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FTC abandons net neutrality


End of the internet as we know it


Iain Thomson, vnunet.com 02 Jul 2007




The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has decided to abandon net neutrality and allow telecoms companies to charge websites for access.




The FTC said in a report that, despite popular support for net neutrality, it was minded to let the market sort out the issue.




This means that the organisation will not stand in the way of companies using differential pricing to make sure that some websites can be viewed more quickly than others. The report also counsels against net neutrality legislation.




"This report recommends that policy makers proceed with caution in the evolving dynamic industry of broadband internet access, which is generally moving towards more, not less, competition," FTC chairman Deborah Platt Majoras wrote.




"In the absence of significant market failure, or demonstrated consumer harm, policy makers should be particularly hesitant to enact new regulation in this area."




The report has caused outrage in the online community. Many are worried that any abandonment of net neutrality will harm competition, since it will allow big companies to outspend start-ups.




"Mostly the FTC suggests ways that the telephone and cable companies could have new ways to make money from content and applications providers," said Art Brodsky, of internet advocacy group Public Knowledge.




"Or lower-income subscribers could be charged lower prices, subsidised by 'prioritization revenues' much as supported email services now provide free email accounts. Nowhere is there discussion of what the consumer gets out of the deal."

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If any company puts a price to view a website, it will not be viewed as much as it would be, and they'd lose money, also advertising companies would lose money if the view price actually did work, since the money from the view price could pay for site fees, and w/e else advertisements are used for.

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I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly. Would this cause the internet to be more like cable television where you have to pay additional fees to view certain premium channels or, in this case, web sites?

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What I got from this is that if you own a site, you have to pay extra or the speed at which anyone can access the site will be limated. Or is this where I have to pay just to view a site? In that case I think I can live without internet, I alredy pay for access, im not paying extra fees to view God knows what.

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I was thinking about closing the thread because nobody was posting at first, anyways I really hope this doesn't happen or I won't be able to go online anymore.(my family isn't rich :( (my dad is but thats not the point))




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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It would be nice if they just pulled the plug. People would have more fun.




Don't you order the majority of your DVD's on the internet?




Yea, I'd have a lot more money. ^.^ I could ask friends from Amsterdam to buy stuff in import shops.


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When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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How would that cause any real problems? :?




We already got stuff which can only be accessed if you pay. For example a lot of XXX material is protected with passwords, even tho during this p2p domination it's sometimes hard to remember. Nothing new at that: if something important or wanted goes for "pay only" mode, it'll either be leeched or free alternatives will grow.




Internet itself is far too important for today's society to be abandoned and I don't just mean us, lifeless nerds. Many companies are really tightly tied to the internet and without it, they would suffer. Many advertisers have found a new and cost efficent place from the net. Some countries, such as Iceland, are getting a lot wealthier because of their Internet possibilities: now the location of your place isn't the most important thing while running a company if your company is specialised for the right thing. Probably even the US goverment realise that if they managed to take down the Internet, it would also affect to them. The current western society is so depended on the internet that taking it down would be economically horrible. Not to mention us nolifers suffering and rioting.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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