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WoW vs. RS


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Okay, I read an article on another Runescape based site (I'm new here, so I'm not sure of the policies on linking outside this website). And it was about how old Runescape players that previously played that got banned/hacked/whatever and how they joined World of Warcraft, and then specifically join Runescape based sites, just to lash out and say how idiotic they are for liking the game.




I'm sure most of you have seen at least some of the YouTube videos where they're almost always one sided for WoW. That alone in my opinion shows that they know they think Runescape's good to some degree if they have to go out of their way just to show the bad parts of the game.




So, I thought I'd make my own side by side, Runescape vs. WoW comparison. I've picked out a few regular aspects of video games, and see how each one fairs against the rest.






World of Warcraft


At the lowest, you could pay 23 dollars for 2 months of subscription, which is an understandable 11.50 dollars a month. and with that, you're allowed to make virtually limitless accounts as long you stick to 1 faction on any specific server, which is hardly limiting at all. And you can take out the cost of buying the actual game if you just take the free trial, and then subscribing immediately afterwards.




Runescape's nice because of the fact that unlike World of Warcraft, you can play totally free for as long as your heart wants. And the Free version isn't half bad at all, there's only a few quests, and the only skills you do have are limited, but you'd get the same problems from the 14 days of free World of Warcraft. If you wish to actually pay to play the game, it's only going to cost you 5 dollars a month, less then half of what WoW at it's best, but, that's only 1 character. If you want to get all your characters promoted to the members version, you're going to have to pay more, which could be over 15 dollars a month, which is World of Warcraft's usual






While WoW easily allows you to have more characters in their pay to play version then Runescape would at the same price, it's only because WoW forces you to pay to play in the first place.


With that, you could still say WoW has the upper hand, take into account, most of the time, you're only going to have 1 or 2 "mains". Mains being the characters you focus most of your time playing on, so if you have 2 "mains" in Runescape, and you only want to subscribe them, then you're in luck, just pay 10 dollars, and you're able to have 2 characters on the members version, meanwhile your pures can stay on F2P while you're not using it, or you're still training it, or you just want it to stay on F2P to wreck on all the other F2P players, that way, you have all your accounts, but you're only paying for a few of them. And if you want your pures to go on P2P, chances are, you're only going to need to subscribe 1 of them, so you'd be able to have your main, and your handy pure in the members version, while still paying less then those in World of Warcraft.




So, while it's very close, Runescape just barely beats World of Warcraft in price. So that's 1-0 Runescape






World of Warcraft


While World of Warcraft isn't exactly the top of the line when it comes to graphics, it's still very detailed, and it makes you enjoy the action as you watch your character do everything that he or she can. The beginning fly over, and the flight paths are absolutely amazing. The imagination they put into the terrain makes for a very awe-inspiring world.




Taking into consideration that it only uses Java, Runescape's top of the line, it's impossible to find any Java game as compelling to look at as Runescape. But once you take Runescape out of it's Java environment, you see alot of games that look like they were made by masters of art. If you place the graphics of Runescape along another of it's Free MMORPG counterpart, Guild Wars or Eve Online, there's simply no comparison, and it's becomes very obvious that Runescape lacks the detail the most other games of it's genre have to offer.




While Runescape never ceases to amaze in it's Java category, it just can't stand par to par to some of it's gaming rivals. WoW set the standard on online gaming graphics when it first entered, and it's still very astonishing today.




World of Warcraft beats Runescape by a mile in this category. 1-1 Tied.




Player vs Player


World of Warcraft


PvP's World of Warcraft's strong point, you have the endless fighting between the the two factions that's basically the norm, if you're on a PVP server, you're always on the lookout for anyone who might sneak up on you, which adds much suspense and action to your normal gaming life. Ontop of that, you have the Arena system which adds a good spark to regular PvP where teams battle it out against other teams for great rewards. And then you add the battlegrounds and then with the Burning Crusade, you have a whole new element into the mix. With all of that, it's no wonder why World of Warcraft is renown for it's PvP




Almost all of the PvP atmosphere comes in the wilderness, which although can be very exciting in wars and PK trips, there's not much beyond that, because unless you're in a group, you're not likely to be in the wilderness in the first place besides for non-combat oriented things besides KBD/Green Dragons.


