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I dont get bullied, I bully.




Thats the spirit :twisted:




Anyway i never got bullied my school is so chill the worst anyone gets made fun of is like the kid who never talks when people see him they go liKe "hey its So and so my best friend" and try to give him a high five. thats not even that bad it just annoys the kid.




anyway if someones gonna start stuff karate chop to the throat works on anyone




at least on tv.


The quiet ones are the most dangerous...they plot on those silent hours... :uhh:


He's right you know. I'm constantly plotting something against everybody. Chances are none of these plots will ever be enacted, seeing as nobody really sets me off, but yea, I plot. and scheme. Mostly scheme. And jackattack: same thign with the high-fives and the "he's my best friend". People seem to think that's funny for some reason. I dont quite get it. :-k


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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The quiet ones are the most dangerous...they plot on those silent hours... :uhh:


He's right you know. I'm constantly plotting something against everybody. Chances are none of these plots will ever be enacted, seeing as nobody really sets me off, but yea, I plot. and scheme. Mostly scheme. And jackattack: same thign with the high-fives and the "he's my best friend". People seem to think that's funny for some reason. I dont quite get it. :-k


Silent but deadly...


Sort of applies to me...And my farts...




But seriously...At school, I'm very quiet. I never talk to anyone but my friends/enemies. When I'm not talking, I'm plotting. Either plotting my next attack on my enemies, how I'm going to spend my day, what I'm going to do on certain games, etc.


Anyways, everyone gets a nice little surprise when they see nice, quiet Penguin attacking someone.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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When I was a small kid in first grade I did got bullied somewhat, but I can't being a little shy. I simply have a horrible memory, and I barely remember anything that happened those years... <.<


However, later, after changing schools (nothing to do with the bullying, though, I never got bullied, just somewhat taunted because of my height (since I skipped 3rd grade, I've always been the smallest guy).


I've always hated the attitude of taking advantage of the weaker, whatever its cause may be, but I never "made plans to take revenge" or anything like that. Violence can't be solved with violence. :shame:

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Show backbone, but don't fight back. Just walk away, don't let them bully you.




If anything, fighting back would make it worse on you.




Real smart guy right here....if only everybody did this instead of giveing in or trying to fight back.

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When I was in 3rd-8th grade, it was harsh. Nowadays, most just leave me alone. Reasons? I'm not 100% sure, really. Most of the time when people try to mess with me (verbally), I just give them something back. One time, though, someone decided it would be funny to f**k with my sister by putting cut-up stickers in her hair. The dude was built like a brick wall, but at the time, I didn't give a sh**. My homeroom teacher got in between me and the dude, knowing there would have been a fight otherwise. When I get like that, I don't know what I'm capable of. Another possible reason is my connections. I'm friends with some of the toughest/wildest dudes in the school. How I got that, I'm not sure. Probably because I'm one of the few dudes in the school that doesn't act like a complete idiot. \'

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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I've never been bullied in my life. I've been ridiculed but only playfully. I'm usually the guy that is...just there. I'm not one of those partygoers but people don't make fun of me because I'm usually on good terms with EVERYONE. I'm about 5'10" so you have to be pretty big to start the fight.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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last bully... Math teacher... he said i was taking up space, i said im was going to drop his class, also my sub for computers(he said i play solitare, i play bridge) i had no compashion for him especialy for the Solitary non bridge teacher. I PASSED THEIR CLASSES.

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I don't get bullied (physically, anyway). Occassionally some kids will verbally abuse me, but that can be taken care of pretty quick (I don't take crap from people and will stand up for myself). If I see a kid being bullied I'll help them.




I wish that some of the A-holes in my class would actually try to hit me, instead of just making threats. They're pretty lousy fighters, and are more brawn then brain.

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I've read all the replies in this thread twice now, and I am wondering why people that are different have to be treated badly? I don't know, it just appears to be a humain trait that because people are different they are bad.




ThoseTheBrokes I am sorry to hear you are bullied, I have never "snapped" so to speak but am very close recently. Sometimes I find myself shaking with anger for no reason atall. I'm not sure if punching anybody helps the situation or makes it worse though.




