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1) Infinite, permanent wisdom/knowledge.


2) The ability to change my physical form at will with no effect on the wisdom /knowledge obtained from wish one.


3) Immortality




I've thought about these for a long time despite the fact that I will never get 3 wishes.

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-Have a univerisal control remote like in Click. Oh the fun...




-A new iPod




-Leave my last wish in my bank account and get interest. Wishes are worth a lot. :P

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'd wish that the lamp was destroyed, and that I nor anyone else got any more wishes from this genie.




Wishes always go bad :| . Unless the being granting the wish is Cosmo or Wanda, it'd probably be a stupid idea to make a wish :P .




"I wish for world peace." BAM, no more human race.




Every single wish on this thread could be twisted to hurt you so easily :-w . That genie's been locked away for over a thousand years, he doesn't want to obey you, he wants to have some fun :P .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I'd wish that the lamp was destroyed, and that I nor anyone else got any more wishes from this genie.




Wishes always go bad :| . Unless the being granting the wish is Cosmo or Wanda, it'd probably be a stupid idea to make a wish :P .




"I wish for world peace." BAM, no more human race.




Every single wish on this thread could be twisted to hurt you so easily :-w . That genie's been locked away for over a thousand years, he doesn't want to obey you, he wants to have some fun :P .

Knew you were going to bring logic no one really cares about into a fantasy thread. \'
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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I'd wish that the lamp was destroyed, and that I nor anyone else got any more wishes from this genie.




Wishes always go bad :| . Unless the being granting the wish is Cosmo or Wanda, it'd probably be a stupid idea to make a wish :P .




"I wish for world peace." BAM, no more human race.




Every single wish on this thread could be twisted to hurt you so easily :-w . That genie's been locked away for over a thousand years, he doesn't want to obey you, he wants to have some fun :P .




Oh yeah, like in that movie where Satan gave some dude 3 wishes (the movie's name slips my mind), or the movie where, uh, Shaq was a genie (also can't remember the name :P )! I use to always think about way to twist around wishes to make them awful, I can't believe I forgot about it when I went into this thread. #-o




EDIT: The movie with Shaq in it is called Kazzam, I Google'd it. :P

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1.)wish my life was reset to about a week ago so i could still be with my girl again =[ that arse used tactic -.- :( <.<


2.) have 1 doller and every day it doubles .. ect,


1 2 4 8 16 32 ...




3.)wish that id have supa pwrz!!!! \' \' :pray:




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Wish to be told, honestly, truly, and completely, what the catch is.




If none; the other two would be, provided I can't do more wishes, end of AIDS and peace. Superpowers for myself may also be good, and is not purely a selfish motive, as superpowers can help people. (WTF do you think Superman does, after all?)

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1. To know how everything in the universe evolved from a nothing.


2. To know if what people see is real or what the mind interprets to be real through the high vibrations.


3. To solve the mystery of life and felt emotions.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Not faced with the wishes immediatly, I think all that I can think of is good health for me and my family. I can't think of anything else I would want, or burden myself with.




P.S. I'm not exactly in my perfect state of mind, we'll see how this post pans out in the morning.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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1. ability to give and take away never ending health (i want to live forever, but i don't want to be old and with athritis from my long life. gota think these things through ;))


2. the ability to remember everything, unless I want to forget it (this way I can be smart, and have a lot of money from my easy education. But still the ability to forget bad memories)


3. free the genie (lol Alladin), or I wish I had no bones (lol Family Guy). No I would really just keep the 3rd one, just incase I missed/messed up something.




sorry if i took this one too seriously lol :XD:


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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I'd wish that the lamp was destroyed, and that I nor anyone else got any more wishes from this genie.




Wishes always go bad :| . Unless the being granting the wish is Cosmo or Wanda, it'd probably be a stupid idea to make a wish :P .




"I wish for world peace." BAM, no more human race.




Every single wish on this thread could be twisted to hurt you so easily :-w . That genie's been locked away for over a thousand years, he doesn't want to obey you, he wants to have some fun :P .




Oh yeah, like in that movie where Satan gave some dude 3 wishes (the movie's name slips my mind), or the movie where, uh, Shaq was a genie (also can't remember the name :P )! I use to always think about way to twist around wishes to make them awful, I can't believe I forgot about it when I went into this thread. #-o




EDIT: The movie with Shaq in it is called Kazzam, I Google'd it. :P




I belive the movie with the satan and guy (lady satan too) would be bedazzeled. It's actualy a good comedy, if not in the nomal manly repitoire. No, I normally go for movies like bad boys and bad boys 2. Go will smith, that movies rated R and it's not for nudity, theres actualy just that much cursing and violence.




I'd wish for more bad boys movies (how could that go wrong?)


A laptop that's battery never needs recharging, and can access the internet any where (that should work fine, unless I have to pay for it)


And 10 billion dollars. That should generate enough interest that i'd never have to actualy spend it, just spend the interest. And with that money I could buy anything else I wanted.

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