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The beauty of women


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This is obviously about one girl, this guy has a crush.




Not all girls are like this, you could say any one of those things about some guy as well. Everything you said is a generalization and/or stereotype. It's not ALL women, but some, sure.




I have a feeling this guy just wrote this in the "heat of passion" I guess I should call it :lol: (can't think of anything better). It just sounds like something someone would right if they had a high school crush or something.

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Well thank you for all the comments, I am glad that people took the time to respond to my posts.But it appears many people are concerned that I am talking about women as if they are objectives. This is true, but I did not do it in a derogotory manner so why is it bad? Why is it a bad thing to see the best in women for what they have to offer...I do find them all beautiful even my own mother. They have a heart and soul and have the power to embrace you on another level. Men are too proud and arrogant, settle problems in fights and generally have lust motives. Women are the opposite.




If you catch a woman on her own she is generally much nicer than with her friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to. Oh and for the last time I am not going through puberty nor do I have a girlfriend!

The best advice in life is to take your time and don't live too fast.

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Well thank you for all the comments, I am glad that people took the time to respond to my posts.But it appears many people are concerned that I am talking about women as if they are objectives. This is true, but I did not do it in a derogotory manner so why is it bad? Why is it a bad thing to see the best in women for what they have to offer...I do find them all beautiful even my own mother. They have a heart and soul and have the power to embrace you on another level. Men are too proud and arrogant, settle problems in fights and generally have lust motives. Women are the opposite.




If you catch a woman on her own she is generally much nicer than with her friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to. Oh and for the last time I am not going through puberty nor do I have a girlfriend!




Because men handle problems differently that makes them bad? Men doing the natural thing that they are meant to do and is PERFECTLY fine to do is a bad thing?




Women enjoy praise. I know. But to worship them, it's unhealthy. Why don't you worship someone's dog?

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:-w The last person who worshipped the ground I walked on I took advantage of until I got everything I pretty much wanted, got bored and told him to bugger off.




Harsh but people like that need to learn some how O:)



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Well thank you for all the comments, I am glad that people took the time to respond to my posts.But it appears many people are concerned that I am talking about women as if they are objectives. This is true, but I did not do it in a derogotory manner so why is it bad? Why is it a bad thing to see the best in women for what they have to offer...I do find them all beautiful even my own mother. They have a heart and soul and have the power to embrace you on another level. Men are too proud and arrogant, settle problems in fights and generally have lust motives. Women are the opposite.




If you catch a woman on her own she is generally much nicer than with her friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to. Oh and for the last time I am not going through puberty nor do I have a girlfriend!




You know, you're being just as sexist as the misogynistic anti-women people. Just in the opposite direction. Stop calling all men "proud and arrogant...settle problems in fights...lust motives..." etc. And for that matter, I'm sorry to say but not all women are "beautiful...have a heart and soul...power to embrace you on another level." That's crazy talk. Women are people which means they're not perfect.

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Well thank you for all the comments, I am glad that people took the time to respond to my posts.But it appears many people are concerned that I am talking about women as if they are objectives. This is true, but I did not do it in a derogotory manner so why is it bad? Why is it a bad thing to see the best in women for what they have to offer...I do find them all beautiful even my own mother. They have a heart and soul and have the power to embrace you on another level. Men are too proud and arrogant, settle problems in fights and generally have lust motives. Women are the opposite.




If you catch a woman on her own she is generally much nicer than with her friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to. Oh and for the last time I am not going through puberty nor do I have a girlfriend!


Okay, at first I was just thinking you were over hormonly driven, but that's just wrong, in both senses of the word :| . Men don't have hearts and souls now? Men can't embrace others in a kind manner? All men are proud and arrogant? Seriously, is your mom an ultra feminist or something? How could you be raised to think these things?




Ah yes, and girls are definitely better friends than guys; my sisters go through a new best friend every few months dude.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Well thank you for all the comments, I am glad that people took the time to respond to my posts.But it appears many people are concerned that I am talking about women as if they are objectives. This is true, but I did not do it in a derogotory manner so why is it bad? Why is it a bad thing to see the best in women for what they have to offer...I do find them all beautiful even my own mother. They have a heart and soul and have the power to embrace you on another level. Men are too proud and arrogant, settle problems in fights and generally have lust motives. Women are the opposite.