IGoddessI, I did not imagine you as a person that is bullied for some reason. It is sad that because you are clever you were picked on despite being quite a caring person that you are. I am sad to hear about your eating disorder because that is a terrible thing caused by bullies. It is also suprising that you are not a sociable person because that is how I see you when you post.




speedofsound, you are right in that you are like me. I used to hate it when people pretended to be your friend, then they would backstab you in an effort to be funny or "popular". The "high five" thing that somebody else mentioned also irritated me when people tried to pretend they werre friends with the loser of the class to geta few cheap laughs. If i knew you, now I would stick up for you and beat the slimey [cabbage] out of anybody that tried to bully you for being different to them.




Rebdragon, you get the idea that youcant ask somebody to completely change. Because why should it be the people that are bullied that have to change? Isn't that a direct contradiction to the same people that are telling me to get a backbone, isn't changing your personality being weak? It's society that has to change, not people that are bullied.




Like I said I read all the replies, but they are the ones I wanted to specifically reply to.

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The thing you all have to keep in mind is that there are two broad groups that 'bullies' fall into later in their life:




1. The fools who don't know anything and try to clean your car windows at lights.




2. They actually turn out alright - then you can bring what they did up to them, guilt trip them, and then have them feel like they emotionally 'owe' you for the rest of their life.




All-in-all, not bad eh?

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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For a while in 7th Grade I was bullied...this group of about 4 [wagon]es actually did beat up my friend..I just dealt with it and tried to ignore them someone mentined earlier to just not care about it..bassicly what i did. I had bassicly one friend at that school..pretty much became anti social. Well anyways on the last day of school there.. I threw a soda can at some kid it hit him exploded and he got in trouble for that..threw a shoe at some [wagon]'s head..he didn't like that really...and then walking back to a class one of the 4 [wagon] i mentioned earlier nailed me in the stomache really hard..I'd never punched him back before but since it was the last day of school I was like...uh what the hell and punched him and broke one of his ribs...owned. O:) But yeah, being bullied SUCKS but I agree whoever said the whole "tell a teacher or someone" thing makes it a hell of a lot worse...that's the worst thing ever really..




Anyways, that's my story.





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I've read all the replies in this thread twice now, and I am wondering why people that are different have to be treated badly? I don't know, it just appears to be a humain trait that because people are different they are bad.




ThoseTheBrokes I am sorry to hear you are bullied, I have never "snapped" so to speak but am very close recently. Sometimes I find myself shaking with anger for no reason atall. I'm not sure if punching anybody helps the situation or makes it worse though.




IGoddessI, I did not imagine you as a person that is bullied for some reason. It is sad that because you are clever you were picked on despite being quite a caring person that you are. I am sad to hear about your eating disorder because that is a terrible thing caused by bullies. It is also suprising that you are not a sociable person because that is how I see you when you post.




speedofsound, you are right in that you are like me. I used to hate it when people pretended to be your friend, then they would backstab you in an effort to be funny or "popular". The "high five" thing that somebody else mentioned also irritated me when people tried to pretend they werre friends with the loser of the class to geta few cheap laughs. If i knew you, now I would stick up for you and beat the slimey [cabbage] out of anybody that tried to bully you for being different to them.




Rebdragon, you get the idea that youcant ask somebody to completely change. Because why should it be the people that are bullied that have to change? Isn't that a direct contradiction to the same people that are telling me to get a backbone, isn't changing your personality being weak? It's society that has to change, not people that are bullied.




Like I said I read all the replies, but they are the ones I wanted to specifically reply to.




Yes, it actually IS in human nature to treat people that are diferent with some sort of prejudice. If you and/or other people consider you "different" the best thing to do is jsut be yourself and not care what other people think.

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6 feet tall, broad shoulders, muscles.






No one dares :roll:




Ego, much?





It's actually truth-much. Bullies pick on people who are smaller than them. If you pick on someone bigger and stronger and they fight...guess who looks like an idiot?


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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6 feet tall, broad shoulders, muscles.






No one dares :roll:




Ego, much?





It's actually truth-much. Bullies pick on people who are smaller than them. If you pick on someone bigger and stronger and they fight...guess who looks like an idiot?




I think Led_Zeppelin means that there is no point in posting that you are big and tough and cool when you're posting on a thread like this, it just makes you look like a jerk and its unnecessary.

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I've really never been bullied. When I was in elementry school I usually ended up making friends with the 'tough guy' in the class so it never got to me. When I was older I really just kind of stuck to myself and my friends and didn't bother anyone.






