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Where do you want to go?


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Is there anywhere in the world you want to visit?


The two places i've wanted to go for a long time are llangollen in wales (again - its a beautiful place) and niagra falls in canada.


Is there anywhere in the world you want to go?

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Ooo Wales. I've been to Snowdonia and I agree with ya. I think we stayed at the foot of Snowdon and the view was just breathtakingly beautiful!




I've always wanted to go New York. Just because I wanna know what it feels like to just be there and see how frantic it is, because nothing in London is anywhere near the scale of New York. Also, Melbourne. Saw it on the Commonwealth Games and it looked amazing. Doubt I ever will see it because of my fear of heights and the fact I'd die form heat exhaustion in like 30mins of getting off the plant lol! :cry:




A lot of places really...

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Ooo Wales. I've been to Snowdonia and I agree with ya. I think we stayed at the foot of Snowdon and the view was just breathtakingly beautiful!




Aah me too! We stayed a few miles down the road at Bedd Gelert, it's absolutely beautiful around there (:

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^ epic Paperclips.




Ummm I guess I want to go back and see most of Europe. I want to definitely go back to France and explore a lot more.




Aussie land is another place I would love to go.


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Ooo Wales. I've been to Snowdonia and I agree with ya. I think we stayed at the foot of Snowdon and the view was just breathtakingly beautiful!




I've always wanted to go New York. Just because I wanna know what it feels like to just be there and see how frantic it is, because nothing in London is anywhere near the scale of New York. Also, Melbourne. Saw it on the Commonwealth Games and it looked amazing. Doubt I ever will see it because of my fear of heights and the fact I'd die form heat exhaustion in like 30mins of getting off the plant lol! :cry:




A lot of places really...




Wales? its a poor mans scotland. I've only been there for a funeral but driving through most of it i wasn't particularly impressed. I've also been to New york and yes, the scenes (i went when there was a world trade centre) are great but the amount of smelly unkept minorities made me want to go back to rural england.




Anyway, i'd like to go back to malaysia, i went to penang and now i want to go to KL, we changed planes there and i wanted to see what its like. I actually like the people so its the perfect destination for me. I'd also like to go to Germany considering i've never been and its my second favourite country, not for the sights but just because its Germany.

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I'd like to visit U.S.A, a land everyone has an opinion about. There is no more significant country in the world.




America is great, its where all the stereotypes live. I [cabbage] you not when i say i saw a group of black guys walking around with their jeans at their ankles, a "[bleep]" on their arm and a hat at a jaunty angle. I would have fallen over laughing but i'd probably have recieved a "cap im my [wagon]".

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Wales? its a poor mans scotland. .




Please don't compare us to the Welsh, we're nothing like those sheep loving nutters :wink: .


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Make sure you're on the Canadian side of the Niagara falls. The US side is just... ugh. Horrible experience.




Once I have a stable career, I'm planning to go everywhere. Caribbean, Hawaii, Paris, Spain, Greece, etc.




I always wanted to relax for a day on a private owned lake in Canada...ahhh :P




Doesn't have to be privately owned. Some lakes are empty enough. A friend actually has a cabin by a lake up north and I'm gonna ask if we can go up there next summer since we'll be graduating high school then. Should be awesome. Not a sure thing yet since her parents might say no. :ohnoes:

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Wales? its a poor mans scotland. .




Please don't compare us to the Welsh, we're nothing like those sheep loving nutters :wink: .




Now just hang on a second...




As a Welsh person I feel that I really must intervene and speak and behalf of my people.




Dai's relationship with his sheep is purely platonic.




Edit: On topic - I plan to visit several places including Egypt, Cambodia and Australia in 2009.


The Poison Fairy

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Heh, I've just been on a round the world trip with my family. Going to America (New York's the best place we went ;) ) and England, France, Italy and Hong Kong. If I have a say in it, I would really rather not go to Italy again.




But if I were to go other places, I'd most likely want to go on a cruise to New Zealand (Planning with family for 2008)


and maybe places like Greece and Hawaii and Canada. If I were to live anywhere overseas, it would be New York, without a doubt :P

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I'd really love to go to Alaska. And I'd like to revisit Africa and Egypt too. I had a lot of fun there, I'd go again in a heartbeat :D

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Egypt, i have not seen the pyramids yet. Venice, because i love it there. Paris, because it's almost like a second home to me. Theres to many places to see in one existance :( My grandparents have been literally everywhere though, 80+ now and still traveling to the deepest corners of the earth. Hope i will be able to do that someday, and still at their age.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Germany, maybe northern Africa, and Japan. That'd be it for me. <3: What can I say? It's just curiosity, and it's always fun to travel.


To deloriagod: You'll love Costa Rica as well, as long as you travel in the right season.

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Is there anywhere in the world you want to visit?


The two places i've wanted to go for a long time are llangollen in wales (again - its a beautiful place) and niagra falls in canada.


Is there anywhere in the world you want to go?




Niagara falls eh :P




I live about 150 minutes away from their, its a really nice wonder. I wanna go to................hmmmmmmmmmmm....................................................................................................................................................... Hawaii!

--Quit--(As of December 22th, 2007)

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