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Sedriki's weding company!

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Have you got boyfriend or girldfirend on runescape?




Do you want to marry eachother?




Well, you are in right place :)




I can offer profesional service with party after ceremony here is my price list:




*Simple weding - 2k (without party)


*Weding with party in pub - 5k (50 beers and 20 lobsters included)


*Weding in secret HQ 7k (25 wines and 20 lobsters included)


*Rich weding in P2P HQ 15k (50 wines and 50 lobster included)






With every weding 2 weding rings are included, first 3 options are f2p and p2p but last option is p2p only




To book the weding please leave note here with your RS name and your partners And i will contact you as soon as u read it






There is link to my poster/leaflet you can send it yo your friend or keep it somewhere on your computer





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Girlfriend/boyfriend is not against the rules, asking someone if they want to be is. Letting this stay open, keep it spam free people.






Tip.It Moderator

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Nice, original idea =P




If I ever get my gf to play rs, I'll let you know.

Don't follow me. You might not make it.

All your accounts are belong to us now.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator
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i was priest for my friends' rs wedding once. I did the whole proest thing, George Costanza hair, robes, etc. It was in Varrock church, but the reception was in falador pub.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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:shock: Have you talked to that bartender in the Jolly Boar Inn recently?... You know, the one that talks about Runescape being a game?




LMFAO! I lol'd in real life on that one, but i must say uber idea lol

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This sounds like a good idea, what rings are they, where would the wedding be, and how long would it take to set up?




You can contact me on RS if im on, my name is Pedlya, my gf's is Ardenhope.

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it wont take long to set up, it can be in lumbridge church, varrock church ,port sarim church,ardougne church, church near seers vilage or my favourite one druidic circle choice is yours :D and rings will be gold (with rich wedding they can be all gem upto ruby)

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it wont take long to set up, it can be in lumbridge church, varrock church ,port sarim church,ardougne church, church near seers vilage or my favourite one druidic circle choice is yours :D and rings will be gold (with rich wedding they can be all gem upto ruby)




I recommend you should recommend Port sarim church, I say it's the best church to get RS-married in.










It's romantic for a small wedding party

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I call this, half rule-breaking. It all depends on where and how they got to be your bf/gf.




Anyway, I think it really stupid ( to give you perpesctive, take the stupidest person you know + half their stupidity) to have a bf/gf in RuneScape, but anyways, it makes money so, kudos(not museum) to you :thumbsup: :thumbup:

Join Future Update News! The longest running update speculation thread on the RSOF, currently on its 24 Edition

QFC 16-17-671-59680498


Thanks to Killerwat for the sig!

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Ummm... this is an interesting way to make money... to say the least! :-s


So do you include a diamond engagements ring with the ceremony?




EDIT: Oh, yeah, so what do you wear for these ceremonies? I mean, priest robes would be nice, but it would be really cool if you could get the Runescape equivalent to an Elvis costume!

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