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What is so bad about RC pk'ing?


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There are 3 possible scenarios for RC pking:




The ancienters




1. You run to the Abyss


2. You see an ice cube


3. You laugh because you are about to tele, you laugh twice as ahrd if it's not a barrage spell because your magic is higher than theirs


4. You teleport




The meleers/ rangers




1. You run to the Abyss


2. Some runs up and tries to dds spec you


3. You laugh


4. You are down to 70hp when you enter the Abyss


5. You craft your runes


6. You now have to drink 1 dose of antipoison




The TBers




1. You run to the Abyss


2. You see a TB


3. You click the tab, if that doesn't work you start dropping your pouches and glory


4. You get entangled and carry on dropping your stuff


5. You die and run back for your stuff






I don't care about rc pkers, they are a minor annoyance. I only hate it when they kill you when you run back for your pouches.




77 Rc, lost 3 glories to RC pking. I lost my pouches once because the idiot attacked me when I tried to pick them up.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Lets put it this way, its not how much you lose getting pked once,




Lets use this for a example, you are making 300k natures (random number) and you get pked...lets see once every 5k natures or so (still random number, I would have no idea, I don't use the abyss to craft). Lets see then, thats 60 times, and you lose a glory, rune pick, and various other things everytime you die, thats starts adding up, even if your gonna end up with loads of cash from the natures your crafting.




Sorry if any of my math is wrong.


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i think rc pkers r just another thing in the way to rc. Besides walking into the wilderness is just like a contract that you didn't know you signed saying i will probably die but if i dont then lucky me dont get mad its your fault for walking in there anyway :twisted:

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Wow.. This thread is full of fail. Did you seriously just argue that it takes MORE skill to RC pk than to pk regularly? Yeah, it takes a whole lot of skill to tb, entangle and dds spec someone with no prayer or food... NOT. If you seriously think rc pking takes more kill than "regular pking," you're an idiot.




You're trying to say it takes skill because you need to have 85 mage? Yeah, 85 mage sure takes a whole lot of skill, took me a good 40 000 clicks in the same spot of my inventory to alch to there.




Really, it's just lame, they have no chance of fighting back, they have no food, no prayer, no weapon (aside from maybe a pickaxe or wc axe.) But honestly, I don't care if you try to pk me while I'm rcing, I'm 62 rc now and haven't ever been pked doing abyss crafting, it's pretty easy to avoid. What I would like is for you guys to NOT pray/run/tele the INSTANT I attack you with actual pk gear after you tried to pk me while rcing.

Pk'ing=keep defense low and play pest control 100,000 times to get insanely high strength and attack. Not much different than getting 85 mage. Easier actually.




And by your argument we shouldn't run or tele. Yes, I'm just going to die in full ahrims.






The reason why i hate rc pkers is because i have yet to ever come across a rc pker who didn't tele when i came back in gear. Your excuse may be oh its cause your gonna lose 2m if you die blah blah blah grow some balls if your gonna try to kill someone you gotta expect them to try to kill you and if your to scared to fight then don't even bother trying to pk the rcers. I have no problem with people trying to pk me while im in the wild i think rcing is worth the risk but if someone tries to kill me and i come back to fight them and they run it proves they are noobs who have no balls simple as that.
I really don't know a rc pk'er who ONLY rc pk's and never tries to kill other pk'ers. I spend more time edge/dragon pk'ing than I do in rc pk gear. I'm not scared to fight, just don't want to fight a guy in 150k gear when I'm risking 2m.




right now I'm crafting 30k nats and rc pkers do get annoying heres just a few reasons.




1. when I try to fight them they run.




2. when I hit a 33 they run




3. when I get them to low hp they tele




4. they pk me when I'm unskulled




5. they call me sad when I hit a 3-0 with a dds spec




6. they call me sad when I tangle tb and dds them.




theres many more reasons which I have not listed.




I agree with all of these, but i have some more things to say. Pking rcers is the lowest you can go, apart from luring and scamming. People say its hard..No, its not. Your basically killing someone with 0 food. If you entangle them and tb them, you can have up to 20 secodns to do 70-99 damage. Now this is on someone with 0 prayer, and dragon hide, and you have 4 dds specs and a whip most likly. I know entangle dosnt always hold for 20 seconds, but i can, and that is a very easy kill. And the skeletons are no big deal. OMG! A level 22 skeleton...:S! There are plenty of people who like killing rcers who will gladly kill these for you. So, imo, and a lot of tipit's i think, it takes little skill, and is pointless. Thats why i for one have kill 4 serious rc pkers (not 1 itemrs ^_^)!

