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"You Know When You Have Been... When..."


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you know you have been editing the pictures on the "edit the picture" game when you are given the exclusive rights to edit the pictures.




^.^, you know who im talking about

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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You know you've been playing Runescape too much when you find a plant, can't figure out what it is, and try to sell it for 1000 dollars because it's a 'unid'. :D

Obtained quest cape and base 92 before obtaining any 99s! Currently finishing out my 99s with the (long-distant) goal of comp cape.


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You know you're rich when....


You use phats as napkins


You pk with easter eggs


You think full dragon is disposable


You bribe Guthix into making an altar to you


You low alched a phat. A blue one


Your 4 story house is made of gold, and your dungeon is made of dragon sets


You give away 1mil on a daily basis to every low lvl you see while sitting in lumbridge


You pk in full dragon


You buy nats to alch them




You know you've played RS too long when...


Your new goal is to beat the kalphite KING. You 1 hit him with bronze dagger


You mine a rune ore and it disappears forever. You then use superheat item, getting 5 bars from it, and you're able to make it into full rune


You can mine rune ore


You're axe head flys off, and instead of going through a player it kills him. You pick up the full guthans he had on


TzTok Jad's lvl is green to you

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You know you've been playing RuneScape too long when your mom says "Get off that * machine!" and you say, "You're just jealous of my skills noob!!" :oops:




Hahahahahaha, that made be lol for at least 5 minutes.




You know you've played Runescape for too long when you get angry because you can't make a perfect bow out of wood, in one try.

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You know you've been playing runescape too much when you're about to do an extremely dangerous stunt, some friend shouts "don't do it you'll die!" and you say "so what I've only got three items!"




You know you've played for too long when you walk into Eckerds to buy Axe, they're selling for $7 and you say "noob I'll buy for 5"




You know you've had too much tequila if you're doing the Tango with an ostrich in a blue kitchen. (is this one allowed?




You know you've had too much tequila if you find bacab's jokes funny...






you know you have been on the internet way to long when you start saying "lol" out loud


I do that. Alot. People lookat me weird. Now i know why.

We don't rebel to sell it just suits us well, we're the bright young things.

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You know you have been playing runescape too much until when your friends gets into deep trouble, you say "may saradormin/zamorak/guthix bless you" instead of the usual " may god bless you" :lol:

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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You know you've been drinking too much when your beer glass starts talking to you.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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A little non-RS for you all.....




You know you live in 2006 when...












1.) you accidentally enter your password on a microwave.




























2.) you haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.






























3.) the reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have msn/xanga/NotSafeForYou.




























4.) you'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the tv.




























6.) your evening activity is the computer.


























7.) you read this list, & keep nodding and smiling.




























8.) as you read this list, you think about how stupid you are to read this.




























9.) and you were too busy to notice number 5.




























10.) you actually scrolled back up to check that there was a number 5.








Lol, enjoy it everyone. :lol: :D :lol: :D






so u can tell me what im going to do next so can lots of people its 2006 man. :ohnoes:



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You know you are addicted to runescape when you sleep at your desk so you can wake up and go straight into the game.




You know you play runescape too much when your 6 eyar old sister can beat you in an armrest when you try.

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  • 2 weeks later...
you know you been chatting on msn too long when you have a conversation with a family member and slip out 'lol' instead of laughing :oops:
It's more like..




You know you've been online too much when you...


- use K instead of 1000 in math.


- call other people n00bs


- use acronyms in speach


- you've thought: mother has left #lounge_room, when she's left to get a drink (or similar situation - joins/parts).




i've basically guilty of all of them.. specially that last one :oops:




actually my math teacher sometimes says "the answer is 5k" or something like that lol




Haha, I am guilty of al of them.. And I am always like "face it u got p00n3d".... "Or, don't make me pk you.. lol"










You know you have been owned when you have no time to protect your whip when pking.




You know you have been owned when you try to eat a shark irl




You know you have been playing RS too much when you hit people with rubber chickens and expect them not to do anything




You know you are a noob at life when you say noob irl... (guilty) :oops:




You know you have been playing runescape too long when you think you can mine ore in less than 1 strike of a pickaxe...




You know you are a RS addict when you buy 1mil for Irl money off E-bay..




You know you are stupid when you say "Selling rare black lobster only 100k!" lol




You know you are obssesed with RS when you Write "you know you ..... When ...." about RS. :3>




You know you own when people tele/log on site \'

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You know you've been playing Runescape too long when you're standing in a line and tell your friend to switch worlds.






You know you've been playing Runescape too long when you tell an enviromentalist to clam down, and that the trees will reappear in a few seconds.




You know you've been playing Runescape too long when you try to eat a shark whole.

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IMO these are only actually funny if they're plausible, so I'm guilty of all of these:


You know you play too much rs when:




The muscle in your finger gets sore (same feeling you get from working out)




You say (or think) of some people as noobs,say lol or any other internet abbreviation




You know where to find the gallows in rs




You know the rough price of every commonly bought/sold item in the game




You wake up, realize it's Saturday, and head straight for the computer




You break off rl plans to go on pk trips with your clan/friends




You find out you have plans that cannot be broken, and instantly think "dammit now it'll be another day before I get(insert skill/money/whatever goal here)"




You gasp when you see "you last logged in 2+ days ago from..." when you log in (happened to me a week ago for the first time in maybe 7 months)




You know most/all of the xp milestones for skills (like 1mil is lvl 73, 2 is lvl 80, you hit 85 at 3.2mil, 99 at 13mil etc.)




You eat while playing rs




You can tell someone which turns to take on the roads to get...well...anywhere.




That's all I can think of atm, I'll see about adding some more later :mrgreen:




(BTW I loved that 2006 list, since I'm guilty of all of them exept #8 :P)

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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You know you've been playing RuneScape for too long when:




You go to the Sewers and look for a zombie.


You try to sell a santa hat for $5,000,000


Open and close again and again a cupboard trying to look for a skeleton


If you think you will get your strength up by a lot if you go to a musseum, take a red battleaxe and shout "Raaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!".


You go to a monostary and tell the monks "Can you help me? I'm injured"


You try to cook something witin a minute.


You put your hand into other people's pockets, sarch it, do it again and hope to be rich.


You try to stun pickpockets.


You do absolutley nothing, and think that will let a mysetrious old man appear eventually.


You follow a person saying "I buy your coat, $15"

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