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Fat(test) countries...


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Unless you're addicted to Belgium chocolate, and in that case I could understand you being fat! =P~ :lol:




And still Belgium is on a very nice nÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâð104 spot.




No surprises here either:


193. Ethiopia 5.6


194. Eritrea 4.4




And I'm 1m80 now with 65 kilos, but I'm pretty confident that I'll be more like 85 kg in about 20 years from now. I'll happily contribute to the potbelly-level in Belgium.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Oy! You're still alive, where have you been?




Ey Daan! Yeah, I've been arou!nd, but more or less lurking. And I was addicted to some idiotic online game, travian, as well, check the arenascape fora for detailed information. I got all of my AS buddies to play it as well, and now they're too addicted to give it up :wink: I've also had exams, been doing a lot of charity stuff and setting up parties in Leuven. So basically, I've been enjoying the good life :)




Get on msn if you can mate, we need to talk up :)

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Damn you lucky thing! Guylian Chocolate FTW! That's what we get over here in Australia.




Guylian chocolate is indeed very nice, but when you're in Germany, try to get your hands on chocolate with this label. It's the chocolate we keep for ourselves for daily use and it's divine.








Oh and it's true. On Christmas we get together with our families shortly after noon, simply to eat and drink our finest and to talk all day through. It's a bit stressful for the cook though, because he/she has to show off their skills for the whole family. And then we repeat the whole thing on New Year's Eve with our friends. Most people have to go on a diet when Christmas/New Year is over or suffer from indigestion.




That Aussie barbeque does sound good though, my brother spent a few months in Australia and loved them... we're having the most awful summer for barbeques here this year.




C̮̫̉̉te d'Or, is it German? Didn't know that, thought it was French... Also Callebaut is quite tasty.




And to stay on topic, I've only been a little bit obese during a summer holiday. My leg was in the plaster, so I couldn't move that much. As result


I gained some weight. Which I lost quite fast afterwards...


Normally I don't gain weight that fast since I drove 30 kilometres a day, by bike, when I needed to go to school. During the summer holiday I try to sport as much as I can, or just do some house hold shores. It just keeps you going.

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C̮̫̉̉te d'Or, is it German? Didn't know that, thought it was French... Also Callebaut is quite tasty.




No, C̮̫̉̉te d'Or is Belgian. Callebaut is Belgian too. The basic rule is generally: if it's good chocolate, it's Belgian, hehe. Our one and only pride as a nation.




Oy, you're from Leuven? Well whaddayaknow, I'd never have thought to find a fellow Leuvenaar on Tip.It :D.

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if it's good chocolate, it's Belgian, hehe. Our one and only pride as a nation.


Hey, dont underestimate your beer industry


But yea,that pretty much sum it up.. :D




Oh yeah, that's true. It just isn't as much of an export product as chocolate. For some reason the world prefers Heineken over the good Belgian stuff. Always hilarious to feed Duvel beer (= "devil", and it's named like that for a reason) to unsuspecting Americans :D.

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if it's good chocolate, it's Belgian, hehe. Our one and only pride as a nation.


Hey, dont underestimate your beer industry


But yea,that pretty much sum it up.. :D




strange :-k thought swiss had the best chocolat....






and we (the dutch people ::' ) have the best beer(grolsch, heineken)...........(or germany)

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I'm surprised to see the number of people who believed USA or england would be first.






yea, i havent heard of nauru either. know why? its probably a tiny little island with low population. one fat person counts as a lot more in the percent than one of the millions of people in USA or england.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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I'm surprised to see the number of people who believed USA or england would be first.






yea, i havent heard of nauru either. know why? its probably a tiny little island with low population. one fat person counts as a lot more in the percent than one of the millions of people in USA or england.








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178. Chad 15.6




Who names a country "chad"? wierd people..






Someone who lived in Africa where it wasn't as much of a common name? Was that supposed to be a joke?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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178. Chad 15.6




Who names a country "chad"? wierd people..






Someone who lived in Africa where it wasn't as much of a common name? Was that supposed to be a joke?










Lake Chad, from which the country gets its name
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I'm surprised to see the number of people who believed USA or england would be first.






yea, i havent heard of nauru either. know why? its probably a tiny little island with low population. one fat person counts as a lot more in the percent than one of the millions of people in USA or england.










Close, 13,005 as of July 2005 according to Wikipedia.




So if the figures were correct for how many of them were fat back in mid 2005 then with a quick calculation I figured out that 12,290 of them were fat.




So only 715 of them in the who country weren't fat.




That makes America look healthy! :shock:

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Wait, whats the defintion of fat...


Cos we definatly do not have 68% fat people... :-k




If these stats are based off of BMI then "fat" could even refer to an athlete who has a lot of muscle. Hopefully more than just BMI was taken into consideration when collecting this data.

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There are currently 1.6 billion overweight adults in the world, according to the World Health Organization. That number is projected to grow by 40% over the next 10 years. The following list reflects the percentage of overweight adults aged 15 and over. These are individuals who have individual body mass indexes, which measures weight relative to height, greater than or equal to 25. Obese is defined as having a BMI greater than or equal to 30.




I'm 6'2 and 14st 2 lbs (198 lbs) which makes my BMI just over 25 and I'm definitely not overweight. :-s That sounds like a pretty flawed study to me. They should have done the study on the basis of body fat %. BMI is very misleading.




Edit: I just searched google and found a list of famous people who are all over 25 BMI:








I am the same height as Andy Rod[bleep] and only 2 pounds heavier, but we're both fatties apparantly. :-k

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

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Well look at the first few on the list (all the ones before Kuwait). They're all islander nations with small populations. Pacific islanders tend to be bigger, you don't wanna piss 'em off.

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Well of course Pacific Island states would top the list. Their people tend to be genetically predisposed to larger builds. As for trying to discount them on the basis of lower populations than the USA or other first-world countries, you have to remember that 94.5% is 94.5%. If you increased the population of Nauru to equal that of the USA's, and gave them as much land, chances are, it'd still be 94.5%.




That's how statistics work.

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For some reason Denmark isn't on that list? :o




I just can't understand why that many people can live with themselves being that fat. It's disgusting.

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