Well I would think all rule breaking would be lower. :-w




And yes, it is hard to hit a tb and an entangle before they reach the mage. And if it's sooooooo easy for you to get killed, make it tough. Like I said earlier, take a brew. They can not do your hp plus the 66 extra a brew adds in the time of one entangle, especially with ahrims amazing str bonus.




Yep uga, anything goes in the wild :-w It's not "wild" for nothing :-w




All "real" pk'ing(edge at least) is is hitting opponent with a whip over and over until one is dead. I know eating at the right time, dds pullouts, and all that takes a little skill. But it really isn't that difficult. Also, edge pk'ers risk 150k, 1.6m if they're stupid enough to lose whip(which has happened to me before, 8 times )




Hardly ever do rc pkers have to eat. Therefore they can focus more on the rcer and it is easier. -.- Pker = offence and defence. Rc Pker = offence

It's really not all offense. "Real" pk'ers will see full ahrims skulled and they will attack you. Over and over.




I didn't read what other's have posted, so this might have already been said.




Ok, I agree that the risk is supposed to be there, etc.




But, the result of rc pking is pretty much rcer's misery. I know how awful I've felt after I got rc pked, the thought of getting all those pouches again. It's like being the bully at school, to a sadistic mind, it's fun, but the fun is in making other people feel bad. Please, think about that, how you make other people feel.




So ask youself: What is bad about inflicting misery upon others? In the real world, you take the risk of ridicule if you interact with people, does that mean it's right to unfairly bully others?






*edit* Italian, dedicated rc pkers teleblock, so often you are bound in one spot, while some jerk dds specials you, making you lose all your pouchs, and most likely making you not want to play for the rest of the day.

All right, I know it can make you mad when you lose your pouches. But it's really not THAT bad. I mean 20 minutes, maybe? If losing 20 minutes of time and a 50k amulet makes you that mad, you're taking the game too seriously.




I agree that it is kind-of fun. What really ticks me off is when they kill you twice, so you can't get back to your pouches in time (happened to me twice). The second time, you have no items and are not skulled, so they only kill out out of pure evil :twisted:
Yes, that is really low. Pouch blocking is really low. However, I do it sometimes *only when* they drop their glory. And even then, it's only so I can get the glory instead of them. I really don't find it fun making them lose pouches.
i'm ashamed at you for posting this tbh




no but really. rc pkers are just annoying' date=' i find that the only person who would rc pk is a real amateur, and so not much of a threat. teletabs are life savers.




rc pking isn't bad. just annoying when you go three hours trying to get pouches back. put yourself in our shoes uga <.<




(love you anyway tbh <3: )[/quote']3 hours, come on sweety, I've never been in there longer than like 40 minutes. And I have to get 4 pouches back.




And I can put myself in your shoes, RC is my highest noncombat. :-w




I can't believe I just read something that long, which probably took you quite a while to write down, to defend RC pkers. You defended your points very well, but it's obvious you're only looking at it from a blind PK'ers point of view.




No matter how hard, and how many arguments are used to defend RC pkers, the truth is it's a cowardly "hobby".


You classify it as fun. Now tell me, WHY do you classify it as fun? You say you do it for fun, even though it's lousy cash. I'd like to know WHY you classify it as fun, before I continue defending my arguments.




It's obvious, and we all know that, that RC'ers know that the abyss brings risks to every player training through it, and it is intended to be that way. But WHY would you defend/enjoy annoying and spoiling a game for many who are training under the difficult circumstances already? I know, it's a risk they've agreed to take, that is why nothing can stop you from doing it, but why be proud of RC PKing?




You say it requires skill - Scamming requires skill too, so you're not caught ;) Everything requires some bit of skill, and it doesn't make something more or less honourable, just makes it easier/harder.




I find that anyone who RC PKs is a bored and dishonourable player, for making a business/activity of attacking players who are in no way defying or threatening them in the wildy. Basically it's just a player attacking another without provocation and no apparent reason!


(you say it yourself, it's bad profit, and the only reason why you do it "is for fun". So I ask you again, WHY do you classify it as fun?)

I really don't why I find it fun. It just is. "Real" pk'ing is more fun, I'll give you that, but this is a small profit rather than losing millions(yes, I fail at pk'ing.)




As far as being a coward and stuff goes, you're right, but most of the "real" pk'ers don't follow this honor code, so I really feel no obligation to do so.