Basicly I was too nice to bully, even for the bullies when I was younger. :lol: I never really saw traditional bullies past middle school.

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I have never been physically bullied. It's more of being psychologically isolated. There wasn't really anyone in school who hated me. But people stayed away from me.




I can be quite antisocial at times. I suppose it's partly through how I chose to act, but a lot of it is just the way I am. I look at a group of kids talking in class and wonder why the hell are they talking when they could be studying. :wall:




I went through a really angry period in the 6th grade. I never let myself relax in front of anybody, especially at school. I'm not even sure why I did it. I guess it was just because I was unhappy with the way my life turned out.




But i've learned to deal with it. Now I actually prefer not talking to anybody. It means I have more time to think and improve my mind. :P




The worst part is when they come up to you and talk to you like you're their best friend.




Tomorrow i'm going into 9th grade, and if anyone gives me problems i'm just going to stare them down. 8-)







Yes, it actually IS in human nature to treat people that are diferent with some sort of prejudice. If you and/or other people consider you "different" the best thing to do is jsut be yourself and not care what other people think.




Exactly. :)




The quiet ones are the most dangerous...they plot on those silent hours... uhhhh




I used to spend a lot of time thinking about how I was going to take over the world when I got out of school. But now I spend time thinking about how i'm going to stop people from taking over the world. :P




I'm not sure if punching anybody helps the situation or makes it worse though.




It just makes it worse. The best thing to do is to occupy yourself with something else to take it off your mind.

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I've really never been bullied. When I was in elementry school I usually ended up making friends with the 'tough guy' in the class so it never got to me. When I was older I really just kind of stuck to myself and my friends and didn't bother anyone.






Basicly I was too nice to bully, even for the bullies when I was younger. :lol: I never really saw traditional bullies past middle school.






Rofl im more afraid of the new ninth graders bullieing me then the 12th, ive allways been able to make friends with just about any one, around 4th i made friends with a good arm wrestler,ina science camp.(reminds me of fox trot)

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Bullying is bullying. Mostly because those kids live a bad life. I was a victim of bullying. Stuff thrown at me, almost had my hair lit on fire, made fun of, up until the point where a kid threatened to shoot me. Best you can do is ignore it and tell a teacher. I found most of the kids who bullied me had tough lives. My counselor and theirs talked and then we had sort of a 'revelation'. Probably won't happen for most people, but it worked for me. They began treating me nice and the rest of that year went on smoothly. Now, I am going to a different school.




7 years of bullying have come to an end. :)


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I got bullied a bit, I guess it was the edge of bullying and 'playing around'. But that didnt meen I liked it.




I have this annoying surname, but Im used to it now. Its called 'Boontje', same as 'Bean', in the smaller form. I always got these remarks like 'Hey Bean, are you going to farm some beans?' or little laughs when I have to say my full name out loud in class, if the teacher needs it for something. And I tend to get red very soon, I just cant help it :oops: :P . My father told me he had the same thing when he was younger, he says it will go away once. These things happened in the last year from primary school (Just the turning red thing, being called 'Tomato') until the second year of highschool. I was very insecure about myself, so thats why I kept silent about everything. I was a boy who did everything he had to do, no silly things.




Now I dont suffer from this anymore, and my self esteem is better than ever. I also made it to the last year of highschool, this boosted my self esteem too. About 80% of my friends didnt make it, they all have to do one year again. So now Im in my exams year with a good friend :)






Im surprised too, I didnt expect so many people beeing bullied. I feel bad for you :(



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Guest geeman122
I'm 6' 3" 175 lbs. I don't get bullied, however I don't bully. People call me the gentle giant








same here im 6'0'' 150 lbs most of the bullies my school are scared of me although i've never hit any1 i did get bullied in the 3rd-5th grade though but i still do get called a so called nerd since im in all ap classes and get straight A's but hey life sucks and then you go to las vegas =P~

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Ah I get Bullied sometimes, but I just ignore them or confuse them with a riddle. They just walk off, I did get hit quite a few times (Nasty marks too, almost got stabbed with a chisel :shock: but that kid is expelled). At heart, I am a peacefull person, everyone mostly comes to me if they need help, quite popular with the ladies also :wink: Which makes the "cool" kids jealous :P

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