Jagex tries to make up with it by adding Castle Wars, which although pretty fun, can get repetitive very fast.


And the last PvP feature you got is staking, which unless you're a die-hard staker, you're probably not going to do much of, besides for the occasional spar with a friend.




While Runescape it's okay compared to other MMORPGs, once again, World of Warcraft focuses intently on it, and it's far superior to Runescape.




Again, World of Warcraft beats Runescape by a mile, (or quite a few). 2-1 in favor of WoW




Player vs Environment


World of Warcraft


While WoW isn't necessarily horrible when it comes to PvE, it really lacks here. There's little variation on what you're doing depending on what you're fighting, it's more a mater of difficulty of the monster if anything. You do have dungeons to crawl, and some skills to train, but not much beyond that.




Runescape's main drive is it's PvE world. You have over a dozen skills to do, tons of quests to be done, thousands of monsters to conquer, countless NPCs to interact with, and although not groundbreaking, there are several entertaining storylines to follow.




Runescape shines in PvE, there's just as many things to do in WoW, but Runescape just does it way better. The fact that you see tons of skillers in Runescape is definition enough to show how varied Runescape's PvE world is.




Runescape wins here. Looks like we're back to a tie at 2-2






World of Warcraft


There are so many quests to be done in WoW it's crazy if anything. But whats makes the sheer volume of quests so big is the fact that they're basically the same thing over and over and over again. And you could be doing 15 quests for one storyline that's sending you all over the place just to do repitive tasks, and at the end of it, you get big thanks from you local quest giver, and a couple of gold pieces in your pockets, kind of a letter downer. The only good point about the quests is that they give an unholy amount of EXP most of the time, so there's little need to grind in WoW, at least, unless you count Quest-Grinding.




Runescape quests offer a variety of treasures, unlock many new places, and skills into the game that you wouldn't be able to touch otherwise, and most of the quests offer you to actually think a bit.


And most quests are actually fun to do, with some being extremely comical, and add a great bit of humor into the game.


And while the quests are limited in number, there's new ones being constantly added aswell.




While WoW quests are easy to do, in the sense that it doesn't take little, if any thinking to do them, personally, I don't like that in a game. I want to have a sense of accomplishment after I've done a quest, and Runescape does that beautifully.




Runescape scores again here, taking it 3-2 for Runescape




EDIT: I pressed Submit on accident, so this isn't finished yet. =/

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No doubt that WoW has the better graphics. Runescape is only a Java based game, and looks pretty good considering. WoW has some amazing looking areas, bosses, items. Runescape has small monsters, but Runescape is getting major graphic updates, and they are looking pretty nice. I don't think RS will ever look as good as WoW.

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Im a veteran WoW player myself, started in closed beta and played to burning crusades.Also, Ive quit RS several times to go back to WoW. But the problem is that i always come back here(not that its real a problem :lol: ). WoW is mostly PvP based and ya its fun but i got tired of it after i hit 70 on a warrior, warlock, and a priest. Its all really the same.


Im not sure what grasp RS has on me but its not letting go of me and i dont mind. :thumbsup:




(ps to hellbellz: I teh heart the beatles stuff \' )


I just came back from a long break. Back on bob.

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most players see the graphics and say its a terrible game, which i dont mind because the more people think its a bad game the less people that play, and i personally dont like the fact that millions of people play rs

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BTW: It's he, thank you :P




I'll add onto it, I've only done the first part, which would be price, but I'd really apperciate it if people would posts aspects of MMORPGs that they look for, like: Graphics, PVP, PVE, Community, Quests, etc.




And I really hope to hear everyone elses opinion on which they think is better , or even, a different MMORPG then Runescape or World of Warcraft.

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So, while it's very close, Runescape just barely beats World of Warcraft in price. So that's 1-0 Runescape





That's your personal opinion. :roll: People have different opinions. We're not all UnrealBLight.




They both have their differences.


WoW has the better PVP; Runescape's Wilderness is garbage.




WoW has retarted quests; Runescape's quests are fun.




BTW I can buy 3 months card for 30 bucks. If you need help with math it equals 10 bucks a month. :wink:

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So, while it's very close, Runescape just barely beats World of Warcraft in price. So that's 1-0 Runescape





That's your personal opinion. :roll: People have different opinions. We're not all UnrealBLight.