And to all the stuff about spoiling/ruining the game, it's really not THAT big a deal. You'll lose 50k(made in 7:30 rc time) and like 20 mins getting pouches back. Yes, I know you could have made another 1000 nats in that time period, but it's not a huge deal.




Cuz rc pkers r scared to take on ppl who can fight back? They atk some1 who probably has no food, no pray, and a really bad weapon. A guy with a whip comes by in real gear, and the rc pker starts running for his life? Thats just a sign of how much of a coward rc pkers r.
Like I said, I'm not going to stay there in 2m gear to get a 150k pk. If I want to actually fight you, I'll come in my torso and rune. Not ahrims without ancients.




I don't hate them.






I've been RC pk'ed twice, and one of them wasn't even an rc pk. My ring of life saved me the second time, but poison killed me before I got to bank.




It's not hard to avoid rc pkers, especially the ancient ones. Bring a brew, wear good magic defense, and be surprised at how they will not be able to spec you out.




That said, I do think they are slightly annoying. But the risk/annoyance is supposed to be there. This is still the best way to make money/gain RC xp there is (Excluding FFL), and I will continue to use it as long as I want. The pkers are a given risk, and I have come to accept that. If one attacks me, and I'm mad enough to come back in gear to try and kill them, it annoys me if they run away, but I still don't hate them. RC pkers don't have the best gear to defend against someone coming back in gear for them, and so I expect them to run. For the ones that don't, I applaud them. I do know that RC pking takes skill. Tbing and then snaring without splashing is a very rare thing to happen, and it barely ever does. That's the only way people really do get RC pks, with the exception of people who don't bring teles/forget to. The only thing very annoying is getting back pouches. Maybe I'm unique in the fact that it takes me a while to get them back. Maybe other people don't have as much trouble getting them as me; maybe I'm a special case.








In conclusion, no: I don't hate rc pkers. They annoy me slightly, but if one is doggedly pursuing me, I'll just hop. No big deal.




RC pkers are a given risk, which I am taking every time I enter the wilderness.

=D> =D> =D>




I've only noticed a few people who don't hate rc pkers on this thread, and as an avid rcer (lvl 85, and I have the ess for 89) who has not once tried to rc pk, I have to say I rather appreciate them.




At my current combat level of 101, I notice that most people who try to kill me have at least 85 magic. Now, assuming that the pker high alched from level 55 to get there, that's 47,500 natures. Since level 50 runecrafting, I've pretty much only made natures, and that comes out to about 350k of them. That means that 7 abyss pkers who alched to 85 magic have funded my runecrafting hobby, and at the high prices that the danger of rcing allows me to sell at.




Face it, rcers give abyss pkers their levels, and take their money ... seems a fair trade off for the occasional death. So I'd like to thank abyss pkers for keeping nature prices up, for being great customers, and for providing me with excitement during boring hours of rcing. ;) Oh, and taunting them while rcing is fun too. Keep up the good work :P

Thank you. I totally agreed with you when I went on my 100k nat month(before I even tried pk'ing). And they do entertain you, I love bringing out my seercul :D.




Lets put it this way, its not how much you lose getting pked once,




Lets use this for a example, you are making 300k natures (random number) and you get pked...lets see once every 5k natures or so (still random number, I would have no idea, I don't use the abyss to craft). Lets see then, thats 60 times, and you lose a glory, rune pick, and various other things everytime you die, thats starts adding up, even if your gonna end up with loads of cash from the natures your crafting.




Sorry if any of my math is wrong.

Nothing wrong with your math. But, you are saying if you make 300k natures. That's like 65 million profit. I think you can afford the glories. And there's no way a rc'er with that experience would die every 5k nats.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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I always thought that Jagex made an, hmm, "interesting" decision


when they including unwilling PKing in the RS world.




Some other MMORPG games have special servers for those that want to


play the PK lifestyle and other non-PK servers for those that don't.




I guess that Jagex figured it would create an interesting game to have


tension between players in the world. Tension between wildy/abyss


travelers and those PKers that want to mug them.


I'm not convinced that making some players "victims" of other players


is good for the health of the game, overall.




The problem with that approach is that they hurt their corporate revenue


by forcing that "1 size fits all" playstyle on all players.


That "lack" of game playstyle choice is why I have never become a member.


I'm not going to reward Jagex with my money to play a game that


becomes "annoying" instead of rewarding.