If you catch a woman on her own she is generally much nicer than with her friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to. Oh and for the last time I am not going through puberty nor do I have a girlfriend!


Okay, at first I was just thinking you were over hormonly driven, but that's just wrong, in both senses of the word :| . Men don't have hearts and souls now? Men can't embrace others in a kind manner? All men are proud and arrogant? Seriously, is your mom an ultra feminist or something? How could you be raised to think these things?




Ah yes, and girls are definitely better friends than guys; my sisters go through a new best friend every few months dude.




You can't say girls are better friends. You can, however, say that they are different in their friendly relationships compared to men.

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you say men cant rule without having wars and that all we brought it violence?lol your stupider than my neighbor looks, without men their would be no football(american football, soccer sucks) or other sports, or video games. just shopping :ohnoes: :-X blegh!

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Treat them bad, they hate you, treat them as angels they hate you. Theres no winning.




Completely and utterly ignore them, then they'll love you :wink:




I was talking about this thread mainly haha. None of the girls have said "How sweet, but we're just humans :)". They've all taken the pro-prejudice route against him which is kind of sad.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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But it appears many people are concerned that I am talking about women as if they are objectives. This is true, but I did not do it in a derogotory manner so why is it bad?




Its a bad thing no matter which way you slice it. We've got two eyes, a nose, a mouth, a heart, and just about everything you do, buddy. (Well.... just about everything.) We are people, not objectives, even if you mean it in a good way.




]If you catch a woman on her own she is generally much nicer than with her friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to. Oh and for the last time I am not going through puberty nor do I have a girlfriend!




Ha! That is as far from the truth as you can get! Well, maybe not. I have really cool discussion with my best guy friend/guy I like when its just us, but sometimes when I'm alone and not with anypeople, it means I'm PMSing horribly, and you better stay the hell away from me or you might not live to type another thoughtless post like this again!!! *grrrrr* :thumbsup:

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None of the girls have said "How sweet, but we're just humans :)". They've all taken the pro-prejudice route against him which is kind of sad.


Well, sad as it may sound it's the true and those girls were simply honest thats all.


Relationships are built on the tension between the 2 sides.


If you worship your girl on a dialy base after a while she'll get bored and this is usaully the part were you come back home from work one day just in time to see the milkman/pool cleaner guy (or any other porn movie association you have :D ) sneaking out,all red & sweaty,from your bed room...now,we dont want that,dont we? :wink:

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You share your thoughts to the Internet and what do you get? Cynical people that either like to feel superior to you by making out I'm going through puberty, people that just see it as an opportunity to crack a joke or females that call you a dork and imply that I am not man enough or some such.For those that did, such as kido14, serepherus and defender thanks for being more reasonable and not associating me as a creepy.

The best advice in life is to take your time and don't live too fast.

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You share your thoughts to the Internet and what do you get? Cynical people that either like to feel superior to you by making out I'm going through puberty, people that just see it as an opportunity to crack a joke or females that call you a dork and imply that I am not man enough or some such.For those that did, such as kido14, serepherus and defender thanks for being more reasonable and not associating me as a creepy loser.




Cynicism is reality undiluted. There is a saying that in every lie, there is a grain of truth. The principle remains true in the majority of posts you have read. Firstly, I suggest you read over what you wrote. Of particular note:




  • The way they move knocks my brain around, not arrogant but knowledgeable of their own beauty.
    They are not arrogant or self absorbed but they care about the good things in life and are not controlled by sex and lust.
    Nowadays are history is still shaped by men, how many male business tycoons are there and how many female, females don't care about superficial things like making money but stronger more deeper things.
    They mature earlier and know what they want in life, their emotions are powerful but in a good way as they are sensitive to what other people like and dislike.






Are you not aware of the tone you projected? Do you not know that you have essentially insulted the male population, all on wild generalisations?




