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All of you who question weather this is rape...YES IT IS. It's STATUTORY RAPE








Statutory rape




(n) Statutory rape is the sexual intercourse with a minor, whether or not he/she has consented to such an action, who was neither a child nor reached the age of consent. The age of consent and age limit of a child varies from state to state.








You may not agree with the law, but it is the law. An adult cannot legally have consensual sex with someone underaged...peroid.

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All of you who question weather this is rape...YES IT IS. It's STATUTORY RAPE








Statutory rape




(n) Statutory rape is the sexual intercourse with a minor, whether or not he/she has consented to such an action, who was neither a child nor reached the age of consent. The age of consent and age limit of a child varies from state to state.








You may not agree with the law, but it is the law. An adult cannot legally have consensual sex with someone underaged...peroid.








Thanks genius. Had you any wit, you would know that we already stated what KIND of 'rape' it is. We simply said that the word rape in a case like this, or even with statutory in front of it, has no bearing on what rape really is.








Rape is a horrible thing that can ruin somebody's life forever, statutory 'rape' is something that both people are happy for and enjoying. Hardly see the similarities in the two.








It's the law, yes. Change the name, make it fit.








How about the "It was worth it" law?


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I just don't understand how the police found out about it unless the Mom came forth and told the police, or the kid could have bragging to his friends or something.. who knows.

Training my pure!



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All of you who question weather this is rape...YES IT IS. It's STATUTORY RAPE








Statutory rape




(n) Statutory rape is the sexual intercourse with a minor, whether or not he/she has consented to such an action, who was neither a child nor reached the age of consent. The age of consent and age limit of a child varies from state to state.








You may not agree with the law, but it is the law. An adult cannot legally have consensual sex with someone underaged...peroid.








Thanks genius. Had you any wit, you would know that we already stated what KIND of 'rape' it is. We simply said that the word rape in a case like this, or even with statutory in front of it, has no bearing on what rape really is.








Rape is a horrible thing that can ruin somebody's life forever, statutory 'rape' is something that both people are happy for and enjoying. Hardly see the similarities in the two.








It's the law, yes. Change the name, make it fit.








How about the "It was worth it" law?








First of all, theres no need to be nasty. I was just clearing up the whole "how can a woman rape a guy?" thing. Secondly, lets see how happy this kid is in his mid 20's when he's seeing a therapist about relationship / commitment issues. May happen, may not( but probably will). Thirdly, a law is a law. Break it and pay. It may be a stupid law, but there are plenty of those. Don't like it.....get it changed.

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I bet I could get a stranger to let me stay with them for a couple of weeks if I stalked them out a bit and knew enough about them to know what buttons to push.








Also, offering to pay them for that place to stay really gives incentive for the mother to do such a thing- maybe money is tight?








I can see this- and the kid should really be thanking his lucky starts that it was a semi-well intentioned crazy female instead of someone else that had the ability to traumatize him MUCH MUCH worse.








That mother would have some serioius problems upstairs to do that, (and by upstairs I mean her head), but I guess it is possible. Though not smart.








My grandma has taken people into her house off the streets before... Scary. :|


Resident Tip.it Cow. :^_^:

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This is why there is a rule against asking for personal details!




What are you saying? That Jagex doesn't educate its players fully about the rules, and how it's for their own safety; or perhaps that P mods are about as much practical use as a hole in a wall?








In which case, I'd agree with you on both counts. <.<

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All of you who question weather this is rape...YES IT IS. It's STATUTORY RAPE








Statutory rape




(n) Statutory rape is the sexual intercourse with a minor, whether or not he/she has consented to such an action, who was neither a child nor reached the age of consent. The age of consent and age limit of a child varies from state to state.








You may not agree with the law, but it is the law. An adult cannot legally have consensual sex with someone underaged...peroid.








Thanks genius. Had you any wit, you would know that we already stated what KIND of 'rape' it is. We simply said that the word rape in a case like this, or even with statutory in front of it, has no bearing on what rape really is.








Rape is a horrible thing that can ruin somebody's life forever, statutory 'rape' is something that both people are happy for and enjoying. Hardly see the similarities in the two.








It's the law, yes. Change the name, make it fit.








How about the "It was worth it" law?








First of all, theres no need to be nasty. I was just clearing up the whole "how can a woman rape a guy?" thing. Secondly, lets see how happy this kid is in his mid 20's when he's seeing a therapist about relationship / commitment issues. May happen, may not( but probably will). Thirdly, a law is a law. Break it and pay. It may be a stupid law, but there are plenty of those. Don't like it.....get it changed.








You were derogatory and nasty in your's while you posted something that I had already posted in my counter-argument. Meaning you added absolutely nothing to the discussion and tryed to look down on people.








And I'll tell you right now, I lost my virginity at the age of 13. I'm in my 20's now and I don't regret it, and have no type of commitment issues at all.