Lately, I've started playing another game, (one that costs me 3 times as much


as what an RS membership would cost me), simply because it allows me a choice.




Those that want to PK or duel or stake should be allowed to do so with


the full support of Jagex. But those of us that want to skill or face


challenging monster encounters instead shouldn't have to "pay to be annoyed"...

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Lets put it this way, its not how much you lose getting pked once,




Lets use this for a example, you are making 300k natures (random number) and you get pked...lets see once every 5k natures or so (still random number, I would have no idea, I don't use the abyss to craft). Lets see then, thats 60 times, and you lose a glory, rune pick, and various other things everytime you die, thats starts adding up, even if your gonna end up with loads of cash from the natures your crafting.




Sorry if any of my math is wrong.

Nothing wrong with your math. But, you are saying if you make 300k natures. That's like 65 million profit. I think you can afford the glories. And there's no way a rc'er with that experience would die every 5k nats.




I realize that, but its a inconvenience and thats still some money lost nonetheless.


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I don't even see why people do it.




-Bad Money-Maker


-Not fun... kinda boring just standing there


-May be good for passing time but... why pass time when you could get off your computer and go play the real life game?




I actually think these people only do it to annoy people because they don't really get anything out of it and tbh id rather give the noobs my glory ammy and keep my pouches than get pkd -.-


Someone I know of had a dolphin tattooed on her chest. She got fat and the dolphin turned into a whale...
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okay... in person, i do not find rc pkers too kind... as i'm usally rcing more than i'm pking (regular pking, that is)




but i won't flame rc pkers, i'll scare them away, or whatever is needed, and hop if they are too bad...




when you compare rc pking to regular edge pking, i'm finding it hard to say that one is harder than another, as there are two whole different things to do... one is where you fight another, and stand, and both will probably have loads of chances of managing to ko the other person...




when you're fighting rcers, ther's a little different, they are most often wearing dragonhides, wich makes spells hard to hit. You only get one chance to kill them, wich is very hard, since both tb'ing, and entangling really is hard...




if someone tb's you, you'll usally reach to the zammy mage before you get tangled, and if you get tangled/frozen it's even easier to click the ectophial, or what tele you do have with you because of this, i've only died when i have rced once, and that whas because of a bad lag coming at the wrong time...






so a conclusion? people should be allowed to rc pk if they find it fun, altohugh it's not really cost effective. And we rcers will always have fun with them, laughthing at they'r bad attempts at killing us :P

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Uga, you better not start RC Pk'ing. :notalk:




But, its annoying, yes, you ARE in the wildy, but you're not PK'ing them, so they shouldn't PK you. Also, I use dust runes +law runs and tele house, then use glory in house. Flesh Crawlers drop loads. But, like I said, its annoying.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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You can honestly say you'd rather sit around waiting for somone with a glory to arrive, use runes that could be used to train or pk someone who has items of value, and have the possibility of failing? If it's "hard" kill people who want to fight! Not people who are there to train!

Gamertag: Marioman222

Back to F2P

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You can honestly say you'd rather sit around waiting for somone with a glory to arrive, use runes that could be used to train or pk someone who has items of value, and have the possibility of failing? If it's "hard" kill people who want to fight! Not people who are there to train!
Well, just the supplies in edge pk'ing are extremely expensive.




Super set-9k


3 p pots(4)-30k


21 sharks-21k




So that's about 60k per fight(yes, less if you're opponent runs out first).




So to profit, you have to kill a lot more than dying, and kill fairly often to make money from supplies.




Real pk'ing is much more fun, but this is cheaper.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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You can honestly say you'd rather sit around waiting for somone with a glory to arrive, use runes that could be used to train or pk someone who has items of value, and have the possibility of failing? If it's "hard" kill people who want to fight! Not people who are there to train!
Well, just the supplies in edge pk'ing are extremely expensive.




Super set-9k


3 p pots(4)-30k


21 sharks-21k




So that's about 60k per fight(yes, less if you're opponent runs out first).




So to profit, you have to kill a lot more than dying, and kill fairly often to make money from supplies.




Real pk'ing is much more fun, but this is cheaper.






Damn you Uga you're far too reasonable to have a proper Runescape arguement with. :shame: . I don't like Rc Pkers but i can't really fault your reasoning. You win this round.