They both have their differences.


WoW has the better PVP; Runescape's Wilderness is garbage.




WoW has retarted quests; Runescape's quests are fun.




BTW I can buy 3 months card for 30 bucks. If you need help with math it equals 10 bucks a month. :wink:


I'm quite aware "we're not all UnrealBLight". I'm making this purely on my point of view, just like I said :wink:




And although I appreciate the offer of help, I'm quite able to figure out simple math problems on my own, I hope you didn't have too much trouble doing all that math by yourself. :roll:




Anyways, most people are going to use the regular 15 dollars per month method, but I used a cheaper method that's widely used when comparing.

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Unusual stand point.... but I actually prefer the RS graphics to war craft.






Sure WoW looks great.... I wont take that awey from them, but its's so very mainstream! eveything is trying to do that style and it's just so samey.... very boring.




I personnally think the RS graphics are great, they need improvments in some areas..... but hey! they are doing them as we speak! The thing you have to remember you cant say "one is better than the other" as they are totaly differnt styles. RS is not trying to have better graphics than WoW it just wants to be the best it can in it's own style.




It's like comparing a video player to a DVD.... you could spend hourse debating which one is best.... untill you realise the DVD wont work in the video player, and the video wont fit in the DVD.... they serve the same purpose but are diffent things at the end of the day.

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I'm a RuneScape and Warcraft player, and I have to say they both have their strongpoints, but it all comes down to personal taste.




WoW is more of a Combat game, while RS is Skill based. Sure it has combat, but not as much as WoW. Such as PVP, Jagex has been degrading PVP. First removing all-wilderness system, untradable combat items, etc. Also pures kinda mess up the normal lvls. But in WoW you can change attacks, move around, and can combat other players on a regular basis! :D Plus there isn't really 'pures' neither. If you take RS leveling up system to WoW, you're only training One stat (exp) no matter what you are (Warrior, mage, range).




RS is more Skillish and Quests. Quests in RS are much more longer and complex than WoW. I call most of the WoW quests Slayer assignments to be honest. :lol: In WoW you can only learn a max of 5 professions, or skills. There are like 10 or so Primary skills but you can only pick two :x Then three secondary which you can learn everything. Not much skill choice eh?




However, RS is much cheaper. First of all, you'll need to buy the program of WoW: $20. If you want the Expansion, another $40. Then $15 dollars per month. RS however, just pay $5 per month. Nothing else. Better for smaller budget people. ;)




Community is both alike really. Just the other day these two kids where calling each other immature cuss words over the Trade Chat...no one could use the Trade Chat cuz of these two noobs.




Graphics...can't even compare them. -.-




But overall, both games have their ups and downs, and are up to you to choose. Me personally, is WoW due that I'm more Combat-base lately, but doesn't mean you have to be. :)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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wow is impossible without friends.. i kept dieng so yeah.. its annoying


True...and finding a good guild is somewhat difficult too...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I hate to say but WoW is clearly a better game... If it wasn't why would more people play? Its true runescape has a slightly better skills and everything but runescape is an all around game. WoW doesn't try to pretend to be an everything game. So I'd personally try take out that category cause its not really WoW's point. Once again, WoW's point is to kill everybody you see, not doing quests... Price, well you get what you pay for, better quality is obvious and unlimited accounts....




I'd also like to point out that WoW offers alot of replay ability. On runescape you basically have your main who does everything and your pure. And its not even that you have to make a serperate pure for mage, range, and melee.... WoW has alot of diffeent play styles open.




Honestly though, this is like comparing counterstrike to chess.... The basic point is to kill the opponent but everything about it is different. Comnparing these is stupid IMO becasue they are so different.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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my older sister and her husban play WoW, and i played on it a bit. After a little while i began wondering, Where are the skills? Where are the players? Where are my friends? Where are my quirky graphics?