If you had, in your musings, written that you think a portion of females were as you depicted - or even that females are more likely to be compassionate or whatever than men - then I would have had no problem.




But once again, I urge you to read what you wrote. "They have a heart and soul and have the power to embrace you on another level. Men are too proud and arrogant, settle problems in fights and generally have lust motives. Women are the opposite. " Women and men share the same basic traits, we merely have different methods of expressing them.




I can tell you now, some of the sharpest, most derisive tongues I've met in my life have been from females. Men, obviously, express their displeasure physically more often then women do. However, some women have acerbic wits that I would gladly take a punch to avoid. What is it that I'm attempting to establish here? Well, that women settle problems in fights too. Also ... I think most of us can agree that the libido of middle-aged women is, uh, somewhat of an urban legend. Ergo, women are not the opposite - they are just as lustful and find as much occasions to 'fight' as men do, merely in a different format.




Some also made the comment that women are more prone to superficial relationships - this is not a fact however from my experience it is true more often than not - hence your impression that they are 'generally much nicer with [their] friends and much more genuine and easy to talk to'.




Also, [with minimum insult to those female users who have posted in this thread] have you not been, for lack of better phrasing, 'put down' by them? Does this not by default debunk your earlier statements?




Essentially, my point can be boiled down to this: Women have the capability to be beautiful, wondrous and all that - but it is a far-fetched conception that these are traits exuded by ALL females.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Treat them bad, they hate you, treat them as angels they hate you. Theres no winning.




Completely and utterly ignore them, then they'll love you :wink:




I was talking about this thread mainly haha. None of the girls have said "How sweet, but we're just humans :)". They've all taken the pro-prejudice route against him which is kind of sad.




You obviously haven't read everything then have you.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Yes I have, please lets not take things so literal in an attempt to start another worthless argument.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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:-w The last person who worshipped the ground I walked on I took advantage of until I got everything I pretty much wanted, got bored and told him to bugger off.




Harsh but people like that need to learn some how O:)




If they offer you their heart on a silver platter with the hammer right next to it... both men and women will eventually be tempted to crush it. Harsh, but true.

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Yes I have, please lets not take things so literal in an attempt to start another worthless argument.




Next time don't get so defensive, you could always swallow your pride and go hey... You know what I must have missed that. I'm pointing out to you that women have said that, it's not an argument; put your ego aside lol




knives669 wrote:


When it all comes down to it, we're all just people.




SuziAngel wrote:


Neither women nor men have superiority over the other sex




Sour_tacos wrote:


We're people, just like you, not an endangered species




Sumpta13 wrote:


Women aren't creatures or godesses. We're people.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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This thread is just weird. I'm female myself, and rest assured, if I ever met you in real life, I'd run a mile.




first real laugh i got today... :D




and i must agree...looks like he skipped over 'gentleman' right to 'im-going-to-vent-my-pent-up-feelings-for-someone-on-tip.it-to-make-myself-look-caring-and-intelligent'




geez, you claim this isnt just because youre 'going through puberty', but thats what it sounds like...as if you just discovered something new and know so little about it you make extravagant generalizations...


32,606th to 99 magic || 15,388th to 99 dungeoneering || 12,647th to 99 farming

14,792nd to 99 range || 24,954th to 99 herblore

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Yes I have, please lets not take things so literal in an attempt to start another worthless argument.




Next time don't get so defensive, you could always swallow your pride and go hey... You know what I must have missed that. I'm pointing out to you that women have said that, it's not an argument; put your ego aside lol




The only person i saw who responded in the way i pointed out was suzy.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Yes I have, please lets not take things so literal in an attempt to start another worthless argument.




Next time don't get so defensive, you could always swallow your pride and go hey... You know what I must have missed that. I'm pointing out to you that women have said that, it's not an argument; put your ego aside lol




The only person i saw who responded in the way i pointed out was suzy.




They all mean pretty much the same context mate, maybe you live in another country where it doesn't? Who knows but here in Australia they all pretty much mean the exact same thing.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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