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NO! I WON'T.....


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just a bump to see if anyone has anything else to add :thumbsup:

MMORPG - Many Men Online Role Playing Girls - LOL, but how true?

Oh and none of the people you see online saying "looking for bf" are girls. Statistics I make up don't lie. - HA!

Retired - 19:37 - 25th feb 2007

Officially back - 19:19 - 16th april 2007

Ive quit enough times to quit again and be garunteed im guna be bribed back, totally worth it ;) until next month anyway

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i'd like to see the results of an iq test on all of runescape. if you're under 70, (70 is about a bag of rocks, so in this case r-tarded.) then you get an ip ban. sweatshops = owned. immature kids = owned, go cry to your teddy bear. creepy old pedo's whose brain cells are dying = a kick in the hip over the internet. lay there, crippled and sad.

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i'd like to see the results of an iq test on all of runescape. if you're under 70, (70 is about a bag of rocks, so in this case r-tarded.) then you get an ip ban. sweatshops = owned. immature kids = owned, go cry to your teddy bear. creepy old pedo's whose brain cells are dying = a kick in the hip over the internet. lay there, crippled and sad.




You don't seem to smart yourself. The IQ of a bag of rocks is 0. An IQ of 70 is not actually that bad because monkeys have an IQ of around 85 and they're quite intelligent.




A problem with the IQ test is that all those little brats can get their parents to help them on the IQ test. :-k

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Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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NO i will not help you with *insert random quest here*, just because im over 100 combat does not mean im willing to drop everything im doing and rush off to help you with whatever your heart desires

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NO I don't have the magic level to teleother you, stop bothering me.




Of course this stopped working when I got 90 Magic, but few people bother looking me up.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Wow most ANNOYING stupidest thread ever... I know it's rants, But still. Like OMFG. IGNORE LIST or turn your chat OFF or on FREINDS. Also don't LOOK RICH and don't tell people how much money you have. You can ignore this whole thing by just doing that. And if your going to look rich and tell people how much money you have, DEAL WITH IT.

Click here for my Falador World 2 Bank/Park and Price Guide

Clicky click for Recipe for Disaster Weapons and Gloves Guide!

Proud owner of a Woodcutting Cape - Sunday, Febuary 11th, 2007

Proud owner of a Flecthing Cape - Sunday December 16th, 2007

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Wow most ANNOYING stupidest thread ever... I know it's rants, But still. Like OMFG. IGNORE LIST or turn your chat OFF or on FREINDS. Also don't LOOK RICH and don't tell people how much money you have. You can ignore this whole thing by just doing that. And if your going to look rich and tell people how much money you have, DEAL WITH IT.




^^ well done you are the first person to throughly piss me off on this thread :)




it's called "NO! I WONT" and the idea is that you share how other people have been annoying you ingame or what ever you want to call it so here's another one...




NO I WONT be preached to by you, go to acting school you might fit in there


YES I AM quite happy to tell you to get the hell off of my thread


NO I WONT chill out


NO I WONT tollerate you being an [wagon]!




ok im feeling a bit better....




The idea of the thread is for you to put "no i wont..." then what ever is annoying you ingame not to preach to everyone else telling them to use the darn ignore list, if i had my chat on friends 24/7 I wouldnt have made any fiends to put on it would I?




sorry about that im not in a good mood at the moment, and sorry for any personal offences i may have directed towards you.





MMORPG - Many Men Online Role Playing Girls - LOL, but how true?

Oh and none of the people you see online saying "looking for bf" are girls. Statistics I make up don't lie. - HA!

Retired - 19:37 - 25th feb 2007

Officially back - 19:19 - 16th april 2007

Ive quit enough times to quit again and be garunteed im guna be bribed back, totally worth it ;) until next month anyway

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No, I can't be your heroes partner.




No, I won't teach you how to do barrows.




No, I won't show you where start hunter. If you can't get there by yourself, then hunter isn't the skill for you.