So, i came back to Runescape. and my siblings made fun of me. "Nice pixels.." whatever. my friends are here, my items and my levels are here, my talent is here. and i do love the quirky graphics <3:<3:<3:<3:

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membership - runescape




customer support - world of warcraft by a landslide. :lol:




graphics - world of warcraft obviously




pvp - world of warcraft




community - world of warcraft




gameplay - runescape




map - world of warcraft azeroth is way bigger....




levels - runescape



oh yeah...and




settings - world of warcraft you can chose between 8 races...runescape can only customize clothing




subscribers - world of warcraft




so i think wow is better in these terms but i still like runescape. :P

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membership - runescape




customer support - world of warcraft by a landslide. :lol:




graphics - world of warcraft obviously




pvp - world of warcraft




community - world of warcraft




gameplay - runescape




map - world of warcraft azeroth is way bigger....




levels - runescape





so i think wow is better in these terms but i still like runescape. :P


Not like those are all evenly important. I find gameplay the most important.

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Can't they both just co-exist :-k




For me, WoW is something to play when I have lots of free time and no work pressures. Rs is something to play in the half hour before work or when I can't be fussed to go through the intricacies of WoW.




You simply cannot compare a browser game and a full scale "proper" game. Want to compare Crysis and a Java fps?

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Hehe I was just looking through the official WoW forums just now before seeing this. I was searching for runescape topics made by WoW players, of course most WoW players think that RS is a very crappy game. Though one mature WoW player said that the only thing good about RS that beats WoW is the quests; we have more puzzle solving, better stories and they're not repetitive. Rather than WoW's "Go kill 10 boars for me" or "Go and give this item to so-and-so".

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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I have never played WoW, ive been hooked by runescape and theres no way im gonna play another MMORPG to waste more of my life.




But ill have to go with WoW, the trailers and stuff I read on their websites make it seem more expanded then runescape.

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I really do think Runescape is the best MMORPG I've played.




I played the WoW trial (pretty much to as far as I could get) and it was good but there never seemed to be anyone anywhere. I much prefer all the varieties of armour and stuff on WoW (the RS ones do get boring sometimes, especially seen as there aren't as many bonuses to take into account so everyone just gets the same one :()




I bought Guild Wars recently as well and have so far been pretty disappointed with it. I started one mission after about 5 minutes and the whole world has changed before I got a chance to explore it before hand. It also seems as if the quests are a bit lacking (go to this place and talk to this person or w/e)




The fact you have access to all skills rather than having to pick which ones and the fact that the quests are almost infinately better than the 2 biggest rivals to it makes Runescape better to me - yeah the graphics aren;t too great in comparison (amazing for java) but who cares? I prefer them if anything cos it means at no time in the future will I have to upgrade my computer to be able to cope with them



40 Barrows trips, 4 Barrows equipment (Guthans Helm, Veracs Helm, Ahrims Skirt, Dharoks Helm)

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Do you know anything about WoW other than that it has good graphics? Its PvE is a thousand times better than the one in RS. The skills are less extensive, but they use a system that makes grinding like we do nearly nonexistent. The monster battles are far from monontone, they actually require skill and they are very fun and challenging.


I agree on the rest, but I think you should just face that WoW is the better game. If it weren't for the 12 dollars a month I'd play it.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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If it weren't for the 12 dollars a month I'd play it.


I really don't mind the price of WoW, but the only reason I don't play is because my computer sucks at the top-end games, even WoW. Heck even my computer struggles a little trying to load up the WoW homepage. I did actually try out WoW, but I had to wait like a few minutes for anything to happen ingame. My computer only has 256MB ram and I think for WoW you need over 1k MB for it to run smoothly.




But as for now the only good MMORPG I can play is Runescape, which is good enough for me. But if Lord Umega gets banned or hacked, I'll buy me a better computer for WoW.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Do you know anything about WoW other than that it has good graphics? Its PvE is a thousand times better than the one in RS. The skills are less extensive, but they use a system that makes grinding like we do nearly nonexistent. The monster battles are far from monontone, they actually require skill and they are very fun and challenging.


I agree on the rest, but I think you should just face that WoW is the better game. If it weren't for the 12 dollars a month I'd play it.




If that was directed at me then I know that I don't know much - I was going on what I saw when I played the trial.




I will agree that there is a lot more to do and the gameplay is a lot deeper in WoW but I still class Runescape as better gameplay



40 Barrows trips, 4 Barrows equipment (Guthans Helm, Veracs Helm, Ahrims Skirt, Dharoks Helm)

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