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Jagex promoting exercise?


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If Jagex created a limit on how many hours you could play a day, how many people do you think would quit? Would you still play?




In my opinion I think it would be a great step from Jagex. It will promote spending quality time with friends as you can only spend a certain amount of time with them a day.




Although it would solve one problem and make it look like Jagex are helping people exercise, they could just play other games on their PC.




I understand the person and/or parents have the decision of how long to play, but I really do think Jagex should intervene.




Alot of people including myself play this game too much, and I personally don't have the self control to cut down without any outside help.




Don't Flame or Spam, this is just my honest opinion.

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I don't think Jagex should do this.




It would be an unfair step/precaution.




In some cases I can play in excess of 10 hours a day due to being stuck at home with nothing to do. If there was a limit what would I do when I have nothing to do for a full day?




Also as you said it is down to your choiceand assertion of self control.




If you really wnated to spend time with your friends and family you would make yourself, or if you are truely addicted your freidns and/or family should notice and impose restrictions on you personally.




Its not Jagex job as a company to do that.




Its like saying McDonalds should restrict how much food you can buy from them per day in order to promote healthy eatting. Not gonna happen and not their place, such a restriction would be a infringment upon the human right to free choice. As long as its not illegal we have the right to decide how much of what we do and when.


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If you really wnated to spend time with your friends and family you would make yourself, or if you are truely addicted your freidns and/or family should notice and impose restrictions on you personally.





By this I meant Friends on RS.

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I don't think Jagex will ever do it and I agree with them.




I am very lucky to be (relatively) both young and healthy. So I only spend a few hours a week on RuneScape and I combine this with all the television I ever watch.




However, I know a lot of people on RuneScape that are not so fortunate. There are many people that I know who are disabled or long term incapacitated. They play 12+ hours a day. Can you blame them? If you are housebound and/or living on your own, RuneScape is a nice thing to escape into.




I know they are in the minority but the healthy players you are trying to protect with this move have only to excercise self-control. It's their responsibility to make sure the game is not having a negative effect on their life.




At the end of the day, everyone who plays RuneScape is over 13 and should be intelligent enough and have the right to make their own decisions.

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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Bad idea in my opinion.




I hate being told what I can and can't do with my leisure time, after all it is 'leisure' time.




If I don't want to play at all somedays, I won't. If I want to play X hours one day, I will. Having people forcefully limit that will be a invasion of what I want to do and my rights.




But, Kudos to you for the thoughtful idea.

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Agreeing with Paw_Claw, but for some other reasons as well:




It would be very bad business sense to promote interaction within a game, then have it cut off at a random time for a forced break.




It would also be frustrating for a player doing a fight cave run or similar activity to have to switch equipment around very quickly after such a forced break. [unless Jagex planned for this and made a little exception for the fight caves, allowing you to complete your wave before the break <.<]




Those two things combined, dealing with many people and trying to get a fire cape, could get some hardcore players to quit from annoyance. But there's always consoles; they don't restrict your playing time ;)

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It's a business after all. Promoting something like this could easily have an impact on their earnings & wouldn't be wise.


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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I don't think Jagex will do this.Some people would probalby quit, which would make Jagex lose money. And I don't think they want to do that, do they?



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I'm totally against the idea of any kind of limitation on how often I can play, or on how much exp I can gain per day.




The majority of people playing this game have a choice... play or don't play. Why should they need Jagex to enforce the later?




If you don't have the willpower to get away from the PC and go do some excercise, then that's your problem. It's not Jagex job to try to force you. Their job is to provide an entertaining game, which they do quite well. Why should Jagex mess the game up for the majority of us that DO have enough exercise and willpower, just to satisfy a few unwilled slobs?




Thankfully, short of a court order, Jagex would never consider such a ludicrous idea. If they did, I would stop playing as I'm sure many other members would.

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I really wouldn't care, as any game that runs on java crashes my computer after around 20 minutes, and makes it so you have to wait around an hour to turn the computer back on. :evil:

The Maruder1- unbanned on 11-24-07! Whoo!

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welcome to Sovietscape, comrades.




you WILL enjoy your alloted 2 hours, 14 minutes, and 32 seconds of game time every day.


Welcome to capitalist America:


FREE RS GOLD AND 3RD AGE NOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ONLY PAY $5 PER 1MIL RS GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!


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NOW!!! BUY 2MIL FOR ONLY $12 DOLLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Anyway, back on topic:


I think they should give you a popup every so many hours, just to remind you, but you should be able to ignore them if you wish. On Jagex's corporate site they already have an entire page devoted to how they're eco-conscious, and I think it would be really good press if they could say that they encourage players to limit their playing time.

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Haha! Who pked you now, lets pick up the pile... What?! restricted?


*throws keyboard out of the window, causing it to fall on a puppy*




Every time jagex restricts you from playing, a puppy dies.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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They would never do that.. seeing as, like you said there IS other games... Like Wow.... more people would switch to if we were limited on Rune. They would lose out on too much money lol


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As far as I can tell, there's only 1 "good" thing that could possibly come out of this, and this would be hindering the ability of macroers to work 24-7...


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

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I don't think JaGeX should (or would) limit the amount of time you can play Runescape again. I've recently seen them doing steps to encourage you to be healthy such as last weeks message of the week saying if your playing for long periods of time, have a break.




This of course, does show JaGeX still thinks a lot about there players and their health. If there was a limit imposed, I would carry on playing Runescape but I would learn to use my time more effectively.




I like the idea of warning you how long you have played though, as when playing a game like Runescape you can get dragged in, I've seen the time go from 11pm to 7am without even noticing thanks to Runescape. ^.^




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The chances of Jagex doing that are equal to them giving out free membership!


And even if Andrew went mad and did it, there are a thousand loopholes!


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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If Jagex created a limit on how many hours you could play a day, how many people do you think would quit? Would you still play?




In my opinion I think it would be a great step from Jagex. It will promote spending quality time with friends as you can only spend a certain amount of time with them a day.




Although it would solve one problem and make it look like Jagex are helping people exercise, they could just play other games on their PC.




I understand the person and/or parents have the decision of how long to play, but I really do think Jagex should intervene.




Alot of people including myself play this game too much, and I personally don't have the self control to cut down without any outside help.




Don't Flame or Spam, this is just my honest opinion.




Like Jagex would want to lose money :roll: If you don't have the self control to get up and go outside, that is your problem. Setting a time limit won't get people to go outside. They will still have their computer and whatever is on it, T.V., etc., and people would just play on other accounts still. Wouldn't be to hard to get around it.

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It's a business after all. Promoting something like this could easily have an impact on their earnings & wouldn't be wise.




Yeah, Jagex is a business, and they like money. They want more money so they wont restrict anything...




Money = Good 8-)

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Agreeing with Paw_Claw, but for some other reasons as well:




It would be very bad business sense to promote interaction within a game, then have it cut off at a random time for a forced break.




It would also be frustrating for a player doing a fight cave run or similar activity to have to switch equipment around very quickly after such a forced break. [unless Jagex planned for this and made a little exception for the fight caves, allowing you to complete your wave before the break <.<]




Those two things combined, dealing with many people and trying to get a fire cape, could get some hardcore players to quit from annoyance. But there's always consoles; they don't restrict your playing time ;)


Long time no see Looce ;)


Anyways, it's bad to limit the game. After all, some people pay for it. <.<


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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