Can you PLEASE explain to me, how having sex with somebody older than you would have anything to do with commitment issues?








Seriously, think about your posts before you type them out and hit submit, they don't even make sense.








P.S. Laws are made to be broken.


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Impaler, it's not just having sex though is it? It's being raped, which is doing it against your will. Especially worse in this case because the older women was in a position of trust. Can't you understand that that boy may grow up unable to trust someone with a sexual relationship, and therefore, will have issues regarding commitment and trust?

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Impaler, it's not just having sex though is it? It's being raped, which is doing it against your will. Especially worse in this case because the older women was in a position of trust. Can't you understand that that boy may grow up unable to trust someone with a sexual relationship, and therefore, will have issues regarding commitment and trust?








Ginger he wasn't raped by her.








That is a prime example of why it should not be called rape.








It is what is called statutory rape, only labeled that because one of the partners is under the age of consent, which is generally 16.








He was more than willing to participate in the sexual acts.


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Forgive me. I didn't read the article, I just presumed he had been. The point I'm making though is that the consequences of rape, both physical and mental, are far beyond many of our, including mine and probably your, understanding.

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this kid is so lucky...




i meen , i wish i could have sex with a 22 year old sexy runescape woman!!!








if there are any runescape preditors out there , please add me in game!




LUCKY!!! <3:



1103'rd to 99 crafting

830th to 99 herblore

~!~ Master Merchant ~!~

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Thats so stupid. My mom would never let a 22 stranger that I met in a game sleep over at my house.








btw.. is it even possible for a woman to rape a guy??








You never got rapped by a ugly girl before? :XD:









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Forgive me. I didn't read the article, I just presumed he had been. The point I'm making though is that the consequences of rape, both physical and mental, are far beyond many of our, including mine and probably your, understanding.








I know your point, and true rape yes those can ruin a person's life. I said that already. :P But I don't expect anybody to read all 9 pages before posting of course.








My whole point against the person that I quoted was that statutory rape isn't really rape in the way rape is...because statutory both people want it, while real rape one person is being forced and it can ruin their lives.


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Forgive me. I didn't read the article, I just presumed he had been. The point I'm making though is that the consequences of rape, both physical and mental, are far beyond many of our, including mine and probably your, understanding.








I know your point, and true rape yes those can ruin a person's life. I said that already. :P But I don't expect anybody to read all 9 pages before posting of course.








My whole point against the person that I quoted was that statutory rape isn't really rape in the way rape is...because statutory both people want it, while real rape one person is being forced and it can ruin their lives.




But you still understand that that 13 year old is no emotional position to make that judgement, since he's not developed maturely enough yet, don't you?

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Forgive me. I didn't read the article, I just presumed he had been. The point I'm making though is that the consequences of rape, both physical and mental, are far beyond many of our, including mine and probably your, understanding.








I know your point, and true rape yes those can ruin a person's life. I said that already. :P But I don't expect anybody to read all 9 pages before posting of course.








My whole point against the person that I quoted was that statutory rape isn't really rape in the way rape is...because statutory both people want it, while real rape one person is being forced and it can ruin their lives.




But you still understand that that 13 year old is no emotional position to make that judgement, since he's not developed maturely enough yet, don't you?








That is untrue. I'm not sure if you were 13 in the past 7 years to know that 13 now is much different than 13 20 years ago.








I lost my virginity at the age of 13, I still would have made the same judgment today as I did 7 years ago.


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Forgive me. I didn't read the article, I just presumed he had been. The point I'm making though is that the consequences of rape, both physical and mental, are far beyond many of our, including mine and probably your, understanding.








I know your point, and true rape yes those can ruin a person's life. I said that already. :P But I don't expect anybody to read all 9 pages before posting of course.








My whole point against the person that I quoted was that statutory rape isn't really rape in the way rape is...because statutory both people want it, while real rape one person is being forced and it can ruin their lives.




But you still understand that that 13 year old is no emotional position to make that judgement, since he's not developed maturely enough yet, don't you?








That is untrue. I'm not sure if you were 13 in the past 7 years to know that 13 now is much different than 13 20 years ago.








I lost my virginity at the age of 13, I still would have made the same judgment today as I did 7 years ago.








13 is the same as it was 20 years ago. What's changed is society. 13 is still not the age where a child (at 13 you are still a child) should make that kind of decision. Society has changed so 13 year olds think they can make that kind of decision. I'm actually somewhat sorry to hear you had to make it. Sex these days is portrayed as just "something to do", and I pride myself as being one of the few of my age who think of it as more.








I know nothing of you or your life, so I can't say anything about you. But, statistics (I'm not even going to pretend to know specifics) show all kinds of things about sex at younger ages all pointing to negative outcomes.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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Forgive me. I didn't read the article, I just presumed he had been. The point I'm making though is that the consequences of rape, both physical and mental, are far beyond many of our, including mine and probably your, understanding.








