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Player mods, do they even help?

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Do Player Moderators have to help me?


Player Moderators are there to help monitor fair play in the game. It is up to the individual Player Moderator whether they offer in-game assistance and they are under no obligation to do this. Their role is merely to report offenses as, and when, they see them.




Keep that in mind.




Mods don't have to help with everything, its true. Some choose to, some choose not to. I highly doubt they would get the silver crown just for the status.




Keep in mind also, Mods get bugged, alot. People don't know what their role is. They expect mods to mute or ban people for moronic reasons. Or the mod to 'make' them a party hat, or a mod, or make various other items. Mods are severely mis-understood.


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For the most part, I'd have to say no because they're not required to do anything (Which, IMO, defeats the purpose of being a mod). The fact is that you can do absolutely NOTHING (Yes, you can. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves) and stay a player mod.

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Well if that the only reason Jagex require Player Mods, then why do they feel a need to give them a special distinction, which inadvertently creates a hierachy by its very nature?




And mods should be nice. They're ambassadors for the game. How I act on the forum has nothing to do with how I perform with my tasks as a Crewbie, but if I started flaming everyone and spamming, I can't see me staying in that position for much longer...




I was just addressing that the player mod reports actually have a purpose. The quote that I put in was a way that people like to nag as though player mods are supposed to be robotically perfect and polite.

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Most people dont break the rules when there is a pmod standing next to them :wink:




On the other hand sometimes they try to scam them.




On topic: Well simply put they are useful, they can stop scammers in there tracks, but sometimes they just miss the opportunity. And for the issue of them being not useful, as many have said, they are players first. There are all types of players nice, mean, good, bad, etc... And even nice people have a bad day and don't feel like helping people. Helping people believe it or not does get tiring (especially when you're trying to use 104k feathers fly fishing in barb village while banking). I had another point but I just completely forgot it.






P.S. most of this stuff was from personal experience




P.P.S. I enjoy how a thread like this pops up ever month or two and each time they have a relatively same main idea but still maintain some originality.

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Sure, JaGeX may use it a little bit to make people want to follow the rules for the chance to get a Player Moderator status, but honestly, I think Player Moderators help.




It really does take a lot to become a Player Moderator, and JaGeX says that they investigate the full account before doing anything to try and get someone to become a Player Moderator. I can guarantee you that they don't just put on a blindfold, open a chart, get a pointer stick, slap the chart with the stick, open the blindfold, and say "We got one!"...Which is kind of what I took it like when I read the lead post.






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Lol i don't think jagex does the mod thing for the mods; i think they do it for the wannabe mods. I mean sure, jagex can make a lot of good players mods, but in the end they just don't have the manpower to review enough accounts to pick up enough good players to make enough good moderators to control the stupidity and evil on this game *gasps for breath*




remember that for every player out there who is good and kind and becomes a mod because he is a good person there are twenty out there who are good and kind because they WANT to be mods. Heck, I'd probably never report any of the macroers i see if i didn't dream of one day becoming a mod.




Just my take on it :-w

racistmodhq9.png Racist Mod (may or may not have been taken out of context)

Figuring out what to put in my signature just takes too much work.

If your still reading this, your a noob.


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*cough* this thing wouldn't be happening if we had player mods that played for 6+ years and still have no black marks *cough*




8-) 8-)




yay me








its either this or make ppl with 1800+ total levels mods




seriously, i've seen level 63 mods asking me why can't i wear a d battle ax




its getting out of control, tho this isn't a 100% solve free, but u could get rid of alot of *fake* mods out there




(sorry if i affended anyone...just trying to get those *fake* mods)


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Some people here seize to amaze me. Guess what, Jagex don't know anything about anybody playing rs and what they're really like or what they will be like when they are modded. For every mod you see there are 10 you don't see, and for every bragging mod you see reporting someone there are 10 good mods who keep quiet about their reporting because they don't need the approval of a bunch of whiney kids. The fact of the matter is if you are not a mod (and not even that really) then you have no clue what Jagex does and does not do when they are looking to mod someone. Keep your critisizms to yourself unless you have some actual facts intead of being prejudice against every mod because of 1 or 2 bad personal experiences.


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Some mods are noobs, most arent. It all varys on the person. I peronally would love to be a player mod, being able to mute autotypers and get autoers banned more quickly. The crown is just a bonus to me... but its not that important. The crown only makes more people beg for money from you and beg you to make them mods.

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I think mods should be the ppl that sticked with the game for 5+ years and counting.




*an important note to all u mod haters, they are actually just players as well, if they don't want to spent *their* (hint hint, key word) time on reporting players thats their problem, don't blame them. If ur the ppl telling mods to go report autolers then would someone tell you to jump off a cliff. Would you do it?


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Guess what, Jagex don't know anything about anybody playing rs and what they're really like or what they will be like when they are modded.




how do you know then :-k




Because Runescape is an online game and aren't the players parents :| . You can't possibly read a few dozen lines of what people say in a game and know what they are really like and anybody who thinks different is a fool.