No, I won't give you free stuff because you died. I could care less that you died. I die all the time. On second thought, I've probably died more times than you have, so maybe YOU should be giving ME fr33 stuff plz.




No, being a high lvl doesn't make me rich. It seems to work the other way, for me. The higher I get, the more it costs to raise another lvl. Your skills are low, you must be really loaded. Fr33 stuff plz?



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lol, i often ask why i cant have free things XD always ends up being "because ur a high level" or "because im a noob"...




PS sorry i havnt been on much... r/l getting hectic(sp?) and life being a bit poo but ah well





MMORPG - Many Men Online Role Playing Girls - LOL, but how true?

Oh and none of the people you see online saying "looking for bf" are girls. Statistics I make up don't lie. - HA!

Retired - 19:37 - 25th feb 2007

Officially back - 19:19 - 16th april 2007

Ive quit enough times to quit again and be garunteed im guna be bribed back, totally worth it ;) until next month anyway

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NO I WONT be your gf, your might be a 40 pedo with nothing better to do than fantasize over pixels.. :shock:


I DON'T CARE if you think I'm hot, in fact I am kinda creeped out by it.


NO I WONT buy you a steel battle axe, and I don't care if you call me a noob because I won't


DON'T follow me around until I buy you one.


NO I WONT sell you my hat, it is non-tradeable


YES that means I can't trade it.


NO. that does not make me a noob because I can't sell you my hat


NO I WONT drop trade you my hat


DON'T cuss me out because I wont sell you my hat


DON'T pick up my arrows- they are mine and I paid for them with my well-earned cash


NO I WONT buy your charcoal for 1m


DON'T spam pixelated *male organs*- It is both disgusting and immature.


NO I WONT fight you with no armor on, I paid for this armor and I should be able to use it to my hearts content


I DON'T CARE if you call me a def noob, for it is you who are actually the def noob (1 def lol). I woked hard for my def and I am quite proud of it


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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NO I WONT sell you my hat, it is non-tradeable


YES that means I can't trade it.


NO. that does not make me a noob because I can't sell you my hat


NO I WONT drop trade you my hat


DON'T cuss me out because I wont sell you my hat




^ lmao, when will they ever learn :XD: like holliday items... cant even drop them these days so my general reply is... If i drop my hat it will explode. (or what ever item of clothing they say)




ahh... shamefully i dont have any new ones because i havnt been on, but that one made me laugh ::'

MMORPG - Many Men Online Role Playing Girls - LOL, but how true?

Oh and none of the people you see online saying "looking for bf" are girls. Statistics I make up don't lie. - HA!

Retired - 19:37 - 25th feb 2007

Officially back - 19:19 - 16th april 2007

Ive quit enough times to quit again and be garunteed im guna be bribed back, totally worth it ;) until next month anyway

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I agree with you on all points. I'd like to say two things. One, on p2p, you don't see this stuff nearly as much (it does happen, but a lot less often). Second, remember that some people are newbs and simply don't know any better. It's annoying, but some aren't trying to be jerks. (of course, some know what they're doing and ARE trying to be annoying or scam you).




Not that I'm trying to disagree with you, as I find these things annoying as well; just thought that might help.



You can find loads of information, such as mini-guides I have written, my laws, and links to my stories here: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=696442


This is a link to the story Council of Oblivion: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=695628

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Heh. This is one of the few threads I'm interested in enough (or when I'm not feeling lazy enough) to click 'Next.'




NO I will not give you free stuff.


YES you may report me for "item scamming" if I don't give you this.


NO I will not get banned.


YES you will.


Um... YES!! you will.


YES reporting does something.


NO I will not get banned.




On the next question ("y?") I just add to ignore and/or walk away.

There are 3 kinds of people in this world:

1)People who can count;

3)People who can count.


I am lucky to be one of those 6 people who can count. =D>

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do it my way...dont wear any armour unless your going to train and walk around with nothing on. i never get begged by noobs, asked to be a bf of someone :thumbsup:


98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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