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4 BETTER alternatives to flesh crawlers[/hide]





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You make excellent points. What ticks me off about them so much is their cowardice. At least 80% of the RC pkers I've gone back to kill have been cowards. Without even putting up a fight to see if they can kill me they escape. Escaping is all good, but at least put up a fight. If youre attacking people who generally don't fight back and then run when someone does fight back... that's just shameful. :shame:




I agree. Even if they do not run instantly, they ALWAYS put on melee protect. Most of them can't fight tbh.

Retired High Leader of the Great Titans


DK: Dragon axe x55, Zerker x40, Warrior x44

GWD: Bandos hilt x2,Bandos plate x8,Bandos tassets x3, Bandos boots x 2, Armadyl helm x2, Armadyl hilt x1, Saradomin sword x3

Dragon drops: d chain x3, d left half x3, d legs x4, d skirt x2, d claws x6

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Okay, I don't really have experience with the Abyss, what with me only being a member for a month (and I haven't even done that minigame to unlock the Abyss :oops: ), but..why don't you guys just bring some decent armor? For example, maybe a rune platebody/bezerker helm, with dragonhide chaps? Or just three pieces of splitbark? Both have enough defence to let you last long enough to run/tele, and plus, since you aren't skulled, you won't lose anything..




Edit: Also I remembered seeing runecrafters skulled..what's up with that?

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Okay, I don't really have experience with the Abyss, what with me only being a member for a month (and I haven't even done that minigame to unlock the Abyss :oops: ), but..why don't you guys just bring some decent armor? For example, maybe a rune platebody/bezerker helm, with dragonhide chaps? Or just three pieces of splitbark? Both have enough defence to let you last long enough to run/tele, and plus, since you aren't skulled, you won't lose anything..




Edit: Also I remembered seeing runecrafters skulled..what's up with that?

Mages would own you with the bad mage penalties.




And when you enter abyss, you get skulled and your prayer is drained to 0. Why rc'ers are skulled.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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Rc pkers are ftw. They are like, easy to kill. Get a friend your level, lure the rc pker to wildy, and get your friend to kill them. Voila








Props to uga to lure the rc pker. Exactly 2 specced. Yeah, they r liek hard to kill dood. Dey tele n such. LIEK OMG. Learn to kill them, try to kill them, and just keep trying for pixels.




Ranged Crave


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Whats bad about RC pking? I hate seeing people being stupid that's why.




I've rced nats from 44 to current level and I've never died, never, not even been close - Sure I've been tbed, I've been entangled, I've been iced but I've never ever died 8-) .




So what happens? I lose a few hp, and a few seconds off my RC run. The pker loses whatever runes he used on me, and of course his dignity. In extreme cases the RC pker loses everything, RCing on world 18 means there are always hundreds of fully equipped pkers ready to attack a skulled ahrim's wearer and the occasional super potted dds gamble can work wonders <3: .




So we have a lose-lose situation, yet they continue to try, over and over again, the same people, surely this is idiocy? But by all means, keep trying, it breaks up the monotony nicely :lol: .

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Rc pkers are ftw. They are like, easy to kill. Get a friend your level, lure the rc pker to wildy, and get your friend to kill them. Voila








Props to uga to lure the rc pker. Exactly 2 specced. Yeah, they r liek hard to kill dood. Dey tele n such. LIEK OMG. Learn to kill them, try to kill them, and just keep trying for pixels.




Ranged Crave

See, rc pk'ers ARE good. :mrgreen:




Ice burster on lobs. Lol. :lol:

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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yea ouches are always a problem... last lot took me 2 n a half hours.....


and yea when i escape, go get gear on.. run out 1 dds spec they tele..... thats wot annoys me they out there 2 pk...yet they tele after 1 dds spec, u that gutless 2 fight when they have food? coz u suck at pkin and cant kill any1 wen they have food???

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idk what rc pking is.




last time i checked if your in the wilderness and i can attack you its totally legal under jagex's rules.




i say we changed this tittle of "rc pking" to "killing people with skulls and no food running through the 1-5 wild"




omg like straight off the knowledge base




The Wilderness is a dark and dangerous place, inhabited not only by demons, dragons and hellhounds, but also players with the intent to kill. Player killers walk through the Wilderness looking for others to hunt, to kill and take their items. All who enter the Wilderness should take heed, for it is not safe and danger is all around.








no 1 or thier views ever stopped me personally, i got addicted to it. especially after i got a few whips from the rc'ers that come back out to fight. btw if i was pking at the zammy wizard id always go out in atleast 5m in gear so i dont tell me i had nothing to risk. and i dont do it anymore, because i dont play rs.

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