I know your point, and true rape yes those can ruin a person's life. I said that already. :P But I don't expect anybody to read all 9 pages before posting of course.








My whole point against the person that I quoted was that statutory rape isn't really rape in the way rape is...because statutory both people want it, while real rape one person is being forced and it can ruin their lives.




But you still understand that that 13 year old is no emotional position to make that judgement, since he's not developed maturely enough yet, don't you?








That is untrue. I'm not sure if you were 13 in the past 7 years to know that 13 now is much different than 13 20 years ago.








I lost my virginity at the age of 13, I still would have made the same judgment today as I did 7 years ago.








13 is the same as it was 20 years ago. What's changed is society. 13 is still not the age where a child (at 13 you are still a child) should make that kind of decision. Society has changed so 13 year olds think they can make that kind of decision. I'm actually somewhat sorry to hear you had to make it. Sex these days is portrayed as just "something to do", and I pride myself as being one of the few of my age who think of it as more.








I know nothing of you or your life, so I can't say anything about you. But, statistics (I'm not even going to pretend to know specifics) show all kinds of things about sex at younger ages all pointing to negative outcomes.

Society changes all the time. A few hundred years ago, and even today in some cultures, 13 year old girls and/or boys got married and started having children. I think many 13 year olds are mature enough to decide to have sex. That does not mean ALL of them are, but the law states that it is a crime no matter how mature they are. The statuary rape laws are somewhat archaic. They are left-overs from an era when any sex outside marriage (and even sometimes IN marriage) was illegal (according to NPR-public radio). The laws and public mindset simply haven't changed yet.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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(excuse me for not reading past page 4. I don't have mush time to write currently.)






No matter how you look at it, no matter what your personal belies are, according to The U.S.A government and most of it's inhabitants (including me) what she did was illegal and wrong. Someone said that even though it is rape, you shouldn't call it rape. I thought was one of the most unintelligent things I have heard on this site. If not rape, then what? Sexual abuse? Taking advantage? It's called rape, so call it rape.




It is statutory rape and it is illegal. from what I read, it sounds almost as if some of you are defending this woman. I wonder how many of you actually think that she was right or that she was wrong. I think she was wrong. She broke the law and will be punished for it.




We can't have double standards for rapists and rape victims because people lie. People can be forced to say they consent to having sex with rapists. That is why the rule is in place.






EDIT: and whoever asked if it's possible for women to rape men, a large amount of rapists are females. I think around 45%, though that may not be true as I heard it on TV.

The internet: A place where the men are men, the women are men, and 13 year old girls are FBI agents.
looks like WoW's interface.

Were you too lazy to read 3 posts above or too stupid to comprehend it?

Brothers and sisters, I have none, but that man's father is my father's son. Who is that man?

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(excuse me for not reading past page 4. I don't have mush time to write currently.)






No matter how you look at it, no matter what your personal belies are, according to The U.S.A government and most of it's inhabitants (including me) what she did was illegal and wrong. Someone said that even though it is rape, you shouldn't call it rape. I thought was one of the most unintelligent things I have heard on this site. If not rape, then what? Sexual abuse? Taking advantage? It's called rape, so call it rape.




It is statutory rape and it is illegal. from what I read, it sounds almost as if some of you are defending this woman. I wonder how many of you actually think that she was right or that she was wrong. I think she was wrong. She broke the law and will be punished for it.




We can't have double standards for rapists and rape victims because people lie. People can be forced to say they consent to having sex with rapists. That is why the rule is in place.






EDIT: and whoever asked if it's possible for women to rape men, a large amount of rapists are females. I think around 45%, though that may not be true as I heard it on TV.




You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the law.




I am a Criminal Justice major.




Let me tell you something. I have no double standard, I do not believe it should be called statutory rape. Statutory rape both people CONSENT but one was under the 'legal' age that somebody decided a long time ago was a good age.




Do you NOT realize, that it doesn't matter what you think people are forced to say, there would be absolutely no case if they were forced to say something, because of two things.




One, if there was no law, and she was actually raped, like people get raped every day, and then threatened for their life, it doesn't matter HOW old they are, its RAPE.




Two, if the law is in place, and they were forced to say they consented, it has no bearing on the case, but simply makes them look like they wanted it, and instead of the guy getting a REAL rape charge, they get off lighter.




You OBVIOUSLY don't understand the difference between Statutory Rape, and Rape...please read up on it. PLEASE.




If somebody is FORCED it is NOT STATUTORY RAPE regardless on the age, it is pure and simple RAPE...Statutory can be used as a fallback, but it is RAPE if it is forced and not consented.




That is all, funny that you called me unintelligent, while you have no clue what you are talking about.




AGAIN, I will tell you ONE MORE TIME, It is NOT a double standard, and people are threatened every day by REAL rapists, that FORCE themselves on people, while we are focusing on two people that BOTH WANTED to have CONSENSUAL sex.




I have no idea why you seem to think differently, read up on your laws.


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