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Most of the Player Moderators I have seen helped people. I have never seen an abusive Player Moderator. In fact, one Player Moderator was training on a member's world and I told them that this person was spamming swear words. They teleported to Lumbridge then muted the person. Talk about getting out of their way... By the way, this happened today.


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*cough* this thing wouldn't be happening if we had player mods that played for 6+ years and still have no black marks *cough*




8-) 8-)




yay me






That is an incredibly naÃÆÃâÃâïve opinion. What about people like me who have blackmarks not through malicious play, but through saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and getting reported by people who frankly know no better?




Now, I'm not saying I'd make a good mod. In fact, I'd dare say the opposite. However, there are people that would be good P Mods that have gone through similar miscarriages by Jagex. Your way would completely wipe those people off Jagex's list.




Added to that, you haven't offered a chance there for people to reform. Never judge a book by its cover.

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Most of the Player Moderators I have seen helped people. I have never seen an abusive Player Moderator. In fact, one Player Moderator was training on a member's world and I told them that this person was spamming swear words. They teleported to Lumbridge then muted the person. Talk about getting out of their way... By the way, this happened today.
I've only had 2 bad experiences with mods.




Only falsely muted me for two days, but then Jagex removed it a day early.




The other falsely reported me for bug abuse, and then I reported him back for misuse of customer service. :-w




Mods usually aren't the problem, the wannabes on the other hand....

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some yes.


some no.




after today, logging into f2p with a long time mate of mine. him in his green party hat and me in my santa hat. a lvl 65 player mod began to ... noob it up on us, example.




(omg dude can i see your guys's hats, how much is it, whered you get it, *follows* , drawing a crowd of noobs, thus began the verbal abuse, wow thanks player mod)




i feel very uneasy about jagex's selection system now. i wish they had set time a player would have to play before becoming a mod.




My experience with player mods is that most are immature 14 year olds or act like it.




I couldn't agree more.


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Btw i neither expected to become a mod, when i got a message from jagex ididn't open it for 3 hours after noticing it.




And how do I know your a Pmod, where's your proof? You shouldn't go around saying that you are a Pmod anywhere without proof other than ingame as people could end up trusting you, thinking that you are a Pmod.


So if anyone here is saying that they are a Pmod, don't.

Yeah the #15 ranked player on rs (and most oldschool player on the front page) is lieing about being a p mod on a forum read by andrew and paul :roll: , this is why im starting to hate tip it, morons like you calling people liars all the time, all i hear is "Show me proof" wheres your proof he isnt?, his proof is the millions of people that have seen him in game with his white crown.


I can vouch that thehate is a p mod, i was in a clan with him for a fair time (mk).

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(Yes, I am a P-mod. If you want proof, PM me on these forums and I can message you in game to prove it.)




So...why does everyone hate us P-mods?!?!




Honestly. Why does everyone always remember their bad experiences with mods over the good ones? I'm sure a lot of the people who posted about a bad experience with a mod have had more good ones then bad ones, but for some reason (Jealousy? :| )decide to smear the reputations of every mod they can. This thread is as bad as U.S. politics. :?




At the moment, there are over 6,000 mods. What are the chances that a good percentage of those mods are bad?




Assume you meet 10 P-mods in the last month. Also assume there is a 10% chance that a P-mod will abuse their power or otherwise act badly.




To spare math phobics' brains, I'll just tell you: Over 90%. Those people will probably post only their negative experience(s).




So, if you've had a bad experience with a mod, would you want to share it on this thread? Probably. If you hadn't? Maybe a 50% chance.




So, accounting for the P-mods posting on the thread, who will almost certainly post positive things, the chances that any individual person will post negative things about mods is still probably about 75-80%.




So, people...don't judge mods by what's said on the thread, and also, with a P-mod's power, some abuse will probably happen. If it's a false mute or the mod is acting unmodly, report them to Jagex via a query and move on (after adding them to your ignore list.) Jagex can look at the mod's chat history and confirm your suspicions, and they could get warned or demodded.




If a mod's being unmodly, don't rant about it here, take action.




(Most of this last post is purely opinion. Please don't flame me.)

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I didn't read every post, but I think p mods should be chosen on game experience more so than reporting autoers/scammers.




Anyone can stand around and report autoers all day. Jagex knows where to find these autoers, I dont think they need us to tell them. However, when/if these players get modded, they have no idea how to even play the game. Ive seen mods who didn't know where cities were, who were begging for items, and who asically just started playing the game.




One case I'll never forget was when a lvl like...9 was made a mod (was no higher than lvl 10, 9 is a guess.) A lvl 3 player was following her asking for help, and the lvl 9 mod said sher couldn't help him because she didnt know where that city was (she was in draynor, and he wanted to get t falador.)






All in all, p mods themselves seem somewhat useless anyway. If I were offered a position as a mod, I would take it, but that still doesn't change my stance. Like I've always said, giving players of equal rights in real life the power to govern and basically in a way, rule, over there fellow players, you're going to get a bunch of arrogant kids abusing the power they dont deserve.

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