn't PM back neither, but if they did I would still keep it. Call me greedy but, hey. [cabbage] happens.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I did have that happen once to me, I went into the orge shaman cave to finish my quest and I guess this guy/girl had just died when I went in there, I didnt see him/her die, I just saw a pile of high lvl ranger items, at the time I thought myself lucky, but did feel sorry for the guy/girl that lost them.

Current goal: Getting enough prayer pots to finish my last four quests.


Come to the dark side. We have cookies and flashlights.



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Try the lost and found counter?


















If you relaly cant find that guy then keep it...


or if you want, drop it or give it away :D

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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I've seen a few people die in my years on Runescape, but I gotta say, unless they're a friend, they rarely ever gotten their stuff back.




I'll give it back if it's low-to-mid level stuff, as i'm sure the player probably needed it and it's not worth keeping.




As for high level stuff, well that depends on how the person behaved whilst I was there. If they were in any way rude (i.e. spawn stealing, language, ignoring, insulting etc..), then they can whistle for their stuff lol.




However, on the majority of cases, if they're nice they get their stuff back.




Plain and simple.

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